The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 197: The Eccentric "Alchemy Genius"!

Chapter 197: The Eccentric "Alchemy Genius"!

Beneath the ink-like night and the dim moonlight, a swift figure traversed much of the Tianwei Academy, directly crossing from the area where the yellow-tier students resided into the most central region.

Here lay the place where the director and vice-director meditated.

Yan Cangtian's status in the academy was comparable to that of a director, naturally earning him a separate courtyard in this area.

Furthermore, due to his fervent dedication to alchemy, his residence was surrounded by a vast expanse of medicinal herb fields. It was far removed from the dwellings of others, making it particularly tranquil and quiet.

After Yan Cangtian finally made it back to his courtyard, he grinned and said, "Kid, we're here!"

Being brought here by Yan Cangtian at such an astonishing speed nearly made Ling Feng vomit. Suddenly dropped by Yan Cangtian, Ling Feng felt the world spinning around him. He barely managed to hold onto a nearby stone pillar as he gasped for breath with a pale face.

This old lunatic!

No wonder Ye Guichen warned me to stay away from him.

"Heh, not bad, kid. You're still able to stand firm!" Yan Cangtian chuckled upon seeing Ling Feng manage to steady himself with the support of the nearby pillar. "Little guy, I had a hard time finding you. I only just discovered that you live in the Tianshu East Court!"

Ling Feng gently pressed against his temple to suppress the dizziness and asked with frustration, "Senior, why did you come looking for me?"

"Our conversation last time was only halfway done. I still have a lot of things to ask you!" Yan Cangtian's eyes lit up with excitement. "Come on, come on! Follow me inside. I'm about to prepare for the refining of the Hundred Herbs Pill!"


Ling Feng glanced around, taking in his surroundings. This place didn't resemble the academy at all; instead, it bore the likeness of a secluded mountain area, surrounded by fields of medicinal herbs emitting various fragrances.

"What an extraordinary place!" Ling Feng couldn't help but admire silently. It appeared that specialized spirit-gathering arrays were present here as well; otherwise, those "pampered" rare flowers and exotic plants wouldn't thrive in this environment.

"Hehe. Not bad, huh?" Yan Cangtian, with the demeanor of an old playful child, gestured enthusiastically in different directions while chuckling heartily. "All of this is the result of decades of hard work! Throughout the years, I've diligently studied the Classic Formula of the Medicine King

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, and I've successfully filled in all the missing content. Now, all that remains is the final experimental stage."

"If I could truly complete the Classic Formula of the Medicine King and ensure the continued dissemination of this extraordinary book to future generations...! Hehe! Under the heavens, which alchemist or physician would dare to challenge me, Yan Cangtian!? Even the Medical Saint Ling Hanyang from the past wouldn't dare to claim to possess my unparalleled intelligence!"

Yan Cangtian's excitement grew as he spoke. He then grabbed Ling Feng's arm. "Come on, come on, follow me inside!"

Being pulled into the courtyard by Yan Cangtian, Ling Feng beheld a chaotic scene. Various precious medicinal herbs were haphazardly strewn about, with even leaves casually discarded in the corners. They were most likely part of some high-grade spiritual medicines.

"What a waste of treasures!" Ling Feng couldn't help but feel distressed. So many spiritual flowers and herbs were recklessly discarded by Yan Cangtian!

This guy had truly become crazed in his pursuit of alchemy.

Guided by Yan Cangtian, the two entered a large hall on the left side of Yan Cangtian's courtyard. In the center stood a three-legged pill furnace about a person's height. Rows of shelves displayed a variety of demonic beast materials and spiritual herbs, all haphazardly placed together.

Upon closer inspection, one would notice that many of the materials were completely mixed up or misplaced. Although they appeared similar on the surface, their medicinal properties were vastly different.

"With this kind of alchemy, no wonder... "

Ling Feng mused, suddenly understanding why Yan Cangtian appeared somewhat eccentric.

Perhaps he had ingested the pills he recklessly refined, resulting in his mind becoming a tangled mess.

"Kid, take a look at this first!"

Yan Cangtian tossed a yellowed ancient book to Ling Feng. As Ling Feng flipped through it, he realized that it was the coveted Classic Formula of the Medicine King, sought after by both physicians and alchemists.

Authored by a gifted alchemy grandmaster thousands of years ago, this Classic Formula of the Medicine King contained various medical and alchemical principles.

Clutching this treasure of medical knowledge, Ling Feng, as a physician, felt his hands trembling with excitement.

As he gently turned the pages, Ling Feng noticed many sections had become extremely faded and hard to read due to age.

However, many guesses for what was written were jotted down in the blank spaces of the book, clearly written by Yan Cangtian.

After carefully flipping through a few pages, Ling Feng's eyes flashed with astonishment. This seemingly unreliable old lunatic turned out to be a genius in alchemy!

Some of Yan Cangtian's insights actually coincided with the contents of the Profound Art of Acupuncture and Moxibustion left by Ling Feng's grandfather.

Ling Feng found his own understanding inferior to many of the interpretations.

As he continued to read, Ling Feng became more fascinated, nodding frequently and beginning to feel a sense of admiration for Yan Cangtian.

Despite his eccentricity, Yan Cangtian had sincerely explored various medical texts. If Ling Feng's grandfather had known him in the past, they might have become close friends.

"How is it? Are you amazed by my profound insights?"

Yan Cangtian lifted his head proudly, wearing an immensely satisfied expression. These were the results of his efforts over the past decade, during which he had almost thoroughly studied every medical book and alchemical prescription within the Tianwei Academy.

"These insights are indeed profound," Ling Feng closed the Classic Formula of the Medicine King and nodded. "Senior, your understanding of medicine and alchemy is truly exceptional. I am humbled in comparison to you!"

Yan Cangtian's face was full of disdain as he said, "Nonsense! What's so impressive about surpassing you, a mere inexperienced youth!"

"Oh..." Ling Feng rubbed his nose, feeling the urge to display the divine imperial physician token. However, after a moment's consideration, he discarded the idea. If the "old lunatic" were to go crazy, it wouldn't end well.

Yan Cangtian emitted a light snort before continuing, "The reason I brought you here is to seek your help in identifying the true root of the Golden Velvet Flower. My Hundred Herbs Pill is lacking only this crucial herb!"

"I see," Ling Feng replied with a faint smile. "Senior, which roots have you singled out as potential candidates?"

"Come with me," Yan Cangtian rubbed his hands together eagerly, buoyed by Ling Feng's praise. Leading Ling Feng to a stone platform at the rear of the hall, he said, "Here, I've selected six roots that could possibly be the stems of the Golden Velvet Flower. It's quite challenging to tell them apart, isn't it?"

Ling Feng shifted his gaze to a wooden tray holding six plant roots. Indeed, they all bore some resemblance. However, this level of distinction wouldn't likely confuse experienced physicians or alchemists.

What frustrated Ling Feng the most was that none of the six roots were the Golden Velvet Flower stems Yan Cangtian needed.

"Senior... you're wrong, completely wrong."

Ling Feng shook his head. "None of these are Golden Velvet Flower Stems. In fact, just south of your medicinal fields, there are several Golden Velvet Flowers growing..."

"Impossible!" Yan Cangtian furrowed his brow. "Kid, don't try to fool me with nonsense."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. He had already identified Yan Cangtian's problem. This old man was unparalleled in theory but practically blind when it came to identifying medicinal herbs.

"If you don't believe me, then let's do this. Earlier, I saw the recipe you completed for the Hundred Herbs Pill. As far as I can tell, the recipe is sound. Let's try it together and see who can successfully refine the pill."

"Oh? You want to compete with me? How intriguing!" Yan Cangtian chuckled. Those he had previously dragged in for medicinal trials either trembled in fear, begged for mercy, or showered him with flattery. Occasionally, there were those who refused to take his pills at all.

But someone like Ling Feng, who wanted to compete with him in alchemy, was a first!

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