The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 120

C120 – A Mysterious Call!

“President Chen?”

Upon connection, a voice both deep and authoritative emerged from the other end of the line. Yet despite its commanding tone, it carried an unmistakable weariness.

“I’m President Chen, how may I assist you?”

This wasn’t the number President Chen typically used for work. It was a private line known only to his family and closest relatives.

Rarely did anyone call his office line; those seeking him would normally schedule through his secretary.

So who was this enigmatic caller who had managed to bypass the usual channels?

“President Chen, your reputation precedes you. Allow me to introduce myself—I’m Wang Guohui from Angel Group. Perhaps you’ve heard of us?”

A moment of recognition flickered across President Chen’s mind. The name Wang Guohui rang a bell.

With a blink, the realization hit him—he was speaking to a major player.

Becoming the president of Tianhua Bank had catapulted President Chen to the upper echelons of Eastsea City society.

He was known for his distinct way of handling affairs, not one to be readily accessible to just anyone.

This was only the second time President Chen felt such a surge of excitement upon answering a call—the first being when Su Ming had reached out to him.

The Angel Group, a titan in maritime trade, conducted most of its business overseas, with their products manufactured domestically but seldom branded locally.

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While their domestic profile was modest, their international reputation was stellar.

The general public might be oblivious to such details, but President Chen, well-versed in the affairs of major corporations, was all too aware.

And there he was, on the line with Wang Guohui, the esteemed chairman of Angel Group.

A figure of legend, Wang Guohui was in his fifties, a peer in age to President Chen, yet his stature far exceeded that of Chen’s.

President Chen had entertained the idea of collaborating with Wang Guohui, envisioning the financial windfall should Guohui choose to bank with him. Such a partnership could exponentially increase his bank’s market value.

In that scenario, not only the banks of M City but even those in the capital would pale in comparison to his.

Yet, despite the allure of the limelight, President Chen was acutely aware of his true standing. Though he held the title of president at the Eastsea City Bank, he was, in the grand scheme of things, merely a minor branch president within the vast network of Tianhua Bank.

Wang Guohui had his sights set on international markets, with many prominent foreign banks holding his overseas accounts. A fixture on the domestic rich list, his wealth was formidable, though the exact amount was unknown to President Chen, who was certain it was substantial.

“Ah, Mr. Wang, what a pleasure it is to speak with you. I’m truly honored by your call. How may I assist you today?”

President Chen’s excitement was usually reserved for calls from Su Ming, but receiving a call from Wang Guohui elicited an equal thrill. Wang was an industry titan, his stature surpassing even that of the head of their own bank.

“President Chen, you flatter me. There’s no need for such honorifics between friends,” Wang Guohui offered a weary greeting, clearly not eager to dwell on pleasantries.

Quick-witted, President Chen grasped that Wang wanted to discuss serious matters.

“Mr. Wang, …”

He trailed off, hoping Wang was about to propose a partnership, potentially boosting his bank’s funds significantly.

“President Chen, I’ve been informed that you were gravely ill, nearly succumbing to pneumonia, yet you made a miraculous overnight recovery and were discharged. Is there any truth to this?”

The fatigue in the caller’s voice was palpable, laced with profound exhaustion.

The news left President Chen momentarily speechless. His mere cold had somehow caught the attention of both Mr. Su and Wang Guohui?

He reflexively touched his face.

“Indeed, Mr. Wang, that is the case. I appreciate your concern, and I’m pleased to report that I’ve fully recovered.”

Initially, President Chen had thought Wang’s inquiry might segue into a discussion about a potential collaboration, a chance to subtly strengthen their rapport. However, it seemed he might have been a bit presumptuous.

“President Chen, the reason for my call is to inquire about the specifics of your recovery. The doctors suggested a serious condition requiring weeks of convalescence, yet you bounced back in a single night. Could you share your treatment method? I find myself in need of such a remedy.”

President Chen was taken aback, realizing he had overthought the situation.

He let out a silent sigh. Wang Guohui was a heavyweight, while he himself was insignificant by comparison.

It was likely that only the president of Tianhua Bank had the clout to discuss business with Wang Guohui. After all, he was merely the president of a branch of Tianhua Bank.

Their statuses were worlds apart.

A twinge of disappointment settled in President Chen’s heart, yet he had a clear understanding of where he stood. Disappointed he may be, he wasn’t surprised, nor did he show any sign of it. Wang Guohui had cut straight to the chase, leaving no room for other topics.

Still, a flicker of surprise crossed President Chen’s mind. He had only been discharged from the hospital yesterday—how did Wang Guohui come by that information? Wang Guohui had his ways of staying informed.

But upon further reflection, President Chen considered that perhaps someone in Mr. Wang’s family or his circle had fallen ill.

Mr. Wang would surely seek out a doctor with a strong reputation. Given that Mr. Wang likely resided nearby, a simple inquiry would have led him to the news. Being somewhat of a public figure himself, it made sense that Mr. Wang would be privy to such information.

“Mr. Wang, have you caught a cold as well?” President Chen inquired instinctively. Why else would he inquire about a treatment?

Wang Guohui paused briefly before letting out a weary sigh, tinged with a mix of fatigue, resignation, and a hint of sorrow.

Truth be told, Wang Guohui had been quite taken aback by the news himself. It was astonishing that someone could recover from a severe cold overnight.

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