The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 123

C123 – Save His Mother!

“Mr. Su, I’m aware that this item must be incredibly valuable and scarce, so I understand if you choose not to consent…”

President Chen spoke with caution, wary of upsetting Su Ming over the matter.

He had, after all, disclosed the information to Wang Guohui without Su Ming’s approval. If this angered Su Ming, President Chen had no recourse.

Su Ming paused, then let out a chuckle and shook his head.

President Chen was being overly cautious.

To others, this medicine might be priceless, but for Su Ming, it was trivial.

He had an abundance of Body-stretching Pills.

President Chen’s face drained of color as he watched Su Ming shake his head.

Was Su Ming upset?

What could he do now?

“Just give me a moment,” said Su Ming as he stood and entered the house.

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President Chen was momentarily taken aback.

Su Ming returned inside, grabbed a bottle of mineral water, and dropped an entire Body-stretching Pill into it.

Wang Guohui’s mother was seriously ill, President Chen had mentioned, necessitating a larger supply of the pills.

President Chen’s spirits lifted when he saw Su Ming holding a bottle of mineral water filled with what looked like black ink. He believed in the curative power of this item, having experienced it firsthand.

The Body-stretching Pill’s effects were indeed miraculous.

“Thank you, Mr. Su. I’ll call Wang Guohui immediately. How much are you asking for it?” President Chen asked eagerly.

As a middleman, President Chen couldn’t afford to let Su Ming incur any losses.

Yet, President Chen had his own agenda. While the item belonged to Su Ming, he was the intermediary.

Wang Guohui would surely be grateful to him in the end.

If he could secure a partnership with Wang Guohui, the financial rewards would be substantial.

“Don’t worry about it,” Su Ming said with a smile, pressing the item into President Chen’s hand. “I won’t be joining you. Please deliver it on my behalf; the old lady has been ill for quite some time. You should get going.”

President Chen stood there, stunned.

As a banker and a businessman, President Chen knew that securing the profit was paramount. You didn’t hand over goods without it. That was his instinctive business mindset.

Su Ming was unfazed by such concerns.

President Chen couldn’t help but silently marvel at Su Ming’s lofty character.

Had President Chen possessed such a treasure, he would have certainly sold it for a hefty sum. Yet, for Mr. Su, price was inconsequential; saving a life was paramount.

Though Su Ming was not in want of money, he was still a regular person and wouldn’t just hand out items for free.

Wang Guohui’s status was lofty, his position esteemed, his wealth abundant. His willingness to sacrifice everything for his mother’s sake was a testament to a filial devotion that could stir the heavens.

To Su Ming, money was of little consequence. He had numerous renowned paintings and antiques yet to be auctioned, and a substantial sum of money still to be deposited. The bags, too, remained unsold.

The eventual deposit of these funds was sure to astonish.

Setting aside other considerations, the land beneath his feet alone was valued at tens of billions. Money was the least of Su Ming’s worries.

What was exceedingly valuable to others was, to Su Ming, rather trivial.

The revelation that Su Ming had a stockpile of these special medicines, just gathering dust in a corner, would surely astound anyone.

“Come on, President Chen, snap out of it. You better get going. The old lady’s health is what matters most.”

With those words, Su Ming settled into his chair, gently rocking as he soaked up the sun.

President Chen stood there, momentarily frozen.

He realized that even if Su Ming were an average Joe, he would have offered the medicine without a second thought.

A typical person would have seized the chance to inflate the price.

Was Su Ming a naive youngster, easily fooled?


Su Ming’s conduct consistently reflected a deep-seated life philosophy.

President Chen inhaled deeply, having thought he understood Mr. Su. He now recognized his error. Su Ming, in his view, had grown even more impressive and deserving of admiration.

“Rest assured, Mr. Su, I’ll take care of the task you’ve entrusted to me.”

With a nod from Su Ming, President Chen wasted no time. He spun on his heel, rushed to his car, fired up the engine, and immediately placed a phone call.

Wang Guohui kept vigil in the VIP ward of the hospital, seated wearily at the entrance to the room. Sleep had eluded him the previous night; his mother’s health was precarious, and she could require emergency care at any moment. As her next of kin, he was tasked with both monitoring her condition and being on standby to sign any necessary documents, leaving no opportunity for rest.

The sound of his ringing phone jolted him into action, and he quickly fished it out. Recognizing the caller ID as President Chen, he involuntarily inhaled sharply. He was aware that the call could carry news, potentially good but equally likely to be bad.

With a deep breath to steady himself, Wang Guohui shakily answered the call. It was rare to witness such a prominent figure gripped by anxiety.

“President Chen,” he greeted, his voice quivering.

President Chen’s response was immediate, his tone conveying an understanding of the tension Wang Guohui felt. “It’s settled, Mr. Wang. Where are you? I’m on my way.”

“Really?!” A spark of hope ignited in Wang Guohui’s eyes as he perked up, his exhaustion vanishing in an instant, his face breaking into a wild grin.

But he realized this was no time for astonishment. He quickly relayed the hospital’s location to President Chen.

“Understood. Just wait a moment. Have someone meet me downstairs; I’m on my way,” President Chen said before ending the call and flooring the gas pedal, racing off.

Wang Guohui rose to his feet and peered out the window at his mother, a surge of determination filling him.

“Mom, I’ve found a way to save you!”

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