The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 136

C136 – Ancient Antique Shop

“Mr. Zhang, are you looking to purchase a finished jade piece this time, or are you considering cutting your own stone?” President Chen inquired from nearby.

In the past, the jade trade was the domain of professionals. But as living standards improved, the industry flourished rapidly, attracting a surge in counterfeiters. Finished jade pieces are, of course, extracted or carved from raw stones, and there are many varieties. The most coveted are the top-tier emeralds and earth king greens. Often, it’s a matter of luck. Some strike it rich overnight, while others fall into poverty just as quickly. Finding a flawless piece of jade is no small feat, yet even the simplest carving can fetch an exorbitant price if the stone is right.

“We’ll see how it goes,” Zhang Tao mused. “I might just pick up a finished piece.”

President Chen nodded, then added, “However, I’ve heard that a new shipment of foreign raw stones recently arrived. Wouldn’t you like to give it a try?”

Zhang Tongtong’s eyes lit up at the mention. “I want one!” she exclaimed.

Zhang Tao affectionately stroked his daughter’s hair. At over fifty, he was the father of a twenty-year-old, a fact that seemed to delight him.

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Their conversation flowed easily as they made their way to their destination. Su Ming had visited before but hadn’t ventured inside; this time, he was keen to explore. President Chen, well-acquainted with the area, led the way with ease. Lee Tiankuo, the quiet one, kept to himself, while the beautiful Zhang Tongtong, close in age to Su Ming, chatted with him nonstop.

Two hours flew by as they browsed through numerous shops, yet few items truly captured Zhang Tao’s attention. Nonetheless, he had come prepared and had mentally noted a few pieces of interest: an ivory fan, a high-quality jade ruyi, and an inkstone. The trade in ivory was now illegal, with only heirlooms remaining on the market. This particular fan was a rarity, valued at over three million. Its price was lower than it should have been due to minor defects—two of the fan’s blades had cracks. The jade was of decent quality, albeit with some impurities.

Su Ming couldn’t help but realize the immense profitability of the antique business.

He had a knack for finding treasures in the countryside and other places, often earning hundreds of times the profit margin.

“I didn’t eat much at lunch, and now I’m actually feeling quite hungry,” Zhang Tao remarked as he paused.

He had been tied up in meetings all morning and had only grabbed a quick bite with his daughter and Lee Tiankuo at noon. His hunger was catching up with him now.

President Chen quickly located a restaurant he had visited before, known for its tasty cuisine. Su Ming, upon entering, immediately noticed the prime location of the establishment. The top floor was the third, and it was adorned with elegant mahogany furniture that exuded an air of antiquity. The waitresses were all tall and attractive, adding to the pleasant ambiance. It was no surprise, given that this was Antiques City, a place frequented by the affluent. Those less well-off seldom ventured here. Though Su Ming was wealthy, he seldom indulged in such luxuries.

The group of five settled at their tables, ordering six dishes in total, with a bowl of rice each. Zhang Tao, being older and having a diminished appetite of late, didn’t eat much. Lee Tiankuo’s hefty size made sense, given his hearty appetite. Su Ming, not one for fuss, had worked up a hunger after skipping lunch and ended up eating three bowls of rice. Watching him, Zhang Tao felt a pang of envy; in his younger days, he could out-eat Su Ming and found himself longing for those times.

Zhang Tongtong, who was usually very disciplined with her diet to maintain her figure, was tempted by the sight of Su Ming’s enjoyment and allowed herself a bowl of rice. After a period of relaxation and some tea, they descended the stairs.

As they approached the entrance, a middle-aged man holding a box brightened up and approached them. “President Chen, you’ve arrived?”

With a hearty laugh, President Chen replied, “This time, I’m accompanying Mr. Zhang from the capital. He’s looking for a birthday gift for a relative.”

“Oh?” Boss Zhu, momentarily taken aback, smiled at Zhang Tao. “Mr. Zhang, what kind of gift are you looking to buy? I have a few treasures that might interest you. Would you honor me by taking a look at my collection?”

“Of course,” Zhang Tao readily agreed to the request.

As they traveled, President Chen took the opportunity to tell Zhang Tao a bit about Boss Zhu.

Boss Zhu owned a sizable shop known as Fragrance Hall.

He indeed possessed some fine treasures.

President Chen had previously purchased several items from him, and over time, they had become friends.

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