The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 177

C177 – Experienced too Little

The sleek interior and the explosive roar of the engine left the boss feeling a bit lightheaded.

Is this the allure of a sports car?

It’s no wonder they’re the ultimate fantasy for so many men.

So cool!

But then, a thought struck the boss.

Didn’t Mr. Su arrive in a different car each time?

What on earth!

The boss was momentarily dumbfounded.

Just how many sports cars did Mr. Su own?

Was this the true mark of wealth?

The boss remained in a state of shock throughout.

Stepping out of the car in a haze, it took a moment for the boss to gather his bearings.

“Ah? That was quick…”

Blinking rapidly, the boss swallowed hard and rushed to the front: “Mr. Su, right this way, please.”

“Isn’t that Boss Faang?”

He was at a sizable breeding company.

As he approached the entrance, the security guard greeted him: “Boss Faang, what brings you…”

“Enough talk, get your boss out here. There’s an important guest waiting!”

Boss Faang cut the security guard off mid-sentence.


The guard was taken aback. He glanced at Su Ming trailing behind. Though unaware of Su Ming’s status, he knew anyone who commanded such respect from Boss Faang was no ordinary individual.

The guard quickly nodded and made a call to his boss. Soon after, someone approached from a distance.

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“Faang, who’s this important guest you mentioned?”

“Wu, you’ll owe me big for this one!”

Boss Faang stepped aside and introduced, “This gentleman is Mr. Su. He’s interested in purchasing some poultry from you.”


Boss Wu perked up at the news.

If Faang considered him a major client, his background couldn’t be minor!

“Mr. Su, my apologies for not greeting you sooner. What would you like to purchase?”

Boss Wu ushered Su Ming inside and inquired with a warm smile.

“Chickens and pigs.”

“We’ve got those!”

Boss Wu’s enthusiasm was palpable. He slapped his chest and boasted, “We carry a range of breeds here. We’ve even recently acquired some rare ones. How many are you thinking of buying?”

“I’d like to take a look around first, then we can talk numbers.”

“Sounds good!”

Boss Wu led the way, and they quickly made their way into the breeding zone.

The area was vast, permeated by a distinctly unpleasant odor.

It’s perfectly normal, considering these are farm animals. Even with timely cleaning and a tidy environment, it’s impossible to eliminate the smell entirely.

“These are our free-range chickens. Here we have the Treasure Chicken and the Guineafowl. And this beauty is the Snow Chicken, a new breed we’ve just introduced. It’s a rare species endemic to our country. Naturally, we’ve managed to breed them in captivity.”

Boss Wu knew his stock well and introduced each one in turn.


Su Ming’s gaze settled on the Snow Chicken, a breed with an elegant stature and striking appearance. “I’ll take this one. Thirty, please.”


Boss Wu was taken aback.

I pegged you for a major buyer, but you’re only getting thirty?

Noticing Boss Wu’s hesitation, Boss Faang nudged him discreetly.

Exchanging a resigned look, Boss Wu could only sigh. After all, this was a referral from Boss Faang.

“Alright, no problem!”

Shortly afterward, Su Ming made his way to the pig enclosure. He didn’t seek out any exotic breeds this time, opting instead for the ubiquitous white pig.

He purchased a pair.

“Okay, that’ll do. Please arrange for their delivery.”

Su Ming settled the bill.

Boss Wu was inwardly irked.

You expect me to deliver such a paltry order?

Other major clients purchase by the thousands.

Your total barely scratches forty.

But for Boss Faang’s sake, it’s fine.

I’ll do as he asks.

Boss Wu was seething with discontent, yet powerless to act.

“The city center?”

The address left Boss Wu dumbfounded.

Could this young fellow be a procurement officer for some company?

But even if he were, who buys live animals for slaughter these days?

Don’t most people get their meat from the market or a slaughterhouse?

Boss Wu was puzzled but refrained from prying.

Before long, Su Ming was leading the way, with the others trailing behind.

After a three-hour drive, they reached the heart of the city.

Su Ming pulled over. Stepping out of the car, he directed, “Unload the goods into the courtyard.”

Boss Wu was baffled.

But it didn’t take him long to catch on.

Looking up, he was astonished to find such a vast expanse of land right in the city center!

The area was completely enclosed by a wall, with a villa nestled within!

Upon closer inspection, he was surprised to see a swath of wheat growing on the ground!

Mr. Su was actually farming right in the heart of the city!

He must have found farming a tad dull, which is why he decided to bring in some livestock to keep things interesting!

It all made sense now why Boss Faang had mentioned that Su Ming was a major client!

Mr. Su was cultivating crops and tending to animals on land valued at ten billion dollars!

Every ounce of frustration in Boss Wu’s heart vanished in an instant!

He made a mental note to treat Boss Faang to a meal once he got back.

Without Boss Faang, he would never have crossed paths with such an influential figure!

Following Su Ming’s instructions, Boss Wu rolled up his sleeves and, along with his team, swiftly moved the goods into the courtyard.

Looking up, he noticed a section in the corner of the wall that resembled a pigpen and chicken coop.

“Mr. Su, do you plan on raising chickens and pigs over there?” Boss Wu inquired, gesturing toward the spot.

Su Ming paused, taken aback.

They could see it?

So, the structures created by the System were visible to them, but presumably, they couldn’t see the contents.

“That’s right,” Su Ming confirmed with a nod.

“Mr. Su, now that your structures are ready, I’ll move your items over for you.”

“Sounds good,” Su Ming agreed with another nod.

In no time, Boss Wu and his crew had transported everything.

“Mr. Su, feel free to call me if you need anything,” Boss Wu offered warmly.

He had only ever encountered such tycoons in his dreams and on television.

“Weeding is my responsibility!”

“Where does it say that weeding is exclusively your task?”

“If you’re going to do that, then I’ll handle the watering!”

“But that’s my responsibility!”

Amidst their conversation, Su Ming and Boss Wu were interrupted by a familiar bickering nearby.

Su Ming turned to see none other than President Chen and Wang Guohui making their entrance through the gate.

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