The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 228

C228 – This’s My House

“Do I come across as clever? It’s merely a stratagem!”

A sweet smile graced Ye Ling’s face.

Su Ming found himself momentarily at a loss for words.

“So, does this make me your partner now?”

Over a mouthful of rice noodles, Su Ming posed the question to her.


“So, does that mean we are…?”

A chuckle escaped Su Ming.

“Definitely not!”

Ye Ling reacted as though she was a startled bunny.

Su Ming, puzzled, clarified, “I was suggesting that as your boyfriend, I should pay for our meal. What did you think I meant?”

Ye Ling felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her.

“That’s not for you to worry about!”

Ye Ling’s embarrassment turned to irritation upon catching Su Ming’s insinuating look.

She stamped her feet in vexation.

Though ensnared by Ye Ling’s scheme, he remained committed to his masculine role.

Having made a commitment, he intended to honor it.

Upon finishing their meal, Su Ming settled the bill and they departed.

Night had fallen.

The cityscape was alive with neon illumination, teeming with vibrancy and life.

The streets were crowded with people.

Amid the throng, Su Ming and Ye Ling made their way slowly in a single direction.

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“Which way are we headed?”

Surveying her surroundings, Ye Ling inquired.

“Back home,” Su Ming responded.

“To your place?”

Ye Ling, puzzled, pressed, “But isn’t this the way to downtown? If your home is in the western part of the city, there are buses available. Alternatively, if it’s alright with you, I can drive you.”

“No need. My residence is just a short distance from here,” Su Ming assured with a smile.

“Do you reside under a bridge?” Ye Ling exclaimed in astonishment.

Again, Su Ming found no words to respond.

“Come, my home is actually in the downtown area.”

A mere ten minutes later, Ye Ling stood astounded.

To her astonishment, it was not just any home, but a villa!

“This is where you live?”

Ye Ling gazed around in sheer amazement.

A vast expanse of land, several acres in size, was under cultivation with wheat.

“This entire place belongs to you?”

The reality before Ye Ling was so astounding, she struggled to grasp it. Here was the city center.

Recalling how her father had once celebrated acquiring a small plot within the city’s third ring, returning home jubilant and inebriated.

Yet here was Su Ming, in possession of land right in the city’s heart.

The fact seemed almost beyond belief.

A thought suddenly struck Ye Ling, “Owning such an expansive plot in the city center, you chose to cultivate it.”

“What’s wrong with tending to the land?”

Su Ming looked back, genuinely puzzled, “See, I don’t just cultivate crops; I also rear fish.”

At that, Ye Ling was momentarily lost for words.

After all, there was inherently nothing negative about engaging in agriculture.

It’s embedded in the heritage of imperial families to be connected with the land.

She couldn’t help but think it was a misallocation to dedicate city center land to agriculture.

Ye Ling was initially apprehensive about the arranged date she had the next day.

Encountering Su Ming unexpectedly today turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

Deciding to use Su Ming as a pretext was a spur-of-the-moment idea.

She was aware that the man she was supposed to meet was both talented and affluent.

Initially, Ye Ling harbored concerns that Su Ming might not measure up to her date in terms of capability, causing her significant unease.

However, upon reflection, she realized her fears were unfounded.

“Why are you lingering outside? Come on in.”

Upon opening the door of the villa and finding Ye Ling lost in thought, Su Ming beckoned her inside with a smile.

Taken aback for a moment, Ye Ling quickly entered.

“This place is incredibly stunning!”

She couldn’t help but express her awe immediately.

The villa’s interior design and decorations were evidently of the highest caliber.

The villa boasted well-defined spaces and a soothing color scheme.

“Please, take a seat.”

Su Ming invited Ye Ling to sit, mentioning he would prepare some fruit.

After announcing his intent, he headed to the kitchen, selected some fruit from the refrigerator, washed them, and brought them out on a plate to the living area.

“Do you live here by yourself?”

As Ye Ling sampled an apple, she found it exceptionally tasty.

“Yes,” Su Ming confirmed, explaining his preference for his parents to join him, yet they favored rural life, prompting him to build them a villa in the countryside.

Su Ming’s demeanor and tone conveyed humility, indicating no boastfulness.

Ye Ling recognized Su Ming’s filial nature, deducing the villa for his parents was certainly well-appointed.

She marveled at how effortlessly he seemed to undertake such projects.

Ye Ling was momentarily taken aback.

She then recalled that Su Ming owned this prime city center land, making villa construction trivial for him.

She reminded herself to remain composed.

“Rest assured, having agreed to the blind date, I’ll certainly show up. When is it scheduled?”

Su Ming, noticing Ye Ling’s preoccupied look, assumed she was anxious about the date.

Catching her off guard, Ye Ling specified, “I’ll pick you up at seven tomorrow evening.”


Su Ming agreed amiably, suggesting he should bring a gift for her parents on their first meeting.

The idea of gifting hadn’t occurred to Ye Ling, leaving her surprised.

“Are your parents fond of wine?”


Su Ming proposed they move elsewhere, leading the way.

They traversed a short hallway to a small room housing an elevator.

Ye Ling was momentarily startled by the presence of an elevator within the villa.

Despite her curiosity, she chose not to inquire and awaited silently.

Su Ming activated the elevator, opting for the basement level.

She became apprehensive.

Given the late hour, she questioned his motive for heading to the basement.

She pondered if his intentions were romantic.

Internally debating, she resolved to decline, prioritizing modesty.

Contemplating how to politely refuse became her next dilemma.

She worried a casual refusal might tarnish her image.

Conversely, a stern rejection could potentially upset him.

Ye Ling questioned if her feelings were deeper, speculating on her fondness for him.

Considering their recent reacquaintance post-graduation, she doubted the rapid development of such feelings.

The situation left her feeling conflicted.

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