The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 323

C323 – Let’s Just Barely Keep It

Upon hearing the demand, Su Ming’s thoughts raced: “What? Are you trying to shake me down? Five thousand? Do you think you’ll strike it rich off me?”

Before he could respond, the screech of tires pierced the air.

A car came to a smooth halt at the curb.

A middle-aged man in a suit emerged, clutching a document and beaming.

He had barely taken a few steps when another car rolled up.

Then a third! And a fourth!

Each time a car stopped, someone stepped out, documents in hand, smiling broadly as they made a beeline for Su Ming.

Su Ming was taken aback.

Who were these people?

What did they want?

“Director Zhao.”

“Isn’t that Director Qian?”

“Boss Sun, it’s been a while.”

“Boss Lee, let’s put the past behind us.”

“Mr. Zhou, I’m thinking of increasing the price for our joint project.”

“Good morning, Boss Wu!”

“Mr. Zheng, your products are of excellent quality.”

“Boss Wang…”

The entrance became a parking lot as more cars arrived.

In no time, there were nearly dozens.

The newcomers stepped out and exchanged pleasantries with acquaintances.

Something seemed off to Su Ming.

Their names were Zhao, Qian, Sun, Li, Zhou, Wu, Zheng, and Wang?

Were they assembling a veritable list of common surnames?

Hold on, these faces… they seemed oddly familiar.

He was sure he had seen them somewhere.

Su Ming wasn’t the only one dumbfounded; the fish vendor was equally perplexed.

What was happening?

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Should they call for backup?

Were they gearing up for a brawl?

The fish vendor wondered if he and his 500 fish could take on this crowd.

He had no clue!

“This kid’s got some nerve, summoning help so swiftly,” the vendor mused to himself.

He’d never seen a group arrive in cars for a fight, and not just any cars—luxury ones at that.

The cheapest among them would set you back a cool 700,000 to 800,000 yuan.

Could people this wealthy really be looking to throw down?


As the vendor wrestled with his confusion, a recognizable face caught his eye.

Wasn’t that Director Fong, the head honcho of Eastsea City’s biggest seafood company?

What brought him here?

“Director Fong!”

The vendor approached with a grin, “Director Fong, what brings you here?”

Director Fong paused momentarily, his brow furrowed as he scrutinized the boss before him.

“Who might you be?”

He took a small step back, not out of dislike for the boss, but for another reason entirely.

The boss reeked of fish, so much so that flies buzzed around him.

“Director Fong, it’s me, Ma Guangcai. I’m a regular buyer from your company. Have you forgotten me?”


Director Fong had a moment of recognition, then said, “I don’t remember you.”

Ma Guangcai was taken aback.

If Director Fong didn’t remember, why pretend to have an epiphany?

Director Fong ran the largest seafood company in Eastsea City.

Every fishmonger in town, including Ma Guangcai, frequented his establishment.

Each morning, nearly a hundred people would crowd at the company’s doors to purchase fish.

And Director Fong, being the company’s owner, certainly wouldn’t be selling fish at dawn himself; that was a task for his employees.

So, of course, he wouldn’t recognize Ma Guangcai.

“What are you doing here?” Director Fong inquired, still frowning.

“Don’t get me started, Director Fong. This young man is being completely unreasonable. I diligently followed his instructions, delivering 500 fish, and now he refuses them. He’s disrespecting us fishmongers. I’m determined to set him straight today!”

Director Fong looked surprised.

He blinked, swallowed hard, and asked cautiously, “Are you certain you’re referring to him?”

“Yes, him!” Ma Guangcai affirmed, hands on his hips.

Director Fong rubbed his nose and asked, “Did you tamper with the fish?”

Ma Guangcai let out a sly chuckle and leaned in to whisper to Director Fong, “It’s common knowledge.”

“You swapped out the fish, and now you expect compensation?”

Director Fong couldn’t help but blurt out the accusation.

Ma Guangcai nearly jumped out of his skin.

What was Director Fong thinking, spilling the beans like that?

Now he wouldn’t be able to demand any money.

It had been years since he’d encountered such a novice.

Couldn’t Director Fong just let him make a quick buck?

Someone of his stature should be attending meetings instead.

Why would he sabotage his own business?

Right next to him stood the Guoxing Building, the premier skyscraper in Eastsea City.

Ma Guangcai had assumed that Director Fong had parked on the roadside to attend a meeting at the Guoxing Building.

“My company will never sell you fish again!” Director Fong declared, his face expressionless.

Ma Guangcai was rooted to the spot, completely motionless, upon hearing this.

Why would he say that?

Isn’t this just the industry’s unwritten rule?

Director Fong himself had engaged in such deals numerous times, hadn’t he?

Why was he so infuriated?

Feng Group was the largest seafood enterprise in Eastsea.

Without their fish, he’d have no other source to turn to.

“Director Fong, can we talk…”

As Ma Guangcai turned to follow Director Fong, he stopped dead in his tracks.

When had all these people arrived?

A crowd had gathered around Su Ming.

The individual at the forefront raised his arm and bellowed.

Then, in unison, the rest followed.

“Good morning, Chairman!”

Their voices thundered through the air.

Ma Guangcai was dumbfounded.


Who are these people?

He didn’t recognize all of the 100 individuals, but he could identify a few.

Among them were executives of major corporations.

The rest, though unfamiliar, were dressed impressively, likely holding significant positions.

All these affluent, impeccably dressed executives were addressing a young man in plain clothes, his limbs smeared with dirt, as their chairman?

Could someone please explain what was happening?!

Even Director Fong was bowing respectfully.

At a perfect 90-degree angle!

Many onlookers merely gave a cursory glance.

They remained unfazed.

They continued on to work or home as if nothing was amiss.

Their nonchalance stemmed from familiarity; this was trivial to them.

The young man living here was a person of considerable influence.

Not long ago, the streets were closed off, and layers of police protection were provided for Su Ming.

Compared to that, this situation was minor.

“Oh, it’s you,” Su Ming acknowledged them.

They were the bosses of the 100 companies acquired on his behalf by the System.

“Chairman, here’s the situation. We’ve formed a private group,” the middle-aged leader explained, approaching Su Ming with a smile. “We’re grateful for the trust you’ve placed in us, leaving the company in our hands. You are, and always will be, our chairman. To put your mind at ease, we decided to visit you today and present our company’s financial statements for your review…”

It all made sense now.

Su Ming had an epiphany.

He hadn’t anticipated that these bosses would be so understanding.

But truthfully, Su Ming wasn’t fond of running a company.

And he liked dealing with finances even less.

After all, he wasn’t short on cash.

His bank account boasted over ten billion.

There really wasn’t much he needed to spend money on.

Frankly, if the System hadn’t acquired their company, he wouldn’t have wanted it at all.

Such a hassle.

But he might as well keep the company.

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