The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 342

Chapter 342 - Update

Su Ming returned to the field and cleared away the weeds.

Afterward, he irrigated the rice paddies and checked on the fish fry, which were thriving.

He then visited the breeding zone to feed the animals a mix of feed and fruit.

He also checked on a particularly special plant; its flower bud had grown large, with petals of a vibrant red.

The leaves were a lush emerald green, with golden stripes down the center resembling threads of gold.

It was strikingly beautiful and on the verge of maturing.

As he busied himself, night fell.

After eating, Su Ming retired to his room for the night.

The next morning, as soon as Su Ming awoke, the System chimed in his mind.

“Ding! The System has detected six acres of vacant land under the Host's name. Would you like to merge them?”

Su Ming laughed with excitement.

He had waited so long for this moment!

“Merge!” Su Ming responded instantly.

“Ding! Merging now.”

“Ding! 1… 49… 80… 99… 100.”

“Ding! Merge successful.”

“Ding! You now have over ten acres of land, meeting the System's update requirements!”

“Ding! The System is now updating!”

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“Ding! The update will take three hours. Please do not leave the house during this time and wait patiently!”

“Ding! All activities on the land will be concealed by the System. Even if someone accidentally enters, they will notice nothing!”

Su Ming's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he rushed to the window.

Looking down, he saw the land appeared unchanged.

“I'll wait it out. This is a major level 10 update, after all,” he thought.

Yuvyuv had once mentioned that the effects of this update would exceed his wildest dreams.

?Struggling to contain his excitement, Su Ming decided to distract himself by heading to Summoner's Canyon.

After what felt like an eternity, the long-awaited notification finally echoed in Su Ming's mind.

“Ding! The System update is complete!”

“Ding! The herding area and aquatic product area have been unlocked!”

“Ding! The facility's land upgrade feature is now available!”

“Ding! Farm software unlocked!”

“Ding! The software installation is complete. You can access it on your computer and smartphone. This software is visible only to the Host and cannot be seen or operated by others.”

“Ding! Shop function unlocked!”

“Ding! You can now access the store function in the software!”

A cascade of notifications echoed in Su Ming's mind, filling him with immense excitement.

?He hadn't anticipated that so many features would be activated all at once, and his excitement propelled him to jump for joy.

“The herding area and aquatic product area are unlocked in the software store. This is amazing.”

It was a total upgrade!

Unable to contain his eagerness, Su Ming dashed downstairs and flung open the door.

Outside, the tall dam and rice paddies appeared unchanged.

Then, Su Ming noticed a void in his field of vision.

Looking more closely, he realized the breeding zone had vanished!

“Where have my chickens gone?”

He hurried toward the spot.

Upon arriving, he stopped dead in his tracks!

The villa and thatched hut had previously obscured Su Ming's view from the doorway.

Now, standing where the breeding zone used to be, there was nothing to obstruct his sight.

Taking in the full view, Su Ming's mouth hung open in awe.

The wait had been worthwhile; the upgrade was incredibly valuable.

From an aerial perspective, Su Ming's land was a perfect square.

The main gate opened onto a pathway, with the System's initial gift of two acres on the right.

To the left of the pathway lay a red expanse where Su Ming's villa, thatched hut, and warehouse stood.

Adjacent to this three-acre plot was another three acres gifted by Wang Guohui.

Above Wang Guohui's land was the three acres from Old Yang.

And above the initial plot was the three acres from the Xiao family.

Currently, the original two acres still bore rice and fish.

The breeding zone that had been tucked in the corner of the initial two acres was gone, but the unique crop remained.

There were no changes to the villa, thatched hut, or warehouse on the open land.

The rice fields on the land from Wang Guohui remained untouched as well.

The Xiao family's three acres continued to serve as farmland.

Connecting each adjacent three-acre plot was a half-meter-wide path for people to traverse.

?However, the three acres of land gifted by Old Yang were starkly different from the other parcels. Su Ming first noticed numerous wooden stakes planted in the ground, each pair roughly two to three meters apart. Wooden planks were then laid horizontally and nailed together, creating a simple fence. At the center of this enclosure was a grassy area. Su Ming walked over for a closer inspection.

“Yuvyuv, is this a ranch?” Su Ming inquired mentally.

“Yes, Host. This is the herding area added in the latest System update!”

At last, he could herd cattle and sheep! The farming system now truly included a farm. Su Ming examined it more closely. The ranch spanned about an acre, encircled by a wooden fence riddled with insect-bored holes and rusted nails, clearly showing signs of decay.

“Host, you can open the scanner to check,” Yuvyuv suggested telepathically.

Startled, Su Ming quickly activated the scanner.

“The deteriorated fence can be upgraded, requiring 10 points for the upgrade!”

Su Ming paused, puzzled.

“Yuvyuv, what exactly are points?”

The System hadn't mentioned points in the recent update.

“Host, all items produced on the farm can be recycled for points. Points can be used to upgrade facilities, enhancing crop yields and quality!”

?With this revelation, Su Ming grasped the importance of points. Harvesting crops would not only yield experience, which could elevate his level but also improve the levels of the plantation area, aquatic product area, and herding area. Higher levels meant unlocking more functions, planting a greater variety of crops, and improving their quality. However, specific facilities within each area, like the herding area, required points for upgrades.

Eagerly, Su Ming opened his data panel:

Farmer: Su Ming

Level: LV10

Experience: 323,927 / 500,000

Farm: Level Three

Breeding: Level Two

Ranch: Level One

Aquatic Product: Level One

Skills: Blessing from Plants, Initial Scanning Ability, Stamina Talent, Mosquito Immune System, Experience Buff 20

Points: 0

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