The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 344

Chapter 344 - System Software

The interface on Su Ming's computer bore a striking resemblance to Penguin Farm. Displayed in a bird's-eye view, the plantation area was segmented into eight squares across three plots, each square measuring an acre. Hovering the cursor over a square revealed an upgrade option, which was currently inactive and grayed out. Su Ming was aware that he lacked the points needed for upgrades.

The two acres initially granted by the System, along with the three acres from Wang Guohui and another three from the Xiao family, were all represented. A status bar adjacent to the plots displayed the types and quantities of crops planted, along with a countdown to their maturity. In the top-left corner of the page, there were three buttons: Breeding, Grazing, and Aquatic Products.

Exploring these options, Su Ming found that the breeding zone consisted of 24 individual rooms and a hallway, each room accompanied by its own status bar. However, only five rooms displayed information; the rest were vacant. At the end of the hallway sat a small computer, the breeding zone's control system. Clicking on it would prompt an upgrade button to appear, albeit in the same inactive gray.

The aquatic product area featured a solitary pond and a modest wooden hut, while the herding area was equipped with a fence and a stretch of grassland. Two additional options were present on the right side of the screen, one of which was for upgrades. Upon selecting this option, Su Ming could see the point requirements for upgrading equipment in the plantation area, herding area, aquatic product area, and breeding zone.

?For the herding area, the upgrade costs were as follows:

?- Level Two fence: 50 points.

    Level Three fence: 300 points.Level Four fence: 1000 points.Level Five fence: 5000 points.Level Two grass: 50 points.Level Three grass: 300 points.Level Four grass: 1000 points.Level Five grass: 5000 points.

    In the aquatic product area:

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      Level Two wooden house: 10 points.Level Three wooden house: 50 points.Level Four wooden house: 300 points.Level Five wooden house: 1000 points.Basic equipment: 50 points.Level Two equipment: 300 points.Level Three equipment: 1000 points.Level Four equipment: 5000 points.

      Lastly, the breeding zone was listed without further details.

      Level Three Breeding House: Requires 1,000 points.

      Level Four Breeding House: Requires 5,000 points.

      Level Two Control Platform: Requires 300 points.

      Level Three Control Platform: Requires 1,000 points.

      Level Four Control Platform: Requires 5,000 points.

      Plantation Area.

      Level Two Land: Requires 1,000 points.

      Level Three Land: Requires 5,000 points.

      Level Four Land: Requires 10,000 points.

      Su Ming paused for a moment when he saw the plantation area. Why were the points so high? Did it really take 1,000 points to upgrade from Level One to Level Two? What struck him the most was that these were the points needed to upgrade just one acre of land! If he were to upgrade eight acres at once, wouldn't that cost a staggering 8,000 points? However, this made sense. The herding area, breeding zone, and aquatic product area combined equaled only one acre. Given that the plantation area was the largest, the points required were understandably higher. This system also helped Su Ming better distinguish between the levels, with each level corresponding to a specific color: Level One was colorless, Level Two was green, Level Three was blue, and Level Four was white. Su Ming realized that his current level limited his visibility, but he knew that as he advanced, new levels would become available.

      Then, Su Ming had a moment of realization. The land designated for special plants was white! He had just acquired a small plot of Level Four land. It wasn't a vast area, but it was certainly better than none at all. Although it seemed complex at first, Su Ming quickly got the hang of it. There were now four main areas. The plantation area required only a land upgrade, whereas the other three areas each allowed for the upgrading of two types of equipment.

      ?”Yuvyuv, what benefits come with upgrading the equipment?” Su Ming inquired.

      ?”Upgrading the equipment will enhance both the quantity and quality of the products. Additionally, the seeds or animals available for purchase in the store require specific equipment levels to be planted or bred,” Yuvyuv's voice echoed in Su Ming's mind.

      Feeling enthusiastic, Su Ming hovered the cursor over the shop option and clicked on it. The interface was reminiscent of a game store within a game. At the top, there were six categories: plantation area, herding area, aquatic product area, breeding zone, supply, and special.

      Upon accessing the page, Su Ming was presented with the plantation area. The store's selection of seeds was limited, offering just six varieties: edamame, loofah, pumpkin, spinach, honeydew melon, and excellent bananas. Each seed was priced individually, and he could purchase them outright at very affordable rates. Su Ming's current funds were displayed in the bottom right corner of the store interface, and he noticed the amount was steadily increasing, thanks to his Blessing from Plants.

      The first five seed types lacked any background color, but the excellent banana seeds stood out with a green backdrop. Su Ming immediately realized that these seeds were special and could only be planted in Level Two soil, which sparked his excitement. He knew that the high-level seeds he could acquire from the store would yield impressive results.

      “The store refreshes at midnight every day, but you can buy seeds in advance and store them in the warehouse. Retrieve them when you're ready to use them,” Yuvyuv had advised. Su Ming was grateful for the tip; otherwise, he would have been dismayed to wake up the next morning and find his desired items gone.

      The unit price for the first five seed types was five yuan each. While this was significantly higher than market prices, these were premium seeds from the System Store, and Su Ming was confident that even the same variety of edamame would produce a vastly different crop when purchased here. He invested in 1,000 seeds of each of the first five types, totaling 25,000 yuan.

      The excellent banana seeds were more expensive, at 100 yuan each, but Su Ming didn't hesitate to buy 1,000, spending a total of 100,000 yuan. Next, he visited the breeding zone, where he found four types of common animals without any special markings: rabbits, bamboo rats, pigeons, and foxes. He purchased 100 of each.

      In the herding area, there were cows and sheep, of which he bought 50 each. The aquatic product area offered carp, loaches, and crabs, and again, Su Ming bought 100 of each species. The grand total for all his purchases didn't surpass 500,000 yuan.

      This is such a bargain.

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