The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 347

Chapter 347 - Wish

Having accumulated enough points, Su Ming was ready for an upgrade.

He was just about to launch the app when Yuvyuv chimed in his thoughts.

?”You can level up by telling Yuvyuv directly, you know!”

Su Ming, phone in hand, paused for a moment.

Being able to communicate directly with Yuvyuv was indeed a convenience that made things much easier.

His attention returned to the two-acre plot before him.

“I'd like to use 2000 points to upgrade these two acres.”

“Are you sure?”


“Yuvyuv has notified you that your points have been deducted, and the land upgrade is in progress. The process will take 12 hours, so please be patient!”

As the notification sounded, the dam and silt that once marred the land vanished, restoring it to its natural state.

?Su Ming stepped onto the land.

Though he could walk on it, the soil was not yet ready for cultivation.

With a nonchalant shrug, Su Ming wasn't bothered.

All he had to do was wait until dawn the next day for the upgrade to be completed.

Then, he could start planting excellent bananas.

Being Level Two crops, the excellent bananas promised not to disappoint.

?He was in no rush.

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He moved on to the adjacent three-acre plot.

To his pleasant surprise, the dam and silt had also been cleared there, leaving the land in its pristine state.

?The System had taken care of this little inconvenience for him.

Su Ming prepped the entire area and planted melons.

?Realizing he was short on seeds, he purchased a new batch from the store.

“Melons successfully planted! Harvest them in 48 hours!”

The planting sequence differed between the two plots, as harvesting took time.

?With the melons now in the ground, Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

What a relief!

Glancing at the time, he noticed it was now well past two in the morning.

He made his way back to the villa.

Upon entering, Su Ming spotted the wishing lanterns in a bag in the living room, something he had nearly forgotten.

?He quickly approached and retrieved a lantern.

The System had explained that its use was straightforward: simply write a wish on paper and burn it.

What wish should he make?

Su Ming stroked his chin thoughtfully, stood up, and headed to the bookshelf to grab a pen and paper.

Beside him stood a lantern.

“May the world be at peace!”

Su Ming picked up a pen and wrote five words on the paper.

He then placed the note inside the lantern.

The note immediately caught fire, emitting a green flame. Su Ming was startled and quickly released it.

He braced for a burn, but to his surprise, the flame wasn't hot at all.

As the paper burned, the lantern too was enveloped in green flames.

In less than a second, the lantern was completely consumed by the fire, leaving not a trace of ash.

?”Your wish has been made. Probability of wish fulfillment: 0%,” the notification in his mind announced, leaving him rather bemused.

?The System had previously clarified that the simpler the wish, the higher the likelihood of it coming true.

Conversely, the more complex the wish, the slimmer the chances of realization.

Su Ming was aware that his wish was a tall order.

He decided to make another wish.

“May the Chinese men's soccer team win the World Cup!”

?He placed the note into the lantern, which, along with the note, vanished in a flash.

“Your wish has been made. Probability of wish fulfillment: 0%.”

It dawned on Su Ming that the difficulty of China's soccer team clinching the World Cup was on par with achieving world peace.

He sighed deeply.

Once more, Su Ming took up his pen and wrote down another wish.

“May my parents' dog be able to speak.”

“Your wish has been made. Probability of wish fulfillment: 0.0000001%.”

Though it seemed an impossibility, it still held a marginally better chance than China securing the World Cup.

Su Ming sighed in resignation.

After some thought, Su Ming wrote down another sentence.

“I hope to obtain a Top Grade item on my next harvest!”

“Your wish has been made. Probability of success: 15%.”

Encouraged by this figure, Su Ming felt a surge of hope.

Though the odds were low, there was still a possibility of success.

He then wrote down another wish.

“May I gain more experience and points on my next harvest.”

“Your wish is a duplicate!”

Su Ming paused, taken aback.

The System's response was a wake-up call.

His two wishes, while similar, were distinct; one was to harvest Top Grade items, the other to gain more experience and points.

The System indicated that those two wishes were duplicates. What did that imply?

It meant that the higher the quality of the item, the more experience and points he would earn!

Eventually, Su Ming grew weary.

He placed the lantern in the underground storage.

After eating and taking a bath, he turned in for the night.

The following morning, Su Ming rose early.

He noticed that the updates were still in progress.

Only two hours remained until the update was complete.

He changed into fresh clothes.

Su Ming, carrying a bag of fertilizer, made his way to the fields.

He began spreading fertilizer in the melon patch and then watered it.

Once he finished these tasks, he headed to the herding area.

There, he gave the cows some water.

Next, he visited the aquatic product area to scatter some feed.

After a quick inspection that revealed no issues, he proceeded to the breeding zone.

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