The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 390

Chapter 390 - Excellent Banana Is Ripe

Su Ming donned his professional waterproof suit and stood knee-deep in the water. A bucket bobbed gently on the surface nearby. In his right hand, he held a pole, while his left hand clutched a handful of small beads. He examined them closely. They were glass balls, weren't they? Many had cherished playing with glass balls in their youth, but those days were long gone. Such trinkets could stir up nostalgia, but they seemed pointless now. Nobody played with them anymore.

“Congratulations, Host, on acquiring the Top Grade Jingle Glass Ball,” the System announced.

Su Ming paused, taken aback. Top Grade. Jingle. The names had a nice ring to them. But at the end of the day, it was still just a glass ball, no matter how many fancy adjectives were thrown in front.

“The Top Grade Jingle Glass Ball is a Tang Sect hidden weapon. Once it hits the ground, it turns into powder. If inhaled, the individual's adrenaline levels will soar for thirty minutes, resulting in extreme excitement, undetectable by any means,” the System explained.

“Hosts can select a target for its use. Once you've chosen your target, the powder will have no effect on anyone else who inhales it.”

Su Ming nodded, absorbing the information. The Top Grade Jingle Glass Ball had an unexpected potency. In the hands of an athlete, it could be a game-changer, undetectable and powerful. Yet, the idea was fleeting. Sportsmanship was about fairness, and Su Ming had no intention of disrupting that.

Still, the glass ball could be invaluable. In a dire situation where someone was gravely injured, on the brink of death, this powder could provide a much-needed adrenaline boost, potentially saving a life. That wasn't too shabby.

But what was the deal with this Tang Sect weapon? Was Tang San aware of it? Su Ming should be wary; he wouldn't want Tang San coming after him with the Great Hammer.

Mixing up the details from different stories, Su Ming couldn't help but see the usefulness of the item. He decided to pocket a few beads, just in case a situation called for them. Conveniently, his waterproof suit had pockets on the outside, perfect for storing such oddities.

All the remaining glass balls were collected for recycling.

“Congratulations, Host, you have successfully exchanged for points. You have earned 50 points.”

“Congratulations, Host, you have successfully exchanged points. You have obtained 40 points.”

Su Ming had 90 points credited to his account.

After finishing his tasks, Su Ming tidied up.

Sitting in the cabin, he pulled out his phone to review the cabin's upgrade requirements.

He stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Now with 90 points, Su Ming had options.

He could upgrade the cabin to Level Three.


He could elevate the cabin to Level Two and enhance the equipment.

Which option to choose?

After pondering for a while,

Su Ming resolved to upgrade both the cabin and the equipment simultaneously.

Because even if one was upgraded excellently, without the other meeting the criteria, he couldn't breed higher-level animals.

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Su Ming promptly spent 60 points.

Upgrading the cabin required 10 points.

Upgrading the equipment needed 50 points.

“The cabin is currently upgrading. The process will take 6 hours.”

“The equipment is upgrading. Upgrade time: 6 hours.”

Su Ming had barely made his decision when a notification chimed in his mind.

He stepped out of the cabin, carefully closing the door behind him.

The cabin appeared blurry, likely undergoing its upgrade.

Su Ming stretched, feeling relaxed.

He brought the collected milk and glass balls back to the villa.

Ascending the stairs, he automatically opened the marketplace.

The marketplace remained unchanged.

It was stocked with common crops, none of which were green.

The Special Items section still displayed a question mark, devoid of any trigger conditions.

Su Ming shook his head, a tinge of disappointment in his gesture.

System, you're too straightforward.

Can't you throw in a little surprise?

Would a screen full of green be too much to ask for?

I'm not asking for much else.

Feeling somewhat bored, Su Ming launched a game.

He roamed freely through Summoner's Canyon.

Time flew, and night fell.

After a light meal, Su Ming retired to bed.

While he was sleeping soundly,

Yuvyuv's voice echoed gently in his mind.

“Master, the bananas are ripe.”

Su Ming snapped awake.

The bananas were ripe, a Level Two crop.

Though he had managed to grow a Level Four crop,

it had been a stroke of luck.

And the quantity of Level Four crops was limited.

This time, the bananas were cultivated on a grand scale.

Su Ming burst into laughter and leaped out of bed.

He headed straight for the field.

The banana trees towered above him.

They stood at least three to four meters tall.

Though the banana trees weren't as towering as coconut trees, tackling them would still require some effort.

Su Ming stood outside, observing.

The clusters of bananas appeared quite ordinary.

But upon closer inspection…

Where bananas should have been, there were scrolls hanging from the trees.

They were all green, encased in a thin green film.

Su Ming paused, blinking in disbelief.

Had he wandered into the wrong place?

He surveyed his surroundings.

This was Earth.

He was still in slippers, wearing pants and a T-shirt.

His phone was still in his hand.

Surveillance cameras and floodlights adorned the surrounding walls.

Many lights in the Guoxing Building were still ablaze.

Why did Su Ming feel as though he had stepped into another world?

This didn't seem like Earth.

This was Battle through the Heavens.

The scroll gave the impression of having crossed into another realm.

Su Ming rubbed his eyes, certain he wasn't dreaming.

He approached a banana tree.

The scroll was within reach, and Su Ming stretched out his hand to grasp it, tugging firmly.

”Congratulations, Host, you have obtained a skill scroll.”

Su Ming heard the voice inside his head.

He leaped up in excitement.

A skill!

It was actually a skill.

He had somehow cultivated a skill from the soil.

Su Ming had read countless novels about cheat codes, with various skills and systems.

Now, it was his turn.

He could literally harvest skills from the earth.

Clearly, he had underestimated the land's and the System's capabilities.

If one day he could cultivate an entire System from the ground, Su Ming wouldn't bat an eye.

It was perfectly normal.

Almost too normal.

Su Ming had been somewhat sleepy before, but now he was wide awake.

As he prepared to unfurl the scroll, he hesitated, struck by a sudden pause.

Hold on a second.

There's a crucial question.

“Yuvyuv, what if I'm not satisfied with the skill after I've opened it?” Su Ming inquired.

”Master, there's no need to worry. If you're not satisfied, you can simply exchange it for points,” Yuvyuv assured.

“You're truly impressive.”

Su Ming was thrilled by Yuvyuv's response.

Without further ado, Su Ming reached out and unfurled the scroll.

In that instant, the scroll vanished, transforming into a golden glow.

“Congratulations, Host, on acquiring the invincible flattery skill. With this skill at your disposal, you'll be adept at handling any situation. The success rate of this skill is 100%, with a zero percent chance of failure.”

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