The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 392

Chapter 392 - Silken Cabbage

Su Ming reflected on the benefits of Level Two crops. With just a small plot planted, he had already earned 100,000 experience points.

He promptly accessed his data panel:

Farmer: Su Ming

Level: LV11

Experience: 776,000

Farm: Level Three

Breeding: Level Two

Ranch: Level One

Aquaculture: Level One

Skills: Blessing from Plants, Initial Scanning Ability, Stamina Talent, Mosquito Immune System, Experience Buff 20, Divine Level Instrument Mastery

Planting Points: 3201

Breeding Points: 300

Points for Free-Range Livestock: 40

Aquaculture Points: 30

Su Ming did the math; he needed just over 200,000 more experience points for the next level-up.

What an exciting prospect!

Currently, he had amassed over 3,000 planting points.

Upgrading an acre to Level Two soil demanded 1,000 points.

With his 3,000 points, he could elevate at least three acres to Level Two.

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However, the land was presently occupied by pumpkin crops, so an upgrade would have to wait.

To bring an acre from Level Two to Level Three required a hefty 5,000 points.

While Su Ming's points fell short, he was in no rush and decided to bide his time.

First things first, Su Ming set to work on two acres of land, driving his tractor over the soil for another thorough plowing.

Despite the late hour, Su was invigorated, not feeling the least bit fatigued.

Drenched in sweat, he was the picture of exhilaration.

Mid-task, a thought struck Su Ming, and he paused his labor.

The stroke of midnight had come and gone, signaling a refresh of goods in the virtual mall.

Could Level Two seeds be among the new offerings?

It seemed highly probable to Su Ming, so he halted the tractor, cleaned his hands on his clothing, and fetched his phone.

With eager anticipation, he launched the System app and navigated to the mall.

“There must be Level Two seeds,” Su Ming silently hoped, offering a silent prayer before selecting the planting category.

In an instant, a flash of green zipped across the screen!

Upon closer inspection, Su Ming's hunch was confirmed: Level Two seeds were indeed available!

Among them were common varieties like onions and green beans.

Adhering to his philosophy of “better to waste than to miss out,” Su Ming purchased all the ordinary seeds and safely stored them in his warehouse.

Su Ming's attention was fixed on the last seed, bathed in a green glow.

Upon closer inspection, he discovered the seed was named Silken Cabbage.

“Nice,” Su Ming mused to himself.

Silken Cabbage seeds were quite pricey, but without hesitation, Su Ming purchased them.

Once the transaction was complete, he promptly redeemed the Silken Cabbage from the warehouse.

Next, Su Ming headed straight for the warehouse.

From a distance, he could see a bag of seeds emitting a green radiance in the night.

Rushing over and opening the bag, Su Ming couldn't help but let out a cry of amazement.

The cabbage seeds were exceptionally beautiful, as translucent and gleaming as jade.

”What a fantastic find!” he exclaimed with a laugh, thoroughly pleased.

Indeed, it was his lucky day.

He had not only triggered a special mission and acquired an incredibly powerful skill, but the System had also updated with a Level Two Crop.

Without further ado, Su Ming planted the seeds in the soil.

Cabbages required a slightly denser planting than bananas, with only ten cabbages fitting per acre.

After planting the cabbage seeds, Su Ming pondered. If a farmer could only grow ten cabbages per acre, they would certainly be at a loss.

Still, Su Ming kept these thoughts to himself, as he wouldn't dare challenge the System.

With all the cabbage seeds in the ground, dawn was breaking.

He stretched, ready to grab a bite to eat and freshen up.

Then he made his way to the herding area.

Considering that milk matured every six hours, Su Ming was eager to see if this batch would yield Beauty Maintaining Toner.

Now adept at milking, he checked and, as expected, found Beauty Maintaining Toner, which he promptly exchanged for points, along with the two dairy cows.

In total, Su Ming earned 200 points.

He immediately invested 50 points to upgrade the fence to Level Two.

With both the fence and pasture at Level Two, he was now able to raise Level Two animals.

Su Ming also exchanged two carps from the aquatic product area and all the glass balls for points, amassing another 200 points.

Su Ming once again upgraded the wooden house, saving the leftover points for a future equipment upgrade. He introduced two new sheep to the herding area and ten loaches to the aquatic product area.

“Ding! Sheep successfully raised! Harvest time for sheep is 48 hours!”

“Ding! Loaches successfully bred! Harvest time for loaches is 52 hours!”

Content, Su Ming clapped his hands. Having worked through the night, he was quite tired, so he headed back to the villa for a well-deserved rest.

He slept until late morning and, after a good stretch, got out of bed. A quick bite to eat and a glance at the thriving crops in the field left him feeling delighted. Just then, a knock at the door interrupted his reverie.

Puzzled, Su Ming wondered who could be knocking. He made his way to the door and opened it to find a large group of people. Upon closer inspection, he recognized them as members of the band.

“Mr. Su, we've arrived,” Manager Liu greeted him with a warm smile.

Manager Liu's eyes widened as he took in the expanse of Su Ming's property, which now seemed even more spacious. Everyone behind him was equally astonished.

They had been impressed that Su Ming owned land in the city center, but the fact that it could be expanded was beyond their expectations. The property was huge, easily spanning a dozen acres or more. It appeared that Mr. Su's land nearly enveloped the city center—a feat that must have cost a fortune!

The band had been away on tour, which is why they hadn't visited Su Ming's place sooner. Now that their performance was over, they had hurried over.

”Mr. Su, where will our performance be held this time?” Manager Liu inquired cautiously.

Su Ming blinked thoughtfully and stroked his chin. “You'll perform over there,” he decided, guiding them toward the breeding zone.

He had them take a seat in a wide passageway, then proceeded to the breeding zone to open all the doors and windows.

Manager Liu was visibly excited. He had thought owning a few acres in the city center was impressive, but he now realized his perspective had been too limited.

After returning from his performance, Su Ming had already purchased two buildings.

Su Ming's intent in buying these buildings wasn't for investment or business purposes; he bought them for farming!

Manager Liu couldn't help but be impressed by Su Ming.

He thought to himself how prestigious it was to play his instrument on this land valued at ten billion!

Meanwhile, Manager Liu was unaware that a motorcade had slowly made its way past the orchestra's entrance.

The procession was impressive, with several black jeeps leading the way, followed by a black sedan, and several more vehicles trailing behind.

A throng of journalists brought up the rear.

At that moment, the sedan's door opened, and a middle-aged woman stepped out.

She was immediately swarmed by an army of reporters, all clamoring for her attention.

Security personnel quickly intervened, holding back the press.

The scene resembled that of a major celebrity on tour.

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