The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 399

Chapter 399 - Don't Make Any More Wishes!

“Teacher John, there's no need for concern.”

“It's just a typical ankle sprain. Get plenty of rest and be careful when you're walking for the next few days, and you'll be just fine.”

“As long as there's no swelling around the wound, there shouldn't be any issues.”

The nearby teachers quickly offered their reassurances.

Teacher John had been at the imperial court for a considerable time and was well-acquainted with the local customs.

His panic was merely the result of being startled awake from a sound sleep.

Su Qiu had hoped for a day off from classes tomorrow, but Teacher John's injury wasn't serious enough to warrant a cancellation.

“Teacher John, make sure to rest up. We'll leave you be now.”

With that, the teachers took their leave.

Teacher John wasn't overly concerned about his sprained ankle.

The pain had already subsided.

He decided to spend some time reading.

Reaching for a novel beside him, he shifted slightly, and the bed gave way beneath him.

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Teacher John's other foot was caught in the collapse.

He let out another cry of pain.

The teachers who had just settled down were jolted awake by an even louder noise.

They rose from their beds and made their way to Teacher John's room.

Despite their internal grumblings, they were determined to check on their international colleague.

Upon entering the room, they were taken aback.

Exchanging glances, they quickly lifted Teacher John from the wreckage.

The injury to his other foot was more severe than the first.

There was a risk it might be fractured.

One teacher called Teacher John's wife, who was also a foreigner and a fellow teacher at the school.

She arrived, and upon seeing the situation, she burst into laughter.

They escorted Teacher John to the hospital.

The diagnosis confirmed that his leg was indeed fractured.

The hospital staff, upon hearing about Teacher John's ordeal, couldn't suppress their laughter.

Unable to teach, Teacher John phoned the school to request a week of sick leave.

The school would arrange for a substitute to cover his classes.

Meanwhile, Su Qiu was lounging on the couch, enjoying some fruit and scrolling through her phone.

Out of the blue, she received a text message.

“Attention, college students: Due to Teacher John's injury and subsequent hospitalization, tomorrow afternoon's two public lectures are canceled. Mr. Soong from the financial statistics department will conduct the classes instead. Please inform one another and prepare accordingly.”

Su Qiu exclaimed, “Bro, the prop you bought is incredibly powerful. Our teacher really got hurt!”

She was visibly elated.

”Yes,” Su Ming replied, the corner of his mouth twitching involuntarily.

As Su Ming mentally apologized to Mr. Soong, Su Qiu scribbled another wish on a piece of paper.

Su Ming glanced at it.

“Hold on!”

He quickly tried to intervene.

Su Qiu looked up, puzzled, then casually tossed the slip of paper into the lantern.

Flames flared up, consuming the note completely.

Had Su Ming made the wish, the lantern would have vanished too. But with Su Qiu there, the lantern remained undamaged, though the candle had been snuffed out.

“Your wish has been made. There is a 90% chance of it coming true!”

“Yuvyuv, what did she wish for?”

“Master, your sister wished to have no classes tomorrow.”

Su Ming was at a loss for words.

Today, Eastsea University was experiencing a bizarre series of events, with teachers suddenly unable to teach their classes tomorrow.

The school administration, noting the odd circumstances, decided it wasn't feasible to hold classes.

In a flurry, they arranged for the students to take a break.

So, within ten minutes, Su Qiu got another message.

“Attention students, the school holiday schedule has been adjusted. Starting tomorrow, you will have a seven-day vacation. Enjoy your break!”

The students at Eastsea University were overjoyed.

Their three-day break had unexpectedly turned into a week.

Little did they know they had Su Qiu to thank.

“Brother, this prop is fantastic. Our school is actually going on break!” Su Qiu said, astonished.

”I'm going to make another wish!”

“Stop right there!”

Su Ming quickly cut her off.

”What's the matter?” she asked, tilting her head in confusion.

“The prop can only be used twice per day, max.”

Su Qiu nodded in understanding. “Then I'll just have to come back every day!”

Su Ming felt utterly defeated.

He decided to placate Su Qiu for the moment, with plans to later distract her and help her forget all about it.

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