The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 425

Chapter 425 - Silken Cabbage Matured

Su Ming was aware of Director Cui's modesty.

He proactively proposed they grab a meal at the noodle shop next door.

They each ordered a bowl of noodles and selected a few side dishes.

After a lengthy conversation, night had fallen.

Director Cui retired for the evening, and Su Ming headed home.

Upon arriving, Su Ming beelined for the courtyard.

It was time to harvest the Silken Cabbage, which should have reached maturity.

He rushed to the two-acre plot.

Indeed, the Silken Cabbage was ripe.

Once resembling jade, the cabbages had transformed into numerous orbs emitting a greenish glow.

They struck Su Ming as oddly familiar.

He approached and inspected them more closely.

Scrolls floated within the orbs.

Su Ming pondered if this was yet another skill. He reached into an orb, withdrew a scroll, and unfurled it.

To his surprise, it wasn't a skill.

The scroll was blank, with nothing inscribed on it, leaving Su Ming bewildered.

“Congratulations, Host. You've acquired the Thunder Rattles Fortune Scroll. Write the name of a person and a question about them on the scroll, and it will reveal their fate for the coming period. Use it to sidestep danger, seize opportunities, and ensure success in both marriage and business!”

“Each scroll is good for 10 uses!”

Su Ming paused, taken aback.

His interest piqued, he dashed to the villa for a pen and inscribed his own name on the scroll.

After some thought, he wrote down a query: What are the special items in the mall?

Patiently, Su Ming awaited the outcome.

The blank area on the scroll began to ripple slowly.

A sentence soon materialized:

The Host's fate is unpredictable!

Su Ming's eye twitched involuntarily.

He mused that the System should have warned him about the unpredictability of his fate earlier, to avoid wasting a use of the scroll.

Considering he had already used it once, leaving nine uses remaining, Su Ming decided to save them for later.

He returned to the field to collect more scrolls from the orbs.

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All were Thunder Rattles Fortune Scrolls.

Su Ming unfurled the final scroll.

It wasn't empty. The moment he opened it, it transformed into a dazzling array of lights.

Su Ming recognized the scene; it was likely a skill scroll.

“Congratulations, Host. You've acquired the Proficient Combat Skill! By learning this skill, your body will undergo another enhancement. You won't have to fear street thugs anymore. This combat skill will ensure your safety!”

Su Ming didn't hesitate to choose to learn it.

A surge of powerful information exploded in his mind.

A warm current rushed to his limbs.

Su Ming stood rooted to the spot.

After a minute, he slowly opened his eyes.

Looking down, he noticed his limbs had gained more defined muscular strength.

His body had been enhanced previously.

Now, his strength had increased once more.

Su Ming could now lift a 200-pound weight with one hand, surpassing the average person.

Typically, an ordinary man who doesn't engage in manual labor can lift about 90 pounds.

Those accustomed to physical work might lift just over 100 pounds.

Ordinary women might manage to lift between 50 and 60 pounds.

Su Ming's strength had exceeded all of them.

Yet, Su Ming didn't consider his strength to be extraordinarily fearsome.

But among ordinary people, his strength was quite impressive.

If he could lift 200 pounds with one hand, his punch would pack even more power.

Of course, he was nowhere near the world's fighting elites.

Take the former boxing champion, Tyson, whose right punch delivered 800 kilograms of force and his left, 500 kilograms.

Su Ming stroked his chin, pondering.

If he were to face Tyson in his prime, he doubted he'd last even a second.

But for self-defense in the city, Su Ming's capabilities were more than sufficient.

And strength was just one facet of his abilities.

Su Ming had mastered martial arts.

Overall, his achievements were significant.

“Successful crop harvest. Earned 100,000 experience points! Extra reward: 20,000!”

“The System has reclaimed the crop. Congratulations, Host, on earning 10,000 experience points! Extra reward: 2,000 experience points!”

“Congratulations on leveling up!”

“Congratulations on receiving your level-up reward: A Special Item Card!”

“Note: Upon using this card, the special item will immediately become visible and will no longer be concealed! This card is a consumable and can only be used once!”

When Su Ming heard the notification in his mind, he paused in surprise.

With the upgrade reward, he could directly see what the special item was before deciding whether to purchase it.

Su Ming considered the special item he had pinpointed in the Special Mall, debating whether to use the Special Item Card at this moment.

After some thought, Su Ming decided against it. He recalled that the last time he acquired a skill, he also received a mission scroll. By completing the mission set by the System, he would be rewarded with another special item.

Su Ming resolved to finish this mission first and then wait for the next refresh of special items before using his reward. This strategy would allow him to secure two special items.

Next, Su Ming reviewed his status on the data panel.

Farmer: Su Ming

Level: LV12

Experience: 1,059,200 / 5,000,000

Farm: Level Three

Breeding: Level Two

Ranch: Level One

Aquatic Breeding: Level One

Skills: Blessing from Plants, Initial Scanning Ability, Stamina Talent, Mosquito Immune System, Experience Buff 20, Proficient Combat, and Divine Level Instrument

Planting Points: 201

Breeding Points: 40

Grazing Points: 240

Aquaculture Points: 80

Su Ming was astonished to see that the next level-up required nearly four million experience points! However, he wasn't concerned, knowing that as his land improved, he would accumulate experience at an increasing rate.

This time, Su Ming had harvested ten Silken Cabbages. He had used one and turned another into a skill scroll. He exchanged the remaining eight Silken Cabbages for points.

“Congratulations, Host, on successfully exchanging for points. You have earned 4,000 points!”

Exchanging a scroll for 500 points pleased Su Ming.

However, to upgrade his land to Level Three, he would need 5,000 points per acre. Su Ming's current points were insufficient for the upgrade, but he was in no rush.

With all his land now at Level Two, he was growing Dangerous Sweet Potatoes and Top Grade orchids. The sparser the planting, the greater the points yield.

Su Ming relished the sensation of gradually leveling up. If he were to level up all at once, it would lack excitement.

Regardless, he had reaped substantial rewards today.

After plowing the field, Su Ming didn't rush to plant any crops. He planned to wait until midnight to check if the System might offer any new Level Two items.

Meanwhile, Su Ming's attention was drawn to a patch of white land in the corner. It was Level Four land, but with an area of only one square meter, it was too small to cultivate any crops.

Su Ming let out a sigh. It was truly regrettable that such a plot of land couldn't be used for farming.

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