The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 441

Chapter 441 - Young Master Jin

“Damn it! Get lost!”

“You've completely screwed me over!”

Young Master Jin was seething with anger.

He remembered the incident very clearly.

It was all because that cursed woman had challenged him on why he didn't invite the whole street for a barbecue, and he had carelessly agreed.

Just like that, he had walked right into a trap.

If it hadn't been for her, he wouldn't be in such a mess!

The middle-aged woman clung to his leg, pleading loudly, “Young Master Jin, you can't treat me this way. I've been nothing but loyal to you. After all, I've never told a soul about your impotence! I've always discreetly picked up your medication from the hospital.”

The bystanders were taken aback upon hearing this.

Young Master Jin was impotent? They all felt a wave of pity for him.


His complexion turned stormy at her words.

Everyone thought Young Master Jin had no interest in women, but they were unaware of the secret he harbored—a secret that the middle-aged woman had just exposed for all to hear.

His lack of interest wasn't by choice; it was due to his impotence.

“Hit her!”

Young Master Jin was livid, his face ashen with fury.

So many people were around him, and more than half were recording with their phones.

Now, he was utterly ruined.

His secret was out in the open!

Several bodyguards advanced on the woman, beating her until her cries filled the air and she could no longer speak.

The onlookers thought she got what she deserved for being a foreigner's lackey.

Did she enjoy the beating from her master?

Would she end up kneeling down to thank him for his ‘generosity'?

Obviously, that was out of the question now since the beating had left her unable to utter a word.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In the end, the bodyguards dragged her out and tossed her into a dumpster like a piece of trash.

Young Master Jin's eyes blazed with fury.

He knew that Su Ming was the real instigator.

He had lashed out at the middle-aged woman simply to release his pent-up rage.

A cold smile played on his lips. He strode over to Su Ming with his bodyguards in tow and slammed his hand down on the table.

Young Master Jin fixed a menacing stare on Su Ming and hissed, “Regardless of what you've done to me today, you're going to give me back my money right now. Otherwise, I swear you'll regret it.”

Su Ming cracked a smile, but before he could utter a word, one of his buddies shot up, clutching a bottle.

“How dare you bully Mr. Su!”

“Do you think we're invisible?”

“Damn it! I've had it in for him for a while!”

“Let's give him a thrashing!”

“With so many of us here, let's each give him a kick.”

“Relax, everyone. I've taken care of the surveillance cameras.”

“Let's get him!”

Spurred by this declaration, the crowd rose to their feet.

They advanced towards Young Master Jin, their eyes burning with indignation.

Did he really think the people of the imperial court were pushovers?

The imperial court folk might not look for trouble, but they never shied away from it.

He had the audacity to bully Mr. Su right in front of them. They were determined to give him a beating he wouldn't forget, one that would leave him unrecognizable even to his own mother!

This group had already taken a strong dislike to Young Master Jin.

Fueled by alcohol and standing before Mr. Su, they felt a surge of bravery.

Above all, as citizens of the imperial court, they wouldn't stand for this H Country man's arrogance on their turf.

Young Master Jin, sensing the mood, was instantly petrified.

His countrymen were known for preying on the weak and cowering before the strong.

Retreating several steps, Young Master Jin's voice quivered, “What are you planning to do? I warn you, I am a distinguished foreigner!”

No sooner had he spoken than a loud noise pierced the air.

A spherical object sailed from a distance and struck Young Master Jin squarely in the face.

He hopped about in agony.

Upon closer inspection, the crowd identified the projectile as an egg.

Incredibly, someone had managed to hit Young Master Jin with an egg from such a distance.

With the crowd so large and the cameras disabled, it was impossible to pinpoint the culprit.

Fuming, Young Master Jin demanded, “Damn it! Who did that?”

Hardly had he spoken when another dark object hurtled through the air and splattered against his face.

The onlookers couldn't resist covering their noses.

Clearly, the thrower was skilled.

The dark mass was a plastic bag filled with a can of herring.

Upon impact with Young Master Jin's face, the bag burst open.

The foul odor spread instantly, prompting those nearby to give him a wide berth.

Young Master Jin was in so much pain that he saw stars. The stench burrowed straight into his nostrils.

“You guys are way out of line!”

In a frenzy, Young Master Jin stripped off his jacket and frantically wiped his face.

The crowd around him stepped back once more, clearing a significant space.

The smell was unbearable!

The bodyguards retreated several steps in perfect sync. Despite the hefty sum Young Master Jin had paid for their services, they had families to consider and wouldn't risk their lives for him. They were usually willing to intimidate the little guys on his behalf, but with such a large crowd present, they weren't about to make enemies of them.

Young Master Jin, in a fit of rage, bellowed, “Damn it! You lowly and filthy people of the imperial court! You only know how to use such vile tactics to bully others. I am a distinguished citizen of H Country. You use our chopsticks, our clothes, and even steal our cultural heritage! The imperial court is a contemptible nation! A cursed nation! I will take you to court! I'll see to it that every one of you ends up behind bars!”

“Damn it! I can't stand this anymore! Let's beat him up!”

“Yeah! I'm going to knock his teeth out today!”

“It's clear that you're the ones stealing from us! And you have the audacity to spread lies! You have no shame!”

“Your country is so tiny, even your court system and official attire are direct copies of ours. And you have the nerve to accuse us of plagiarism?”

“We of the imperial court boast a civilization with a history of five thousand years, while you can claim at most two or three thousand. We were inventing writing and paper while you were still clad in animal skins!”

Unable to contain themselves, the people around him began to challenge Young Master Jin's assertions.

Just then, Su Ming interjected, “Hold on a moment.”

Seeing Mr. Su speak, everyone promptly quieted down and stepped aside.

With a slight smile, Su Ming approached Young Master Jin, picked up a pair of chopsticks from a nearby table, and asked, “You just claimed that your country invented chopsticks?”

Young Master Jin declared loudly, “Exactly! Chopsticks were invented by H Country. You're all a bunch of thieves!”

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