The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 446

Chapter 446 - We also Know How to Cut Hair and Press the Feet

“Wait a moment.”

A policeman beside Su Ming scratched his head, glancing at him with a sense of recognition. Why did this man look so familiar? He was sure he had seen Su Ming somewhere before, but he just couldn't place him.

Then it hit him: he was standing in front of the pioneer of chat interrogation! Su Ming, Mr. Su himself!

“Mr. Su!” he exclaimed, rushing forward.

“Mr. Su?”

The other two officers were momentarily taken aback but quickly regained their composure. “Oh my God! You're Mr. Su!”

They all made their way over to him.

Without going into details, considering the relationship between Captain Wu and Su Ming, they felt compelled to greet him.

“Do you recognize me?” Su Ming asked, standing up with a smile.


“Mr. Su, each one of us knows who you are.”

“I can't believe I didn't recognize you earlier. How foolish of me!”

They all shared a laugh.

“You all work so hard. Would you like to sit down and join me for a drink and a bite to eat?” Su Ming offered warmly.

“No, no, that's alright!” one of the lead officers chuckled. “We still need to bring this fellow into our station. He's a foreigner, and we might even need to contact the embassy about it. Mr. Su, we should be going now.”

After a round of handshakes, the officers hopped into their police car and drove off.

Su Ming and Xiao Ke'er, having finished their meal, were also preparing to depart.

“Mr. Su is leaving!”

“What's the rush, Mr. Su?”

“Stay a bit longer, Mr. Su.”

“Mr. Su surely has important matters to attend to. He's not like you lot, just drinking and idling away the day.”

“Ouch! That stings a bit!”

“I really don't want to see Mr. Su go.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As Su Ming got ready to leave, everyone rose to their feet.

“Goodness. They all have a knack for acting: they're actually tearing up.” Su Ming found their reactions amusing, as all he wanted was to head home. It wasn't as if it were his funeral!

“Alright, folks, enjoy your meal. I've got to get going,” Su Ming said with a smile.

”Mr. Su, before you go, let's take a picture together.”

“Back off! You're not worthy of a photo op with Mr. Su! Mr. Su, are you interested in a haircut membership? Our salon offers a steep discount, and we're ready to meet any request you have, just name it.”

“And you, step aside! How could Mr. Su possibly sign up with you? Mr. Su, are you fond of swimming? We can offer you swimming lessons.”

“Mr. Su, are you in the market for a rental property? I have several available in the Empire Community, and they're in a prime location. The landlord's name is Su Ming. Oh, wait, you're the owner? My mistake, I'll leave you be.”

“Mr. Su, how about a foot soak? Our technicians at the White Cloud Club are top-notch.”

“Mr. Su, do you enjoy playing League of Legends? I'm quite the pro gamer; we could team up.”

“Do you have children? Our kindergarten offers special enrollment discounts for your little ones.”

Hearing this, Su Ming stood there, taken aback, blinking in disbelief.

Weren't you trying to get rid of me?

How did the atmosphere shift so abruptly? Clearly, something was off.

He could overlook those offering him haircut or swimming memberships, but the invitation to the White Cloud Club was too much, especially with a stunning beauty by his side.

It was obvious what their relationship was.

To brazenly invite him to the White Cloud Club, even boasting about the attractiveness of their technicians, was downright ludicrous!

He thought to himself, “I, Young Master Su, am the epitome of integrity! How could I frequent such a place? White Cloud Club, huh? You're on my radar now.”

“Okay, okay, okay,” interjected President Chen and Wang Guohui, stepping forward.

They mused, “You want to cut Mr. Su's hair, pamper his feet—does he need you for that? We can handle these tasks ourselves. Even if we're novices, we're quick learners, for human potential knows no bounds! You think you can compete with us for Mr. Su's favor? You're delusional; you don't stand a chance!”

“Everyone, just go back to your meals, or else you'll be footing the bill yourselves.”

President Chen and Wang Guohui stood before Su Ming like two imposing Door Guardians.

Upon hearing their words, the crowd lapsed into silence.

Everyone took their seats once more.

“Come on, let's have a drink.”

“This roasted lobster is absolutely delicious!”

“The foie gras really needs pineapple to bring out its flavor.”

“I've been sitting too long; I need to stretch my legs.”

“Same here. I've been seated the whole time.”

Their sudden flurry of activity left Wang Guohui and the rest dumbfounded.

They moved with such haste.

As soon as it was clear they had to foot the bill, they scattered faster than rabbits.

They were only interested in a free ride.

“Mr. Su, Miss Xiao, take your time,” President Chen and Wang Guohui called out, turning to them in haste.

Su Ming instructed, “Kemeng, hand them the car keys and have them drive it back. You ride with me.”

Xiao Ke'er nodded in agreement, her cheeks flushing with color. She was only ever called Kemeng by her family; even the butler referred to her as Miss. Su Ming's use of the name signified a newfound closeness, causing her blush to deepen.

She bit her lip and silently made her way to Su Ming's car.

Just then, Wang Guohui cautiously approached Su Ming, rubbing his hands together, “You know, I've actually trained in hairstyling.”

Su Ming was taken aback.

President Chen chimed in, “Mr. Su, I've learned how to give foot massages.”

“No, thank you!”

Su Ming was taken aback by their eager expressions.

He thought to himself, “Others have lovely young women to pamper them, and here I am being offered services by two older gentlemen? No, thank you.”

With that, Su Ming turned on his heel and departed.

Once in his car, he pressed the gas pedal and zoomed off.

Feeling the breeze through the window, Su Ming let out a deep sigh of relief.

“Is something bothering you?” Xiao Ke'er inquired with curiosity.

“I'm alright,” Su Ming quickly reassured her, shaking his head. “How long will you be in the capital this time?”

At his question, Xiao Ke'er's cheeks grew even warmer.

Was he expressing concern, or would he miss her in her absence?

Despite Xiao Ke'er's poised and graceful demeanor, when it came to matters of the heart, she was just like any other girl: perhaps even more so.

At a minimum, many girls Xiao Ke'er's age have gone through at least one or a few romantic relationships, yet Xiao Ke'er herself has never experienced any.

In reality, Su Ming's question was his way of signaling her to swiftly move on from the previous topic.

Whenever Su Ming thought about President Chen and Wang Guohui, he couldn't help feeling a bit nauseated.

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