The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 449

Chapter 449 - The Complexity of the Antique Industry

“Gentlemen, how has this man been selling fakes for so long without getting caught?” Su Ming inquired.

Old Master Tang shook his head. “There are some things you're not quite familiar with.”

After Old Master Tang's explanation, Su Ming began to understand.

The antique business is incredibly complex, with over 90% of items on the market being counterfeit.

Even though this individual sold a fake to Old Master Xiao and Old Master Tang, he technically didn't break the law. Creating fake antiques isn't illegal.

Mostly, antique shop owners buy these fakes and then sell them to unsuspecting buyers.

These counterfeit antiques don't have a set market value; their prices are arbitrarily determined.

If someone spends a fortune on a fake, they're either unaware of its illegitimacy or have no choice but to come to terms with their purchase. Currently, there's no legislation governing the antique trade.

So, if someone ends up with a fake, they can only chalk it up to bad luck.

Even individuals like the two esteemed gentlemen, despite their influential backgrounds, are powerless once they've signed a contract and later discover they've purchased a counterfeit.

The two gentlemen were extremely frustrated, having spent 30 million yuan on a worthless stone.

Old Master Tang, clenching his jaw, said, “Ordinarily, that fellow wouldn't dare deceive us. I command a certain respect in the antique world, and with a word from me, no one would patronize his business.”

He continued, “He's likely done with the industry and wanted to cash in one last time before exiting. That's probably why he sold us a fake.”

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Old Master Xiao, equally incensed, added, “Indeed, that's what I believe as well.”

Upon seeing the two gentlemen's furrowed brows, everyone in the room exchanged helpless glances.

To all present, thirty million RMB wasn't a substantial sum. Yet, giving that money to beggars would at least earn them gratitude. Being swindled out of it, however, was utterly maddening.

The two elderly gentlemen were advanced in years, particularly Old Master Xiao, who had only recently recovered from a severe illness. The incident with the counterfeit antiques had left Old Master Xiao feeling deeply dejected and dissatisfied, a state of mind that was detrimental to his health.

“Are we truly powerless in this situation?” Su Ming inquired once more. “That man has been peddling fake antiques for years; can it be that he's never slipped up?”

“There's definitely something amiss with his operations,” Old Master Tang replied, “but the fellow is exceedingly cautious and hasn't left any incriminating evidence behind. However, he once confided in me about an account book while he was inebriated during a drinking session. That account book contains crucial details of his transactions. Regrettably, I have no idea where he keeps it.”

Su Ming paused, struck by a sudden realization. In every film or television show, the villains always seemed to have an account book. He wondered, why did they bother to maintain such records? If the villain were apprehended by the police, wouldn't that account book serve as damning evidence?

Noticing Su Ming's perplexed look, Xiao Luomu offered an explanation: “Individuals in this line of work keep a personal account book to meticulously log each transaction.”

“Why would they go to such lengths?” Xiao Ke'er asked, her curiosity piqued.

Old Master Tang elaborated, “After so many years in business, it's impossible for him to remember every single transaction by heart, hence the need for an account book. He avoids using computers because digital records aren't secure. He meticulously documents each transaction because some of his income is illicit, and he needs to launder the money to appear legitimate. By keeping detailed records, he aims to prevent any future complications.”

“Old Master Tang, are you referring to money laundering?” Su Ming asked, a hint of realization in his voice.

”More or less,” Old Master Tang said with a chuckle. “In fact, there are numerous ways to legitimize such funds. Take, for example, when I had my son auction an item that was secretly mine. I then purchased it for 30 million. That amount was legally transferred into my son's account through the auction process. Afterward, my son transferred the money back to me, thereby converting it into legitimate income.”

Xiao Ke'er spoke up, “Grandpa Tang, have you managed to get hold of the account book?”

“Silly girl, it's not that simple,” the two old gentlemen chuckled wryly, shaking their heads.

Such a crucial item would only be known by that old man, where he's hidden it.

And the account book would definitely be in a very concealed and secure location.

They could search every nook and cranny of the old man's house and still struggle to find the account book.

The room fell into a heavy silence.

But Su Ming's mind was racing with a sudden spark of inspiration.

He quickly asked, “Gentlemen, could you tell me where this old friend of yours lives?”

“He's over in Eastsea,” Old Master Tang answered reflexively, “Why do you ask?”

“Just curious. But Old Master Tang, didn't you just mention he was a friend from the south?” Su Ming pressed.

“He claimed he was from the south, but that's just a smokescreen. His plan was to transport the account book to the south and then back here. It might deceive others, but not us,” Old Master Tang said with a knowing smile.

After a moment's thought, Su Ming stroked his chin and requested, “Old Master Tang, could you provide me with his exact address?”

The room was taken aback, and Old Master Tang quickly interjected, “Mr. Su, we understand what you're intending to do. But Mr. Su, please reconsider. The risk is too high, and it's simply not feasible for you.”

“Elders, have faith in me, I have a plan,” Su Ming assured them with a confident smile. “This old man has swindled so many. We can't let him off scot-free. I refuse to stand by. I'm determined to ensure he spends his twilight years behind bars.”

The two old men paused, exchanging glances before inquiring, “Mr. Su, do you perhaps have another strategy?”

“I must keep the details confidential for now. Elders, rest assured, I wouldn't embark on anything reckless.”

The room pondered in silence. The two old men, despite Su Ming's youth, recognized that he was no ordinary individual. He surely had his reasons for being so assured.

Yet, after some contemplation, they still felt the endeavor was fraught with too much risk.

Despite their close relationship with Mr. Su, they couldn't possibly impose on him to handle such a delicate matter.

After pondering for a moment, Old Master Tang spoke up, “Mr. Su, let's drop the issue. There's no need for you to take any risks on our behalf.”

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