The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 454

Chapter 454 - I Want to See the Doctor

As Wai Chengguo's words hung in the air, another surge of electric current crackled.

He then lost consciousness once more.

Xiao Chen watched on, his heart pounding with apprehension.

Despite Wai Chengguo's unsavory character, Xiao Chen found himself feeling a twinge of pity for the man.

He was clueless about the tactics Su Ming had employed to coax the truth out of Wai Chengguo so effortlessly.

He made a mental note to avoid crossing Su Ming in the future, even if it meant upsetting his sister; Su Ming was just too formidable.

Su Ming allowed himself a slight smile.

He activated the scanner, sweeping the room until his eyes settled on a safe tucked away in the study's corner.

Xiao Chen trailed behind Su Ming into the study.

“Holy smokes! Brother-in-law, this is an imported safe. It only opens when it recognizes Wai Chengguo's iris and fingerprints. We've got a problem. Should we haul the safe out and enlist the police's help?” Xiao Chen suggested, his brow furrowed in concern.

Su Ming chuckled, then challenged him, “Can you even lift it?”

The safe was bulky, designed to withstand explosions and shocks, tipping the scales at several hundred kilograms.

Even for someone as strong as Su Ming, lifting a safe of that heft was a daunting task.

“Brother-in-law, how are we going to crack it open?” Xiao Chen asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

Su Ming's smile lingered as he opened his bag.

Xiao Chen peered inside, wondering, “Is my brother-in-law about to reveal some new gadget? What's he going to pull out this time?”

However, Xiao Chen's astonishment was palpable when Su Ming produced an electric drill.

“Brother-in-law, are you seriously going to use an electric drill?” Xiao Chen gasped.

The approach seemed excessively forceful.

The safe, a high-quality import with a special steel exterior, was no match for the drill, which could bore right through it.

Though handy, the electric drill was seldom the tool of choice for burglars due to the considerable noise it generated.

The racket could be heard throughout the neighborhood, often resulting in the police arriving on the scene before the safe could be breached.

With a nonchalant smile, Su Ming affirmed, “Indeed.”

He then flicked the switch on the electric drill.

Its shrill, thunderous roar filled the air.

Xiao Chen's anxiety was palpable as sweat drenched his back.

He kept glancing anxiously toward the bedroom, worried that Wai Chengguo might wake up or that they would be discovered by someone else.

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But even after Su Ming had cracked the safe and retrieved the password book, they remained undetected.

Xiao Chen was completely baffled.

What was happening here?

The neighbors should have heard the noise by now. After all, Su Ming was drilling into a safe with an electric drill, not into a wall. The noise was quite loud.

Su Ming pulled a book from the safe and examined it.

It was a thick volume labeled: Mathematics College Entrance Exam Collection.

Su Ming was at a loss for words.

Who would have guessed that this Mathematics College Entrance Exam Collection was actually a code book?

But it did make sense.

The old man's account book was filled with numbers, so it was fitting for the code book to be disguised as a math collection.

“Let's go,” he said.

Su Ming tucked the book under his arm and turned to leave.

“Okay!” Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

In his rush to get to the second floor, Xiao Chen was too hasty and tumbled down the stairs.

Panicking, he grabbed at some bottles on the second floor, which then rolled down and shattered.

Su Ming, after witnessing the scene, was dumbfounded. He thought to himself, “Wai Chengguo, you can't blame me for this. I had no intention of wrecking your house. You can only fault your misfortune for encountering Xiao Chen.”

Su Ming remained silent. He helped Xiao Chen to his feet, and together they confidently strode out the front door and made their way to the car.

Captain Wu's eyes brightened, and he quickly got out of the car.

“Mr. Su, how did it go?”

Su Ming smiled and presented the account book and password book.

“Mr. Su, you're truly remarkable. Fantastic. Let's get out of here quickly.”

Su Ming nodded but remained silent.

He knew that even if he spoke, Captain Wu wouldn't be able to hear him.

Xiao Chen, unaware of this, said, “Captain Wu, that was terrifying. My brother-in-law smashed a window with a hammer to get in. Did you hear it? And he used an electric drill on the safe.”

When Captain Wu didn't respond, Xiao Chen persisted, “Captain Wu, why aren't you responding to me? Captain Wu, I'm speaking to you.”

Captain Wu was perplexed.

“Young Master Xiao, are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?” Captain Wu inquired.

“Why would I need to go to the hospital? Captain Wu, it's you who should be going. Can't you hear me?” Xiao Chen persisted.

But his attempts to speak were still silent.

Su Ming gave Xiao Chen's shoulder a reassuring pat and ushered him into the car.

The trio departed.

Five minutes later, Su Ming found his voice again.

“Mr. Su, you've really come through for me this time,” Captain Wu said gratefully.

“It's nothing. I was just doing my duty,” Su Ming replied with a smile.

“Mr. Su, where exactly did he hide the account book? We've searched his house multiple times and found nothing,” Captain Wu asked, voicing the question that had long troubled him.

Xiao Chen tried to blurt out, “I know! He hid the account book on his dog!”

Yet again, no sound came from his lips.

Su Ming spoke with an air of mystery, “He placed it somewhere you'd never think to look.”

“Now you've got me even more intrigued,” Captain Wu responded.

“He hid it on his dog,” Su Ming said, the hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Captain Wu was taken aback.

Su Ming went over the details once more.

Finally, Captain Wu had an epiphany.

“Now I remember, every time we searched his house, he would take the dog outside. I never imagined he'd hide the account book on the dog,” Captain Wu said, shaking his head in amazement.

Xiao Chen stood by, eyes wide with astonishment.

He realized that Captain Wu couldn't hear him.

He had already mentioned the account book being hidden on the dog, yet Captain Wu had asked again.

Xiao Chen felt utterly bewildered. He was ignored at home, and now it seemed no one was listening to him outside either.

Xiao Chen turned to Su Ming and said, “Brother-in-law, it seems like Captain Wu can't hear me.”

But Su Ming paid him no heed.

Though Su Ming's ‘cotton candy' had expired, he could still hear Xiao Chen.

However, Su Ming was intentionally acting as if he couldn't hear Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was baffled and a bit frightened.

Desperately, he thought, “What's happening here? Brother-in-law, you could hear me just a moment ago, why can't you hear me now? Could something be wrong with my vocal cords? That can't be; I can hear myself just fine. Brother-in-law, please don't frighten me.”

Xiao Chen was on the verge of tears.

With a puzzled look, Su Ming inquired, “What's the matter with you? Why aren't you speaking? Could your throat be inflamed? Should we head to the hospital?”

This time, Xiao Chen remained silent, simply nodding in response.

Indeed, he needed to go to the hospital. But it wasn't his throat he was concerned about—it was his brain he intended to have examined.

He had a nagging suspicion that something was wrong with his brain!

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