The Black Swan Behind (Beauty of Fire)

Chapter 184

184 Creeper’s Treasure Vault

Kenny and Renu smiled happily. They looked at each other in excitement, “Tie this guy over there. I’ll call Marcel,” Kenny said to Renu.

Renu immediately nodded and did what his superior ordered him to do. He pulled out a chair behind the desk and sat Lee Mu Fei on it. Then one of the RJC men gave him a roll of rope to tie the man up.

Lee Mu Fei could only be silent, seeing his treasure vault entered by his enemies. It was as if he was an old lion being eaten alive by a group of Hyenas. He felt he had no right to prevent them. This was what the law of the jungle looked like in this dark world. The winner would take everything that belonged to the loser. The Creeper had been overthrown. Everything that had been collected by the Creeper was finally taken by RJC who managed to defeat them.

His heart hurt. Yes, of course. Not just Oscar, but Lune as well. The two receptionists had also betrayed him. It made Afei think, had he been such a bad leader all this time that his own members had the heart to betray him? Was this really the karma?

A few minutes after Kenny called Marcel about the success of their mission, the extra members who had been prepared, arrived with lots of vans. They transported all the treasures in the vault into the cars.

In the same room, Emma and Rachel finally found what they had been looking for. It was a pile of employment contracts kept by the Creeper. Even Rachel still had time to look for her grandfather’s contract, which fortunately was also there. They even needed three large bags to carry the documents stored there.

“We have to make sure nothing’s left behind,” Emma said.

“I know. The fate of the employees is in our hands. We shouldn’t be in such a hurry,” Rachel nodded. Then she remembered something, “Oh, what about the two receptionists?”

“Ah.. You’re right,” Emma smacked her forehead. Then she immediately walked out of the room and found the two receptionists and Lune standing quietly by the door like three students being punished by their teacher. Emma knew they were waiting for her promise.


“Oh.. W-we..” The reception girl was moved when she saw Black’s figure coming toward them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Emma raised her right palm briefly in front of her chest, “I know,” It so happened that two men carrying a large bag passed Emma. She immediately stopped them and took out three gold nuggets that each weighed twenty grams.

“Thanks for helping us,” Emma said. “The Creeper has fallen. Are you two would still have bonded with them? If so, I’ll help you break free,” Emma asked the two receptionists.

The receptionists immediately shook their heads, “If the Creeper is fallen, then we’re out of this job.” Said one of them.

Emma nodded, “That’s good. In the future, avoid working in places like this. Once you get caught, it’s hard to get out.”

The receptionist girl couldn’t hold back her tears. The reason was that all this time she had been trapped working for the Creeper with all the dangers that lie in it. In fact, she and her partner were just ordinary people who were looking for a job as a company receptionists. They thought they would work for a company in the Chingsu District and were instead drawn to work at a gangster headquarters. They were even forced to swear not to get out of there and the Creeper guards also came to know their home address and parents.

“Thank you so much for saving us. I’d be fine if I didn’t take this gift. We already owe you too much.” The girl said. From earlier, she had been waiting for Black to thank him. On the other hand, she also wanted to make sure that the Creeper really disbanded and that she didn’t have to work with them anymore.

Emma smiled and shook her head, “You guys are good people caught in the wrong place. You can take this. Think of it as a token from me.” She said by patting the girl lightly on the shoulder. “You’d better go now. Maybe the police will come to this place soon.”

Then the two receptionists nodded and quickly left after thanking Black again.

Emma turned her attention to Lune who was still standing stiffly on his spot. Although Lune couldn’t see Emma’s cynical face behind the mask, it seemed that the malevolent aura that Emma gave off could be felt by him. Randomly, Emma threw the gold into Lune’s hand and he caught it immediately.

“Th.. thanks.”

“I’m not giving this as a thank you to you. You are a disgusting man who will lick the ass of anyone who gives you an advantage,” Emma said straight away. Then she sighed, “At least, we still have a little pity for the person we have taken hostage. I hope that we would never see you again in this dark world. If you’re still roaming here, I make sure that my pity will not be left for you anymore.” she continued.

Lune nodded quickly, “I understand.” he said by looking down. Then he immediately fled past Black who had shifted his body as a symbol of letting him go.

After a few seconds, Rachel approached Emma, ??”I’m done,”

“Ah.. Alright. We’d better go home soon. We just need to return these contracts to their owners, right?” Emma asked.

Rachel nodded, “So where are we going to keep all this?”

“You can leave them at our base and pick it up when we talk about profit sharing.” Kenny suddenly approached them.

“Leave them at your place?” Emma repeated suspiciously.

“I hope you’ve seen enough that RJC isn’t a group like the Creeper,” Kenny said.

Emma paused to think for a moment. Then she nodded, “Okay. We’ve counted the number of documents. If one document is missing when we pick it up, RJC will be held responsible.”

“You can entrust it to us,” Kenny answered.

That answer made Emma chuckled sarcastically, “I had a chance to do so and did it, but then things almost fell apart,”

“The bags are inside. There are three of them,” Rachel said to Kenny. “Looks like we can go now.” she looked at Emma.

Emma nodded then looked back at the big man in front of her, “You can take care of them yourself, can’t you?”

“Do not hesitate,” Kenny answered.

As Emma was about to walk away, she remembered something. More specifically it was someone, “Oh! Kenny.”

Kenny who was walking into the warehouse then stopped and turned around. He looked at Black who was still standing in the same place.

“You said Oscar ran away, right? Would that be fine? Should we be worried?” Emma asked.

Kenny smiled and shook his head, “He has run away. But he will return to his empty house.”

“Ah.. Haha.. Of course,” Emma laughed.


A few hours before...

Oscar Chopper was the coward with the most rotten heart in the universe. Seeing that the situation was already chaotic, he decided to run away, leaving all his men who were fighting for him.

Yes, Oscar never once thought of his own men. All he always thought about was himself. He would seek what was most beneficial to him and would leave everything that had the potential to harm him.

As soon as he managed to get out of the Chingsu District area, Oscar got into one of the cars parked haphazardly there. It was the car he had brought from his base to Chingsu District. Since he was a snake, he had a plan B from the start which was to ‘escape’ if things got messy. With that, he decided to pocket the car key himself.

Oscar knew that if he ran away and left his group like that, it would be the same as saying that he had given up his group. It was a statement that Creeper Greenvalley was doomed. The group had already disappeared from Handway City because the leader had given up.

Even though Oscar failed to loot Afei’s precious treasure, he didn’t lose anything at all. He purposely mortgaged one of the branch headquarters buildings that had been purchased by the central Creeper fund. He used the money from mortgaging the building for capital to attack Chingsu District.

Oscar had it planned. If indeed he failed to seize Afei’s treasure, then he would run away leaving everything he had built in Handway City. He would move to another city or even abroad. That was because he already had a lot of money in his bank account and kept all his wealth in various stock investments. That way, he would still be a rich man who didn’t need to work, even if he was no longer a gangster group leader.

Once at Greenvalley’s headquarters, Oscar immediately ran inside to go to his study and take some important documents which he kept in his small safe. But how surprised he was when he found his main headquarters had been messed up.

He saw many of his men already lying battered on the floor. Oscar pensively examined the situation. So while he was away, his base was attacked? But he did not keep any valuable treasures in his base.

Why did those people attack the base? Was RJC come back to take revenge because he once tried to kidnap the grandmother of their leader? But that didn’t make sense because the two higher-ups of RJC had seen with their own eyes that Oscar was also in Chingsu District at that time.

“Tsk! Never mind!” He muttered as he ran upstairs to his room. He didn’t want to dwell on the gangster problem any longer. What he had to take care of now was his future along with his treasures. After all, he also was sick of having to worry every day. He was tired of always being number two.

Once in front of his study, Oscar’s steps stopped when he found the door to his room wide open. From outside the door, he could see that the interior of his room had fallen apart as if it had been hit by a typhoon. With unsteady steps, Oscar went inside to find that the door to his safe had been opened, revealing its empty contents.

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