The Black Swan Behind (Beauty of Fire)

Chapter 256

256 Alliance of Heroes

Ian frowned in confusion. He was interested to hear what Black’s plan was. He did not deny that the midget man’s brain was clever.

“Right now, the Beast Empire is searching for our group’s whereabouts. They are keeping a tight guard over all of their territories, even going undercover and going around various places to find us.

I can guess that they are tightening the guard on the main warehouse, so it might be difficult to break in from the outside. So, we need Jita Kyoei to take over the patrol work to thwart the daily crimes that Beast Empire commits. With that, Beast Empire will break its focus. They will loosen their effort to catch Black.” Emma explained.

“We’ve always been on patrol all this time. But you guys move like shadows that we didn’t even get a chance,” Troy said.

“Sorry for making you lose your prey. However, we must move quickly so that no other girls become victims. Unlike you guys who have a mission to save the martial arts studio, we have a pure mission to save those innocent people.” Emma answered sarcastically.

“Good words, hero,” Ian replied with a cynical look.

“You can say whatever you want. But that is the main reason Black stands up.” Linda answered Ian’s words.

“So, you won’t be patrolling anymore?” Calvin asked.

Emma nodded. “We will provide all the information we know about the Beast Empire’s movements, so that our movements will be in sync. During that time, my group will prepare ourselves and plan to attack the main warehouse.”


“Are you sure you can attack the main warehouse alone?” Frank asked.

Emma nodded. “I’m pretty confident about it. However, I won’t accept the risk of getting in trouble because we don’t have too many members. Therefore, on the day we attack the main base, I will need Jita Kyoei’s help again. I need you to destroy two transit warehouses.”

“So, you want to reduce the men of the main warehouse, so that the battle becomes even?” Ian asked.

“There are a lot of captives in that warehouse. Not only do we have to beat up the Beast Empire members, but also protect all the captives. That way, the gap between the numbers of our members will become a troublesome problem for us.” Emma answered.

“Well.. That’s understandable. I admit it’s an interesting plan,” Troy said.

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“It’s not just interesting. It’s an amazing plan.” Linda replied. The Black Swan core team, including herself, had discussed this plan in a meeting. These were all the ideas and thoughts of all the core team members. Of course, this plan was something great.

“We are cool now. We will cooperate and keep in touch until the Beast Empire falls.” Troy said.

“Do we need a letter of agreement?” Emma asked.

“Are you kidding me? What’s that for?” Troy asked.

“A legal agreement evidence?” Emma answered.

“Evidence my ass! We’ve said this in front of many witnesses. Anyone who breaks it is trash.” Troy replied in anger.

“You dare to come alone to our nest, and yet about an agreement like this, you even think of a stupid piece of paper? What country are you actually from?” Ian asked with both eyes narrowed in surprise.

“All right, all right,” Emma said while raising her hands beside her chest. “If you guys object, then we don’t have to. There’s no need to be so fussy either.”

Emma chose to give up because she had known these men as Emma Hilland. They were trusted men.

“You hope we don’t make a fuss after hearing your strange request?” Frank said.

“We’ve let you come to our base that none of the other groups knows about. Does your trust in us compare to this? Would you allow us to come to your base, then?” Frank asked to test the damn mask.

“Certainly not,” Emma answered straight away as firmly as possible.

“By the way, do you guys know where the headquarters of the Beast Empire is?” Linda asked, trying to change the subject. Just like Rachel, she was also good at reading situations. Therefore, Emma made her Rachel’s replacement for today.

Frank shook his head. “We don’t know yet. They hid it well; probably just like you guys. However, we weren’t that serious enough to focus on finding their base. Maybe after this, we’ll start looking for it seriously.”

“Well, good, then. My team will also look for it. We can exchange information.” Emma said. Then, she got up from her seat. “I think this is all. I will ask some of my core team to contact you, so that each department can communicate well with each other.”

“Okay. Thanks for coming here.” Troy said.

Emma nodded. “Thank you for having us. I hope each of us can succeed in our goals without any problems.”

“I’ll walk you out,” Calvin also rose from his seat.

Then, the three of them walked out of the room, through a short passage that was part of the back path of the building, until they came to a back door made of iron. In front of the door, a black motorcycle was parked.

“Thanks for walking us out,” Emma said.

Calvin nodded, “Actually, I have something to talk to you about a little.” he said somewhat hesitantly.

Emma stopped her movement to get on the motorbike. “What’s that?”

“I want to apologize for my rude behaviour that night, as well as thank your team for taking my friend safely to her house.”

Emma chuckled. “I accept both. I know you’re worried about your friend. Therefore, I won’t mind it,”

‘You’re even sane enough not to call me your girl.’ Emma said in her heart.

“From your words and actions, I can judge that you and your group are truly sincere in helping others. This information may not be important to you, but I just wanted to let you know that I am not a part of Jita Kyoei.” Calvin explained.

“You aren’t?” There was no surprise in Emma’s voice.

“It happens that I also have the same mission as you. Unlike Jita Kyoei, I fight the gangsters just to make this city safe and stop the oppression. But so far, I’ve only been moving alone, fighting many groups, until Jita Kyoei discovered their problem regarding the martial arts studio. Since then, I’ve built an alliance with them.” He explained.

“Well.. So, what do you want to talk about exactly?” Emma asked in confusion.

“I just want you to know that I have the same mission as you. So, I have a big hope for this alliance. Even if Jita Kyoei doesn’t cooperate with you anymore, I will still support Black and am willing to help your mission. ” Calvin answered.

Emma smiled behind her mask and nodded. “I see. Thanks for saying it nicely. It seems like, among those guys, you’re the only one who doesn’t hold on to that bullshit pride. I really appreciate it.”

Calvin also smiled at Black’s answer. It was not wrong if from the start he thought that Black was a good man who he could trust. He was relieved because he was able to establish good relations with a group that had the same mission as him.

Now, Calvin’s worries about not being able to avenge his brother’s injustice had diminished considerably. A great hope arose. He was optimistic that in the future, there would be no more people who suffer the same fate as his brother in this city.

“Thank you. See you later,” Calvin said to the two masked men.

“See you later.” Emma and Linda answered at the same time as they got on their motorbikes.

Then, the black motorbike drove away and out of the alley that became the entrance to the back door of the building.

“Well.. Calvin really is a nice guy, isn’t he?” Said Linda who was in the back seat.

Emma smiled. “He is kind and sincere.”

“If I were you, I wouldn’t think twice to be in a relationship with him, Emma,” Linda said.

“A lot of people say that. But I’m not so sure,” Emma answered.

“You aren’t? Is there something wrong with him?” Linda asked.

“I feel like it’s still not the time. There are too many things going on. Maybe this isn’t the time for me to think about a special relationship; so is Calvin.”

“You two are like a pair of swordsmen. You’ll make great kids later,” Linda laughed.

“Haha.. What are you saying, Linda? My adventure is still too long to think about marriage, let alone children. I don’t even want to imagine it.” Emma answered.


The cold air dominated the dimly lit room because the air conditioner was turned on at the minimum setting.

A bald man was sitting, wearing only a T-shirt. His whole body was covered with tattoos. The paintings that were embedded in his skin were also even found all over his neck to his scalp.

His eyes were sharp and his jaw was firm and hard. His two talented fingers which were covered by the various drawings made by the tattoo artist, were arranging chunks of pure gold plates on the desk.

Knock! Knock!

The two sharp eyes turned to the door of his room. “Come in.”

The man’s voice sounded deep and hoarse which gave anyone goosebumps just by hearing it. He was like a lion that ruled the wilderness.

The door opened. A man walked in. He had a gold-coloured hip-hop jacket wrapped around his body and a shiny silver hip-hop hat covering his head.

“Hi.” Pablo greeted as he stepped inside. Instantly, he rubbed his own arms, for the freezing temperature of the room “You crazy! It’s Alaska freezing here!”

“Don’t make a fuss. I’m tired of hearing those words from your mouth every time you come here.” The bald man replied.

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