"This...this is just so beautiful. "

She whispered, looking around. For her, it felt like living in a movie scene. A scene rolling with the cameras intact, her the heroine and him the hero.

"I m glad that you like it...I worked really hard for it."

"I love it!"

She said, raising her eyebrows, appreciating every bit of thing, the decoration, the food he had cooked for her.

"I had a hard time arranging it...I have never prepared a date myself."

Kian started, a little bit shy for admitting his immature moves if there were any while doing it all by himself.

"Following the internet was not my first choice...but with the limited budget, this is what I can offer, Tinsley...not a candlelight dinner in a five-star restaurant. "

He confessed, being honest and true about how he felt for the very first time in his life to a woman.

Tinsley moved to look back at him. He was looking down on the floor as if ashamed of not being able to offer her more.

"Your love is what I have always wanted, Kian...not some fancy candlelight dinner in a fancy hotel. "


He fed her one piece of the cake he baked with limited ingredients.

She moaned to the taste of the food inside her mouth, closing her eyes, savouring it to her best time.

Kian had to control himself to keep sitting back, instead of lunching himself upon her.

Her moans were so magical and enchanting to listen to. They were like music to his ears.

"So how is it??"

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He asked expectantly. He had never baked a cake before. Being with this woman...who now was his wife made him do things, he had never done before or thought of doing ever.

The cake was not the best. It was not like the cakes she grew up eating but it was the first one from her husband.

"It was a bit..."

She started with a slightly disappointing face and Kian looked down, getting upset that he could not do it right.

Tinsley could not hold the chuckle as she saw how the colour of her husband's changed in a second.

"It was nowhere near to any of the cakes I tasted before..."

"I know. "

Kian muttered softly, eyes still glued to the floor. Tinsley kept her eyes on him and continued.

"...but it was the first I ever tasted from my husband."

Her reply made him look up at her almost instantly. She smiled so sweetly at him that it warmed his heart.

"I know that I did a bad can be honest with me. "

Kian asserted. He wanted to really know how it tasted and whether she liked it or not.

Should he have taken her to a restaurant instead of trying to act over smart and cook for himself??

Now he had given her the first date from him to be ridiculed at in the future!

He thought to himself. He could not provide her with the best of things, the way she deserved and here he was not even could not bake a decent cake for her.

"It tasted like something salty and wet and thick..."

Tinsley thought to be mischievous for the first time in their relationship and it made Kian eye her with utter astonishment.

He exactly knew what she was talking about. His eyes darkened with so many dirty things he wanted to do to his wife.

"You are getting naughty, Mrs Randall."

He said and Tinsley fluttered her eyelashes as if she had no idea of what he was talking about at all, innocently.

She was successful in diverting the topic and she was happy that it worked. After what he did for her...everything, how the cake tasted did not matter at all.

He was about to pull her to him but Tinsley slapped his hands away, standing up.

"I do not kiss on my first date, Mr Randall. "

She mumbled, and Kian could not help the smile that took over his face. It was just impossible not to smile whenever she was around him.

He very much was liking the game his wife was playing. He too stood up and without her realization, he pulled her towards him, holding her by her waist.

Her soft breasts pressed against his hard taut chest, she lowers touched his and could not help the gasp that slipped out of her involuntary mouth.

"Oh, you are wrong, Mrs Randall."


She softly asked, his hot breaths fanning her face was distracting her from thinking straight.

"I do not kiss on my first date either."

"That's good to know."

Tinsley uttered. The way his eyes were looking in her way made her feel so hot. Suddenly her insides started sweating.

"I only make love, Mrs Randall."

The last things he said, made her pale. Her cheeks tainted red as she felt his hands moving down and kneading her rear ends.

Her hands tightly held onto his shoulders as her core started to beat up, her knees felt jelly inside and she pressed her body more onto his for support.

As much as it was hard, not to throw this woman on the sofa and hike her dress up and have his way with her, but he had clear things to be done before they consummated their dating night.

"But before that, I intend to have one dance with the lady."

The way he said, it made her blush so hard and feel giddy so inside. He walked them to the centre of the living room.

With no music , clearly, there was music, unheard in the background, only heard in their mind.

Kian and moved her around in slow motion. Their eyes stick to each other. He pulled her back to himself.

They moved their body in slow motion. She rested her head on his chest. His arms held her securely in his hold.

"I might not be the best to you, Tinsley...but I promise to better from today onwards..."

She rose up from his chest to look up at him when he started to talk. He rubbed her small back sensually.

"I promise to be the better version of me for you and our incoming child. "

It passed chills down her spine as she heard his honest confession of her husband, his true words for her and the child...she was not sure to have or not have anymore.

"It's hard for me to tell these things to you...letting myself out and be vulnerable before you, I m not used to it. "

Kian had no intention of ever coming to anyone in his life but here he was, standing with his wife, letting all of himself out to her.

He held on to her waist tightly and it was enough to let Tinsley know how hard it was for him to be clean about himself.

"After my mother died, I never thought I could come to liking anyone as close I m to you...I never thought of letting myself get close to anyone as I m to you...

Before I intended to hold myself back but now I m fully in, body, soul and mind with every ounce of me herewith you.

I, know the conditions are not at the best and I give you my words that I will work hard to give you the life you deserve, you were born into and raised to be in one...the same for our baby. "

He grinned, being emotional as he was speaking his heart out to a woman for the first time.

"It's very strange how a few years ago, I never thought of meeting a woman as beautiful as you...sharing an innate connection, marry her and come to the point of seeing a possible future with her, together, with our children. "

A tear strand fell out of Tinsley's eyes as she listened to each and every word from her lover's mouth in silence.

He rubbed her tears away with his hands, making her close her eyes, feeling his warm touch on her face.

"Will you accept me to living a future beside me and our children, Tinsley Rutherford??"

He asked the question, calling her in her maiden's name. It was a proposal he was giving to her that he was never able to give her.

All the doubts, thoughts, she had about bearing the child of this man, letting his heart out to her, vanished from her form.

She was sure more than ever that this man loved her, cared about her. The sincerity of the promise he was making to her, was undoubted.

She had never thought in her life or dreamt that someday she would end up with the fifteen-year-old boy, to whom she had lost her first kiss to, her first love.

But the Almighty had blessed her enormously and here she was with him...married and to start a family together.

How could she deny his proposal then??



I have received 2 requests for mass release n I m not against it at all...For that to happen, I only ask for 20 more Golden Tickets by next week! 

Look, guys, I m working hard to give you all something new to read, something different...maybe not the best out there...but I m trying so in return all I ask is for you all to donate your Golden Tickets to this book! 

If I get 20+ Golden Tickets every week or close to that, then bonus chapters every week! 

Thanx:) and think about the deal!

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