"Yes...yes and a thousand times, yes!!!"

Tinsley started softly but then screamed out her answer and Kian could not hold himself back anymore.

He swirled his wife around, being so happy. Tears shined in her eyes, along with the gracious giggles from her mouth as her husband spun her around, holding her up by her waist, in the living room.

She had made him the happiest man alive on the earth. He felt all sorts of emotions, happiness, deep care and adoration, he thought he could never have for anyone.

"You do not know how happy I m today!!"

He said, stopping altogether, letting his wife down. She held tightly onto his biceps for support, her head felt dizzy from all the happiness.

"You have made me the happiest man, baby!!"


Seven days had passed and Tinsley could not be any happier than she had ever been. But her husband proved her wrong every day because he would make her more happier than the other day.

Her day would start with him eating in between her thighs and mind-boggling sex in the shower.

Each time, he would make sure to fill her up so much that she could feel his remnants inside her when learning to cook with Anna Maria.

She had gotten so much better than before. She could then chop the onions as fast as Anna Maria and not hurt her fingers in doing so.

She had learned ten dishes in total to make, including deserts. She felt content with her life for the first time, how it was going on.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In the evening, she would be greeted home by her sweet husband, to whom she looked forward to meeting as the daylight would end.

In his arm, they would talk about how their day went, sitting on the balcony, viewing the town as the sun would set below the horizon.

Making dinner as he worked at the kitchen counter with his laptop and compliment every other minute, how good the food smelt.

And as promised, they still had their dinner with her sitting on his lap from one plate.

He would feed her and her to him. His hands would try to do some naughty things but she would slap them away playfully, making him groan out in annoyance.

In the middle of the night, their moans and groans of pleasure would air in the bedroom as he would passionately make love to his dear wife.

And after that, they both would bid farewell to the day, sleeping in each other's arms.

Some days, she would feel a bit sad when he would not mouth 'I love you' back to her even when he came clear about their future together.

She just did not understand what was so hard in returning those three words back to her but then she would calm her heart saying that it was not necessary as his actions spoke louder to how much he loved her.

She could not be greedy at all in wanting his love in both words and actions. But she was greedy for his love all the damn times...wanting more, never less.

As days passed, Kian was not having any luck in thinking of any idea viable to the market.

He was happier than before even when he was not being able to focus on his work as he should have been.

His mind was occupied with so many things that he had no more space left for thinking about a unique idea at the time.

At home, he could not be able to focus at all with his beautiful wife around. All he wanted to do was spend the time being in each other hold on their bed...their personal heaven.

And when at work, he could not stop thinking about her. Her face, her smile, the way she eyes his soul, so deep and with care, her laughter, her embrace so warm and comforting...he just could not get his mind straight and in order.

The feelings he felt for her was beyond love. He did notice how her face would scrunch too little upsetting colour whenever he would not voice back the words she would do to him.

As much as he wanted to, he could not bring himself in doing so. Mostly, because he was afraid she would leave him just like his mother and aunt after he let his heart out to her completely.

Even though he did it...he was not yet ready to confess it in words...the final words.

He had no idea why he was so reluctant but he knew that it was something he would grow comfortable saying later.

He believed her love for him would make it for her. She would love him enough to make this anxiety of him go away in the future.

Each day seemed like a blessing as it passed. They both were excitedly looking forward to the good news.

Whenever Madison's words ring inside Tinsley's mind, she would try to ignore them.

True to her words, they were running out of savings as the other day, Kian had to sell his million-dollar watch for only a few hundred thousand in the town shop for their day-to-day expenses.

In moments like these, her mind would make her rethink about everything. How many things would change if they had a baby?

But his assurance makes her forget it and ignore it. "They would figure it out together." He would say.

And she could not agree less. Whatever would come their way now, they would tackle it down together and it calmed her heart thinking about the worst possibilities of the future.

That he would be right by her side, standing beside her to fight alongside her. It made the future less fearful and scarier.

A few days ago, he had bought a pregnancy test kit and it surprised her to her core.

She looked at him, opening the kit in their bathroom. Her hands shaking in nervousness as her heart thumped furiously against her chest.

"I will be with you in every step of the way, baby."

His words soothed her restless nerves. She nodded her in positive and he helped her in opening her panty. She stepped out of it to pee on the stick.

She licked her lips as she bent down to put the stick below to pee on it. He sat down before her and held the stick for her.

She opened her mouth to protest in embarrassment but he shushes her up. And remained seated, holding the stick and after a good minute of waiting, she peed on it.

Kian washed his hands and put the stick on the counter, waiting for the result. She wore her panty back in and stood by his side.

When the alarm in his phone rang, he clicked it off and picked up the stick to see if they were pregnant or not.

The one line on the stick made him look down in disappointment and she felt her heart drop to the ground, watching him like that.

Was he going to be mad at her now?? She thought.

He threw the test in the dustbin and turned to look at her. She eyed him with panic but he only pulled her to him for a hug.

"All tests are faulty." He said, rubbing her back. "You have not gotten your periods yet so it's a good sign, baby."

It was true, she was late for a few days now and that was led Kian in bringing the test kits to verify if she was pregnant or not.

"We will take another test in the morning and regardless of it, we will see the doctor do not worry."

He concluded, kissing her forehead, making her feel so comfortable in his hold and embrace.

"I m very sure the next one will pop positive."

He smiled at her and they both went to bed not before, he uncovered her abdomen to lay a sweet kiss on her as he did every other night.

"I can't wait for you to grow big and adorable."

He whispered, spooning her getting ready to retire for the night. Tinsley smiled and in a short while, they were both asleep.

In the middle of the night, Tinsley squirmed and moved uncomfortably in her sleep as she felt a quick, deepening ache in her lower abdomen.

She held her belly tight as she tried to bear the pain and go back to sleep but it was too much and she could not hold back the moans of pain.

Kian was sleeping on the other side, facing the wall as she clutched her stomach and sat up, whimpering in the sudden pain.

She had no idea what was wrong with her. And then just like that, she felt something wet in between her legs.

She hurriedly kicked off the white duvet and saw blood flowing out of her, staining the bed sheet, making everything red.






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