Chapter 151 - "THE REGULAR?"

"Can you stop around the corner?? I need to buy my shots for the coming month."

Tinsley requested, sitting on the back to Madison. She Parker the Audi nearby the shop cum pharmacy.

"Why buy now??"

"Because I might forget when I return and you know..."

Tinsley explained, collecting her bag to get out. Lana tilted her head to the back and asked.

"Are men that insatiable??"

"You have no idea!"

Tinsley muttered under her breathe. If Kian had the whole day, she could bet he could fuck her the entire of that day, doing nothing but that.

Sometimes she felt so sore, so used up. Her body would ache all over but it was a good kind of ache that reminded you of how the ache came to existence.

"Madi might know! Right babes?"

Lana implored, excitedly. She knew that Madison had her fair share of men too.

Madi was taken off guard by that question. She got nervous and her reply was something no one was expecting.

"You do know that I m bi, right??"

It came like an outburst. Both Lana and Tinsley were taken a bit back by that kind of response.

"Of course, babes! I know!"

Lana mumbled, after a little holdup. Tinsley finally got out of the Audi to get her shots leaving both Madi and Lana alone.

"Madi, I did not mean to offend you with mentioning about the men..."

Lana confessed. Madi sighed, closing her eyes. Lana did nothing wrong, she knew that.

But the guilt in her was eating her insides. She could not help the memory of the kiss they had shared...her and John.

It was disturbing that even after cheating on her loyal girlfriend with her brother...she wanted it more. She wanted to repeat the mistake.

It was that that was making her restless and irritated. She felt sorry, deep regret and she knew that if she came out clean which she should...everything would be destroyed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Her worst fear was to lose Lana altogether for good this time and she was not ready at all for that.

"It's fine!!"

She said, and Lana nodded her head. Their eyes interlocked at that moment.

Meanwhile, Tinsley waited as the pharmacist would process her sale. Nathan approached her.



Tinsley greeted, not having any idea why every time she only had to run over him.

"I m here to get some meds for uncle."

Nathan said, feeling a bit awkward after what happened that evening. She nodded.

"Is he alright now?" Tinsley enquired.

"Yeah! He kind of is on bed rest!"

Nathan answered. By the time, they could exchange more words, Tinsley's sale was possessed.

Nathan's eyes lingered on her contraceptive can. Tinsley held it and walked out of there immediately.

"What took you so long?"

Madi questioned as soon as Tinsley got inside the car, closing the door.

"I ran into Nathan and had a little chat!"

Tinsley replied, tying her seatbelt. Madi started the engine, moving out of there to the airport for their vacay.


Kian could not let go of the thought of Tinsley repeatedly getting her periods.

He was trying to work on his laptop but the thought was constantly hitting his mind nonstop.

What if something was wrong with him??

It was the most disturbing thought of all. He did not want to start with it but could not let go of it either.

It made him finally get up and drive to the nearest clinic to check his fertility order.

He knew that it was stupid but still he needed to know if anything was put of the normal order.

So when he waited on line with his appointment, Nathan saw him and smirked walking up to him.

When Kian saw him, he shook his head in disapproval. Of all the people in the town, it had to be him that he ran into.

"Fancy seeing you in a clinic!"

Nathan joked. Kian remained silent and looked elsewhere.

"I m here to get uncle's prescription for his mew medicines. What about you??"

Nathan implored. He just liked to irritate Kian as much as he could.

"What about you??"


Kian gritted his teeth, glaring at him. He did not understand why he would have to always pop up out of nowhere and then start conversing as if they were mates.

"I saw your wife a few days back."

And it got Kian's full attention. It had been three days since Tinsley left and they had been face-timing regularly.

"She was buying some medicine...what was it??"

Nathan scratched the back of his head trying to remember it. In the between, it made Kian think what medicine was Tinsley buying from the pharmacy without him knowing anything about it.

Was something wrong again??

And the thought made his heartbeat erratically out of concern for his wife, if something was really happening to her and she was not ready to tell him yet.

"Oh...I bet it had to be some kind of contraception?"

And Nathan dropped the bomb in the middle of the desert making Kian immediately look back at him.

He could not process the words he heard. He glanced at Nathan smirking at him and then the nurse called out to him for his appointment.

Kian followed the nurse behind, his head was in a frenzied state at that moment.

The doctor ran him through the procedure and gave him a plastic can to get his sample of semen in it.

He was walked to an empty room and the helper closed the door leaving him all alone with his thoughts.

He unzipped his pants and started jerking himself off but Nathan's words kept ringing like a siren in his head.

He sighed not being able to finish himself off. He was not even getting hard.

He was tired after trying for a few couples of times and failing miserably every time.

He rested for a moment and then pulled out his phone from his pant back pocket and swiped for the recent naked video of his wife.

She was unaware most of the time whenever he would click a naked picture of her while sleeping or click a video to capture their moment in the sex.

It was not something he was into. He never did something like this before meeting his wife.

She just always pushed him to do something new. It was as if a backup for him whenever she was out of reach to him.

In the video, he was eating her out in between her legs. The phone was set on the bed upside down.

Her moans, biting lips and the way her eyes rolled around her socket made him come almost immediately.

He collected it all in the plastic can and wore his pants back. He went to the washroom to wash himself up and then waited for the helper to collect the sample.

Two days went by in a blur and he was missing his wife furiously. The house seemed so lonely without her. Her presence made it livable.

Even though Nathan's words kept disturbing his mind, this time around he was going to put his trust in his wife.

So when the test results dropped on the mails, he was taken aback by it. It showed he was ninety-six per cent straight fertile with a green mark that he was indeed fertile.

His sperm count was more than average and then it started to hit him off. If everything was fine with him and so was with his wife because after the heartbreaking miscarriage, they went to check up on her health and there the doctor said everything was fine with her.

And it was that thought that made him go check himself up and now that the results were out, Nathan's words hit him hard.

Was Tinsley really taking contraception without letting know about it??

He collected his car keys and drove straight to the nearby pharmacy around the corner.

He got out and waited in line impatiently. A small town with a pharmacy with fewer counters made it impossible to get service right away.

When his turn came, he glanced at the old middle-aged woman. She glared at him when he did not respond right away.

"Uhm...I m here for my wife, Tinsley Randall. Is she buying some sort of medicine from here??"

He questioned, hoping that the old woman would oblige and give him the correct answer.

"We are not allowed to disclose seller's information, sir!"

"But I m her husband!!"

Kian retorted back. He was getting out of his mind. It was then he thought of twisting around to get what he wanted.

"She sent me to buy for her but...I...uh forgot what the name was??"

The woman narrowed her eyes at him. Kian acted like he really did forget the name of the medicine his wife asked him to buy.

"Did she say the regular?"

"Oh yes!! The regular!"

Kian exclaimed. The woman processed the sale and when she handed him the bottle of the pills, it blew his fucking mind off!









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