"I have heard a lot about you! It's really nice to finally meet you!"

Tinsley just kept staring at her with straight eyes, not responding at all. Serena awkwardly looked back at Kian and Tinsley followed her gaze.

It was then out of being furious, she shook Serena's hand hard and glared at her.

"I hope you two had fun fucking each other's brain!"

Tinsley fumed and narrowed her eyes at Kian before thrashing her way out of there.


"Then why should I believe you??!!! Why do I even care about if you did something or not??


What is even left of this marriage that was forced upon you??

Isn't it?? I could just go have anyone else and free you from this misery!!"

And that was it. It hit Kian straight where she aimed at. He strode towards her and pulled her naked body to his clothed ones, despite her screams and struggles.

"Leave me!!! Fucking let go of me, you asshole!!"

She broke down, whimpering out the words with extreme difficulty. Her drunkard and over-emotional state was not the best way to deal with the present situation.

"I hate you!!! I don't wanna be with you!!! I give up!!!"

She kept struggling and he was not ready to let go of her either. Their moving bodies knocked off the mug and the shampoo bottles.

"I wish I never had fallen for you!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And in that very moment, Kian let go of her all of a sudden as if those words him very hard.

Tinsley stepped backwards and Kian remained static on his spot. She wrapped the nearby towel around her body.

She rubbed away her tears, breathing high and feeling a pounding headache took over her body.

Kian looked up into her eyes and he saw a void...the kind of void that shook him to his core.

The deep fear of having to lose her, he could not bear that. Not one bit. Did he go too far in pushing her away??

And it was when he got down on his knees as if defeated and a man who had lost everything.

Tinsley eyed him with astonishment, not getting what he was trying to say or do. She held onto the ends of the towel tightly around her body.

"Punish me!!"

His hoarse voice was barely audible. Yet she could make it what he was asking her of.

"Punish me for inflicting so much pain!"

He urged, still on his knees, hands rested on both his thighs, in a surrendering pose in front of his wife.

Tinsley's eyes got blurry with tears and exhaustion. She could not believe the things her ears were hearing.

"Punish me..."

Kian could not finish what he was about to say as Tinsley fell down upon him, losing her balance and consciousness.

He was quick to hold her in his arms and shook her, trying to wake her up. He could smell the alcohol from her open mouth and figured out that she was hungover.

He picked her up in bridal style and carried her to their bed. Slowly dropping her on the bed, he took her towel off and pulled the duvet over her nude body.

He walked inside their walk-in closet and searched for her underwear. It was then he had noticed that the entire closet was almost empty with only a few clothes...most of them bought from before.

She had not shopped anything for her and it had been two months in since his company went global. He also realized that he did not bother getting a car for her.


What is even left of this marriage that was forced upon you??

Isn't it?? I could just go have anyone else and free you from this misery!!"

Her words resonated around inside his mind. He had punished her with his silent treatment for too long for something so petty...he knew that it was petty.

Yet he kicked her out of the house, created a distance between them. Not because of her mistake...not entirely for that.

But because of his fear. Her lies were a red signal for him, stopping himself from getting more close to protect himself.

And maybe in his struggle to create a distance between them, he had not realized that he was pushing her too far to the point of her coming to questioning their marriage and ending it.

It was that shook him to the core. He could never imagine a life without her in it as his wife anymore.

No matter how they had gotten married...whether it was for convenience or just to solely protect her, she was bound to him for life and he did not mind being stuck to her for life...for some weird reason, he still needed to figure out.

"I wish I never had fallen for you!"

And this was the kick right onto his gut that made him fall directly on his knees beneath her, defeated and surrendering.

He did not know...yet to figure out if her love for him was real and not fake like Serena's.

It had made it so difficult for him to try and put a line of distinction between what was real and what was not real.

But still, her declaration of wishing to had never fallen for him, made him feel that tight squeeze in his heart, that was so painful, he could not bear matter however much tough he was of a man.

He came back with her underwear and sat beside her on the bed. Peeling of the duvet off of her, he tried to make her wear the underwear. She stirred in her sleep, turning to the other side.

He could not describe the intense grief and guilt, he felt at that time staring right onto her so innocent face, so could he even think of accusing her of something so heinous??

He pats her head and she hummed in her sleep, leaning more close to this unknown touch of comfort.

He leaned down to drop a chaste kiss on her forehead. He switched the lights off and headed outside to see the party was long over.

The staff were getting the hall cleaned, the bartender was fixing the leftover drinks. He was watching them from the balcony.

"Madi? Get my jet ready in two hours!"

It was a simple call, he had made asking Madi for a simple request and before she could implore why, he had hung up the call.


Tinsley licked her lips, moving on to her sleep. They felt so dry, her head was pounding so hard.

Suddenly she felt wetness and softness against her lips, and she opened her eyes to see Kian, leaning closer to her face, kissing her lips.

"You are awake!!! Cool!!"

He said and getting off the bed to serve her the mango juice and the aspirin to calm her down.

She took the glass and the pill, narrowing her eyes at him. She gulped the pill down and drank the juice half. He took the glass from her and kept it back on the nightstand.

It was only then, she had noticed that she was not in their bedroom. She looked around and the room was not that big but big enough to fit in their previous small bedroom in the town.

There was nothing much inside. Only the closet, a fit in bathroom and some suitcases.

She turned her gaze back onto him and saw that he was wearing his suit without the coat.

Where were they exactly?? She thought!!

"Do not stress your mind thinking where we are??"

Kian broke the silence. She remembered last night...what had happened and did not like to be with him at the moment.

"We are on our jet flying to Hawaii!"

She frowned, not getting why the hell he was taking her to Hawaii??


It was the first word of question that came out of her mouth and he was grateful because for once, he had thought she would also give him that harsh silent treatment.

But then again, she was not him. She was not ruthless like him. She was not unkind or not forgiving. She was everything that he was not and maybe that was what made her so appealing to him.

"What why??"

Kian counter backed and she did not respond. He kept his eyes on her face, staring at her so deep and intensely that it made her feel conscious under his gaze.

She held onto the duvet closer to her chest, afraid he might say something so hurtful and she would not be ready for it to take it and had a breakdown right before him.

She was not going to show him her weakness anymore. She had learned that the hard way. Letting someone so deeply into you, giving them the power to openly hurt you, she was not going to do that again.

"Silly woman!! For our honeymoon of course!"

He smirked and the world revolved around her head



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Look, guys, I m working hard to give you all something new to read, something different...maybe not the best out there...but I m trying so in return all I ask is for you all to donate your Golden Tickets to this book! 

If the book gets 20+ Golden Tickets every week or close to that, then bonus chapters every week! 

Thanx:) and think about the deal!

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