"I have made that mistake, of not having it in the right age and look at me...almost sixty without anyone to call mine..."

Jessica recalled her days...those youthful ones where she did not even once think that she would someday end up alone like this, juggling between work and life.

"People would say that it's not necessary but it is not really true, you feel it when you are single, with no one to mourn your have not left anyone in this earth to call becomes an utter failure."

The old woman shed a few tears and Tin came forward to pull her in for a hug and tell her that she would be there for her.


"I m never happy when you are not happy, Kian. Although, I believe that you could do so much better than her."

Valeria remarked, looking at her nephew, who looked miserable. He had dark circles around his eyes and his facial hair had grown too much.

"Do you even believe that, Valeria?? That I could do better than Tinsley??"

Kian mockingly asked. He knew that she was way out of his league.

"Yes, you can. You still can. Life does not stop because someone left, Kian, it always moves forward and I believe, you should not be stuck in one phrase...move on, you have so much to live upon..."

Valeria advised and Kian just pretended to listen to her. He knew that he was stuck for life if he could never find her.


Sitting on the toilet seat, holding the stick in her hands, eyeing it with so much treasure.

Teardrops fell down on the plus sign imprinted on the stick. felt like seeping back inside her nerves, coursing through her blood.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She stood up and ran to her bedroom to grab the laptop and face timed Madison, waiting for them to pick up from the other side.

After a few rings, Madi picked up, sat on the bed and behind Lana was getting rid of her clothes. She must have been back from work.

"What is that glowing smile?"

Madi asked and Tin could not stop the little smile from spreading on her entire full face.

"What is it??"

Madi pressed, getting curious and very slowly, without saying another word, Tinsley pulled out the stick and showed them, the positive sign.

Madison let out a big scream, dropping the phone on the bed, turning the camera upside down. Tinsley could not help the laughter that erupted out of her mouth. Lana jumped over on the bed, creating more noises.

"Fuck!! Jesus!! This is the best news we had heard in the entire month and months..."

Madi said, finally straitening the camera and this time, Lana was there too with her. Tin nodded.

"Congratulations!!! Can't wait to meet you!!"

Lana let out. Tinsley agreed. She missed them too. Especially going out to lunch with Lana. They always had so much in common.

"Can't believe I will be an aunt in nine months from now!"

Madi exclaimed. And they all laughed out loud. Lana tried to grab the phone from Madi but she did not give in.

"I will be the coolest aunty! You guys wait and see!"

Madi sassed. Lana disagreed and argued that she would be the coolest auntie and then on screen, the couple started to fight over such a silly thing, wrestling for taking the phone.

"Decide amongst yourself who is going to be the best auntie then...I will see you guys tomorrow!"

Tinsley concluded, hanging up the call. It was obvious what the bed wrestling was going to lead to later on.

She kind of remembered what it had led to when he and she were together. She shook her head, not wanting to get back to those dark sad memories which would forever remain frozen in the past.

At least, right now at the moment, she was happy. She had felt the same happiness, the other two times and how both had ended...she was going to stay positive, she told herself.

This time, it was going to be different. She was going to only do and think about happiness and be with people which only vibrated a positive aura.

Placing the stick on the nightstand, she got inside the duvet to bid farewell to the day. It had been a hectic one but regardless the happiest one too so far.

The next morning when she woke up, she did not, no longer find herself alone in the small studio apartment.

She let the alarm off and saw the stick lying on the nightstand. Automatically, a smile spread on her face.

In the shower, she could not help but pat her flat abdomen which was going to bulge out in the next coming months. She could not wait for it to happen.

Getting out of the shower, she chose a baby pink frock, feeling cute to herself. Trying to style her red hairs for the first time in months, she let them curl in a French pony.

Breakfast with toast and dropping of the usual coffee, she only had a glass of milk instead. She was going to eat only healthy food. She noted that in her mind.

Locking her front door, she walked down to the bus stoppage and waited for the bus to show up.

Usually when it seemed like tedious waiting for the bus, today, it felt entirely different and she was actually excited to go and tell Bethany about it...about her result.

On reaching the bakery shop, to her delightness, Bethany was already there, doing her day to day chores, cleaning the front counter.

"Hey there! Morning sunshine! I could tell from here, you got news for me."

Bethany said and Tinsley came running up to her. She engulfed Beth in a tight hug and whispered the news in her ears. Beth screamed out in joy!

"No shit Sherlock!!! You are really fucking pregnant???"

Tinsley nodded and could not help the laughter that erupted out from them and the other staff came out to congratulate Tinsley.

She was so ecstatic and the others were equally happy for her. In the meantime, she was called onto the boss's cabin to talk about her shift during pregnancy.

She agreed to work double her shift in the coming five months so that she could take her to leave during the heavy pregnancy period. The boss was a sweet old woman, who understood her struggle of being pregnant and single.

The day went by with the usual day to day work. Making and baking cookies and cakes, serving the customers.

The chef that was flirting with her a month ago, had stopped upon hearing her news of pregnancy and was being oddly sour to her.

"Guess there is no need of a man now that women can get pregnant by themselves."

He snapped, chopping the carrots furiously. Everyone knew who he was targeting with that comment.

"Oh stop it, Jagger! Women can do anything they want."

Bethany hit back and then there was no more of a talk about that topic anymore. Later, Bethany eased Tinsley stating that the man was only jealous and wanted to get in her pants.

"Men being men! Idiot as always!"

Beth mused and Tin gave a small smile to that. They were both collecting the dish for table five.

"I hope it's a girl, you know. Tired of guys, here!"

Beth remarked and Tin could not help but wonder so too. It would be so nice to have a baby girl.

She touched her flat belly, thinking about it. It was a sudden thought but it sure seemed nice to think of a little girl.

Her father was never happy to have a girl child. Maybe he was before...but after her mother could not give him a boy, things changed...that was the starting of everything going down the drain for her.

"A girl sounds nice!"

She whispered and thought to make this girl...not one bit like her. To make and raise her to be a bold woman, independent and ambitious.

For that, Tin started working more harder. The doctor's appointment declared all her vitals to be in check and right order.

There was no complicacy in this pregnancy and that with the right food and health, everything would turn just alright.

Madison and Lana talked with her all day. They even wanted to talk to her about visiting soon but Tin declined saying she was fine.

Soon, she had let Jessica, the old woman, next door, about the news and ever since then, the woman would always drop by to give her a pie, a custard, or anything healthy...a home-cooked meal.

In the diner, working from an early shift, Kyle came forward to congratulate her. She was glad that he at least was not weird about the entire thing and settled for being a friend with her.








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