Chapter 211 - EXCUSE US!


He was left with no choice but to take this path. He had spent near to million so far, trying to get ahold of his wife yet could not find one information about her because someone big was helping in keeping her hidden.

And who could it be?? If not John Kravinshky himself... He had landed his own jet for Tinsley to get away and used his sources to seal her identity from every source...banking, shopping, etc.

"Tell me where is my wife and your sister will not have to know the truth that his brother is fucking her girlfriend behind her back!"


"Lana is sick!"

He said and Madi remained silent, standing beside the bed listening to him in quietness.

"You will never tell her!"

Her voice rang inside his head as he was about to let it all out. He knew that by doing so, he was going to get more on the bad side with his sister than he could ever get.

She made him take a swear that he would not tell anyone. The sickness had been going on for over a year now and every treatment had really not caused any kind of improvement so far.

"She had stomach cancer!"


Suddenly, her doorbell went on, she stood up, not expecting anyone at the moment.

Holding her belly bump, she put on her furry coat as outside, it was cold. She opened the door and her face lost all her colours.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Ma'am, your policy is due!"

The postman handed her the file of her loan. And asked her to sign on the delivery list.

She huffed, signing it off with the pen he had offered. She was sceptical about this thing.

She had not paid the instalment for two months now to save money for the big day and ever since she had been getting calls after calls and emails from the bank to pay her instalment off.

She knew, expecting that one day or the other day, they were going to visit her place and she was just afraid that what if she ended up with nothing if they decided to seize everything she owned??

It was just her wildest worry. After being kicked out of houses for this very reason so many reasons, fear had been ingrained in herself.

She thought she might have to ask for that help, Madi and Lana were offering her off, paying the loan off.

She was reluctant at first but looking at the situation now and the baby coming in four months, she had no choice.

She could not do overtime either to earn a double due to her condition. She always felt so tired every time and even the employer would not allow her to work double either in times like these.

"Hey, sugar palm!"

Tin was about to close the door when she heard Jessica calling her back. She turned around to face her.

"Take this potato mash I just made. Potatoes are high in carbohydrates and you need it!"

Jessica handed her the glass bowl, containing the mashed potato. Tin thanked the old woman. She had been such a great help to her.

"Did you get this strange black coat guy knocking at your door??"

Jessica asked. Since yesterday, weirdly uniform guys had been knocking on the doors of every house in the neighbourhood and the next one in line requesting for a house check.

Tinsley shook in her head in negative. She had been out at the bakery working, the whole day yesterday.

"They had been requesting to take a look around the house and then just leave."

It made Tinsley furthermore conscious what if the bank people would come looking for her like that and she would be so embarrassed in front of the entire neighbourhood.

"Did they say anything?"

She implored, trying to pry out answers from the old lady who thought for a while before replying that they said nothing in particular.

"You look worried. What is it, honey?"

Jessica noticed the lines of tension on her forehead and questioned her. Tinsley sighed, deciding that what more was there to hide about. Jessica almost knew everything about her life here.

"The loan I took from the bank, I have put the house in as the collateral and I could not pay the instalment for two months...I have been getting their endless calls and, they had handed me a notice and I m worried what if they come for the house...what if those black jacket uniform men are from the bank?"

Tinsley let out, nervously. Jessica understood her reasons for worrying. Banks were very stiff about the repayment of their loans.

"Do not take too much stress sugar palm, you will figure a way out and the bank would not just snatch your house away from are with a child after all."

Jessica opined and Tinsley nodded. The bank would not give a damn about the fact that she had been carrying a child...they never did.

The world was about money and if you did not have it enough, you could not do much about would not let you live the way you want.

Having faced such situations too many times, the trauma had become a part of her life by now.

She closed the door and took a sit on the sofa, opening up the letter to read it. Her eyes watered, running over the words on the letter.

Every time, she felt like she had been doing right, not depending upon others for things, situations would land her in times where she would have no options but to kneel and beg for help from the others.

Could it be why Madi always suggested to not bring a child if she was not financially stable at first??

It made sense to her now. There was just so many expenses she had to think about. Not to mention having babies were just too expensive in the states.

She rubbed her tears off and took her phone to give a call to Madison. She knew that Madi would never say anything but she was just so tired from asking for her help.

She had no idea when and how she was ever going to repay Madi and Lana. The ring went on and no one picked it up. She dropped the phone on the sofa beside her after dialling for five times straight.

She wondered what had happened for Madi to not answer her call even for once. Perhaps she was busy? But in the very morning, it did not make sense.

She got up to get ready for work but her stomach grumbled and she forgot that she had not eaten her breakfast yet.

The milk had gotten cold long ago. And she hated to eat cold food. She stomped on her feet like a child, getting irritated and walked up to the stove to reheat everything.

These days being over sensitive and over hormonal was not helping her condition either.

She would get annoyed and irritated at the simplest of things. Get angry at anyone in the workplace although she tried her best to keep it to herself but could not help it when a few days ago, it broke into a fight with the newbie teenage girl who was glaring at her pregnant belly with disgust. Bethany came for her rescue at the end.

People assumed her to have been knocked by some random dude only because she looked young but she was twenty-two of age already. She was a fucking adult.

As she reheated her food and got comfortable on her chair to eat. The only moment, she liked was eating food.

It was always something she liked to do yet had been restricted in her youthful times but now, she was free to do anything at her will.

It made her think about her maternal side grandma, Cecily. If she was still alive, could she not go and ask for help from her once her baby girl was here??

It seemed like a plan, she could rely on. After all, she was the only grandchild from her mother's side even though they never had a good relationship with them after her father cut all the ties in a nasty fight, she had no idea what it was about.

She moaned at the taste of the mashed potato. Eating with a mouth full, she closed her eyes, savouring the food and the doorbell went off. She glared, getting up to answer it.

Opening it, she came to face with those suit-clad men that Jessica had been talking about in the morning, just a while ago.

"Good morning ma'am..."

"Listen...I m going to pay the instalment right away in fact, I was on my way to the bank...just please, please, this is my only house...please!"

She did not let the men complete and started with her pleading after swallowing the solid food down her throat.

"We are not..."

"Just give me a second to put my clothes on and I will go with you guys..."

"Excuse us, Robert!"








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