The CEO’s Perfect Mistake

Chapter 120 - Most Precious Thing

Megan's POV

"What the hell happened out there, Megan?" Alice said the moment she got out of her car when she arrived on the driveway of my house, and I could see the frustration on her face. I could tell I pissed my best friend because I drove fast for how many times I almost exceeded the maximum speed limit, and tried beating the red light while she was trailing behind me, and above all, we arrived home empty-handed. And I almost laughed when I realized she drove faster than me because when I left the mall's parking lot, I hadn't seen her car behind me, and I don't know why she didn't follow me right away since all I wanted was to leave the mall.

"We went to the mall to buy your son's birthday gift, and here we are hungry and have nothing. I will buy him the football ball tomorrow." She added, and I nodded my head as I mumbled my thanks.

"How could you run off just like that? You are still in love with Ashton, and why did you pretend you don't know him?" She asked, and I released a heavy sigh.

"That is the only thing I can think of, and I don't want him to know how I feel, Alice. I can't let Ashton hurt me again by talking with him as if nothing happened between us. He wrecked my life and shattered my heart and dreams; how could I face him?" I said, feeling so frustrated. And I hated myself. Why did I run away from him instead of slapping his handsome face?

"You are successful now, Meg; you realized all your dreams." Alice declared, and I was speechless.

"So, what is your deal now, Megan?" Alice asked me, and I looked at her confused.

"You pretended you don't know him. How would Ashton believe you forgot about him when your eyes were telling him different things." She said.

"Well, I have amnesia right now," I replied, and my best friend laughed.

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"Don't be ridiculous, Megan, if you don't want to see Ashton ever again, give him a chance to talk with you, I think it is about time you should let go of the past and tell him about Axel, and I am sure you can have your bittersweet revenge with him." Alice declared.

"You are still hung up with him, you said, you wanted to try to date again, if you want to do it, give your past relationship with Ashton a closure because you can never move on with your life if you still hold a grudge and hatred to the father of your son." She added while I sat on the steps on the front porch, and I put my hands in my face while my bag fell to the ground. And I find it hard to formulate even a single word because Alice was right. My hatred for Ashton escalated every time I heard his latest fling, and when I learned he proposed to his latest girlfriend, I thought I was going to die after hearing the news.

"I am sure Ashton will find a way to look for you now that he knew you were in Majuscule all these years, and I think the best thing you can do is face him. If you pretend you have amnesia, you give him a chance to have a happy life without regrets. Still, once he knows you were pregnant on the day he drove you away, and Axel is his son, no matter how happy he is right now with his fiancee, I am sure you are going to turn his world upside down. After you told him the truth." Alice continued.

"That is the best way to torture him and the only strategy you can use to get back at Ashton. Aren't you tired of hiding and running away from him, Megan?" Alice asked, and I raised my head and looked at her as I felt my tears flow on my cheeks.

"Alice, how can I face him? When every time I look at him, I can't deny it to myself that I am still crazy about him even if I hate him so much, and I can't take it if he will tell me directly that he is getting married." I said without wiping my tears away, and she slowly sat down beside me.

"You have to face the truth, Meg. No matter how painful it is, at least you will give him a reason not to get married to his fiancee." Alice said, and I looked at my best friend.

"Do you think he will do that? He got involved with different celebrities when he became a professional football player. Now that Ashton got engaged with one of the heiresses of the country, do you think he will choose me when he rejected me eight years ago? Don't talk nonsense, Al, Ashton Pritzgold, and I would never be together ever again. He hurt my heart beyond repair, and there is no way I will allow myself to get toyed with him ever again." I responded, and I could tell she didn't believe me.

"Okay, I get that, but he has all the right to know the truth, Megan. And once and for all, you have to let Ashton go and move on if you don't want him to be part of your life anymore. You can't hide from him forever." Alice said, and I didn't know how to answer her, and before she could continue to speak with me about Ashton, I heard my son's voice, and I dried my tears right away.

"Mommy!" Axel shouted as I could hear him running towards me, and before I could stand up, I felt his little arms around my neck, and he kissed me on my cheeks, and I could feel the piercing of my heart, and I wanted to cry again as I remember his father's face. I slowly got up, and I faced my son, and he was looking up at me with a beautiful smile on his face, and it hurts me so much as I realized as he got older, I could see his resemblance to his father, especially his smile and the way his eyes are looking at me made me hugged him.

"Hello, Aunt Alice." Axel greeted my best friend, and he also kissed her cheeks, and then he held my hand and my best friend hand, and he pulled us both to go with him to the dining hall, and I could smell the aroma of the food on the table the moment she entered the dining room, and I realized how hungry I was. We ate dinner while Axel was telling us about his activities at school, and he bragged that he got a perfect score on one of his quizzes; I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I realized how smart my kid is, and I felt so proud being his mom.

"Mom, can I ask a question?" Axel asked as I tucked him on his bed after washing up and brushing his teeth.

"Yes, what is it? I already told you, you can ask me anything." I said.

"Promise you won't get angry?" " He asked, and I laughed, and I wonder what kind of question he is going to ask me.

"I will never get angry with you, Axel; you know how much mom loves you, right?" I asked, and he nodded his head while giving me one of his sweetest smiles.

"If dad Gael is not my real father, then who is my real dad, mom?" Axel asked, and I felt my entire body turn so cold, and my throat felt dry that I needed to swallow my saliva, and I slowly sat on his bed, and I tried to open my mouth, but no words came out from my mouth, and then he caressed my face with his little fingers.

"It is okay, mom, I understand if you don't want to talk about him yet, and I am sorry for asking. Good night, mom. I love you." Axel said, and I smiled at him.

"Good night, son. I love you so much." I responded, and I kissed him goodnight, and when I got out of his room, I leaned on the door frame, and I felt my entire body shiver as I got down on the floor, and I felt so guilty that my son asked me that question and I didn't answer him, and his words pained me so much. How can he speak in that manner at a young age?

I wanted to tell him everything, and Alice was right; Axel is mature for his age, and even if he knew Gael wasn't his birth father, he didn't ask me even once who his father was, and I wondered why did he ask me that kind of question now. I need to speak with Axel tomorrow, and I don't choose to tell him about Ashton. I don't want to lie to my son, and I felt so guilty that he grew up without a father. I don't want him to suffer because of a mistake that I have made, but Axel was the best thing that ever happened in my life, and he is the most precious thing I ever had that no amount of money or fame can measure his worth.

"Hey, are you okay, Meg? What are you doing here?" Alice asked when she found me on the floor in front of my son's room, and she was extending her hand towards me, and when she looked at my face, she knew right away that I was not okay. She helped me to get up and brought me into my room while I could no longer stop myself from crying, and I told her about Axel. And she sighed when I finished telling her what had happened.

"You were right, Al, I can't hide Axel from his father anymore, but I need to get myself ready and be strong before I face Ashton again," I said, and she smiled at me.

"I know you are a great mom to Axel, Meg, and I am so proud of you, and even if it breaks your heart, you are still willing to do it for the sake of your son." She responded.

"Of course, ever since I gave birth to Axel, he became my top priority, and I will face Ashton for the sake of my son even if I have to break my own heart again," I replied, and she squeezed my hand.

"Where are you going? Do you have a date?" I asked when I noticed she was bringing her bag, and she smiled and winked at me.

"Not really, just an old friend." She answered.

"Does he have a name?" I asked as I realized Alice was going on a date.

"It is a secret for now." She responded, and I raised my eyebrow since she never keeps a secret from me.

"Okay, just enjoy your date, Al," I said, and Alice left my room after she said goodbye to me while I lay on the bed, thinking how can I face Ashton Pritzgold again.

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