The CEO’s Perfect Mistake

Chapter 186 - Happiness

Megan's POV

It has been years that I haven't seen my parents, and the moment I saw them together with the man I love, I couldn't express the happiness I felt, I love them dearly, but when my dad threatened me to give away my son when he learned about my pregnancy, I was hurt and devastated. And I left no choice but to run away from the place I called home for eighteen years.

And I couldn't deny how much I miss them. I could see the tears in my father's eyes, while I could see the longing on my mother's face, and my heart was overwhelmed with overflowing happiness as I looked at them. 

"Dad! Mom!" I said as I ran to my parents.

"Megan!" My dad exclaimed, and he took me into his arms, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ashton pick up our son, and he carried him on his chest while he was kissing Axel's cheeks, which made our son giggle.

"I don't know where to start, I have been a bad father to you, and I neglected my promise to protect you; I am sorry, Megan, you know how much I love you, and the pain of knowing you are going to lose everything you had been working for made me so angry, and I felt like I failed my role as a father to you, and my heart was clouded with anger and pain." My dad declared, and I dried the tears on his face while he was looking at me.

"I thought being a parent gave me the right to manipulate your life, and it was too late for me to realize I was wrong, and it pained me when I realized I had lost one of my children." He added.

"Dad, you didn't lose me. I am still here, the Megan you used to love and brought to my favorite pancake house, I miss you, dad, and I am sorry if I didn't come home to Astikoz." I stated.

"It was understandable, sweetheart, I abandon you when you needed me the most, and I turned my back away from you when I should be the one who will protect you, and give you the support that you needed, and tell you that you don't need to worry about anything because I am here for you, your father." He continued as he caressed my face, and I felt glad my dad still looked so strong.

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"I wasn't proud of what I have done to you, and I don't deserve your forgiveness, Megan." He added as he pulled me closer again to him.

"Dad, you never failed to be my father; I know that time you only wanted what was best for me; it was all my fault. I was young and irresponsible, and that is why I made sure I would become a responsible parent to Axel; there is nothing to forgive, dad," I said. Then I turned and faced my son after Ashton put him down.

"Hey, buddy, I want you to meet your grandpa and grandma. Dad, mom, this is Axel." I introduced them, and Axel hugged his granddad right away, and then he kissed my mom's cheeks while my dad was looking at him with too much happiness on his face, and his tears kept flowing like waterfalls.

"Are you hurt, grandpa?" Axel asked, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling, and I felt so happy that finally, I reconciled with my parents.

"No, son, I am not in pain. I am so happy to meet you finally." My dad said.

"If you are happy, then why are you crying, grandpa?" Axel asked, and my dad laughed, and I felt so delighted to hear his laughter once again.

"Well, these are tears of happiness, Axel," Dad explained while I could still see the confusion on his face.

"Son, when you turn into an adult, there is a time you will cry because of too much happiness in your heart, son," Ashton answered on behalf of my father.

"Really, Dad? Wow, that is confusing, and Kim was right; it is hard to be an adult." He said, and my mom embraced him. And I felt Ashton take

my hand and I looked at him with too much love, and I smiled as I mumbled my thanks.

I asked my parents to get inside the house, and I could see the bewilderment on their faces as they looked around the place. And as I looked at Ashton, I wanted to be alone with him and tell him how much I miss him, and I could not wait to thank him for doing this all for me. I couldn't believe he would lie to me and give me a surprise of a lifetime. He told me he had a meeting with his dad and siblings, but he ended up bringing my parents to Megalopre.

Dexter and Ava failed to convince my parents to attend Axel's birthday, and now, I still couldn't believe I had them in my house, and I wondered how did Ashton manage to convince them to come

with him, and I smiled as I realized Ashton is the best charmer in the country, he can break so many hearts if he wanted to, and I felt so glad that until now I am still the woman he is in love with, and I felt so grateful to have him back in my life.

"You have a beautiful house, Megan, and I am so proud of you." My mom said, and I put my arm around her shoulder.

"Thank you, mom," I replied, and I smiled as I watched my father carry my child on his chest; I know Axel is tall for his age, and he is so heavy now, but it feels like my father didn't care at all, and I could see the excitement on my son's face. At the same time, Axel put his arms around my dad's neck, and I suddenly missed my childhood when my dad would bring my siblings and me to the park in Astikoz. I have always been a daddy's girl, but it doesn't mean I love my mom less; I love them both in the same way.

I know my dad's affection for me, and even if we hadn't seen each other for a long time, I could still feel his fatherly love for the way he looked at me. I have never felt this happy in a long time; I know Ashton's presence in my life brought me so much happiness, but my parents' love gave me another level of gratification, and I couldn't express it in words.

Axel sat in between my parents, and Ashton laughed the moment our son bombarded his grandparents with so many questions, and I was smiling the entire time. My dad tried his best to satisfy my son with his curiosity, and this is what I miss the most, eating with them at the dining table, and I realized how much I miss my mother's cooking.

One of the staff brought my parents' luggage to one of the guestrooms near the master's bedroom while I showed them around the house, and I could feel that they were so proud of me, and I was holding my mom's hand the entire time while my dad was still holding Axel's hand.

We settled on the patio chairs near the swimming pool after I toured them around my house, Axel sat on my father's lap right away, and I couldn't stop myself from taking a picture of them, and it was a perfect moment he had with his grandpa. And Axel was giggling as my father tickled him, and it was an incredible feeling hearing my father and son's laughter reverberated the entire area.

"Mom, can I sleep at grandpa and grandma's room tonight?" My son asked, and I smiled at him.

"Of course, Axel, you can sleep with mom and dad," I answered with a wide grin on my face, and I vividly remembered the times I snuggled on their bed when I was growing up.

"Yehey, grandpa promised to read me bedtime stories." He said happily.

"Good luck, dad; I suggest you need to have water on your nightstand because I am sure your throat will feel so dry; Axel loves bedtime stories so much that he will ask you to read them until he falls asleep," I said while I am grinning at my dad.

"Don't worry, Meg, I would love to read him bedtime stories, Ava is now an adult, and it has been years since I last read bedtime stories, and I couldn't express in words how happy I am to know my first grandchild, and I could tell Axel completes me." My father said, and then he kissed Axel's head, and it was a scene I never expected would happen anytime soon, and I felt so glad my parents came.

We said good night to my parents after we talked in the swimming pool, and we sent them to their room while our son didn't let go of my father's hand. And I went to Axel's room to get his pajamas and hotdog pillow, and after he changed his clothes, Axel got on top of the bed while he waited for my parents to join him.

Ashton and I walked out from the guest room holding hands after we kissed our son good night, and we made our way into my room, and I couldn't stop myself smiling from ear to ear. The moment we got inside my room, Ashton put his hands on my waist, and he pinned me to the door frame, and his intense gaze made me feel so weak.

"Ashton, thank you, I don't..." My words died on my mouth when he captured my lips, and I couldn't finish what I was about to say. I could feel the knots on my stomach when he deepened our kiss, and I kissed him back hungrily, and I could feel his tongue swirled inside my mouth.. I let out soft moans, and he brought me closer to him, and we kissed until my lips got swollen, and I couldn't stop myself from giggling when he picked me up and carried me into my bed.

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