The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 117 - Blood Absorption

The complete, utter silence was almost deafening for Kali. She sat still on her ass, eyes permanently wide in genuine shock. 

Never in her life would she expect for any Lower Realm talent to ever come close to piquing her interest.

But what Amber just displayed was utterly mind-opening. 

The life's sentience may have had an unstable, shaky foundation. However, it was still four energies sources of Mid-Stage Profound Qi. 

Any Sage Core Martial Talent in Amber's position most likely would've won, but not to an overwhelming degree. It was to the point that fight wasn't a fight but simply a straight slaughter!

'This….could it be? Is she really close to Heaven-Defying?' Kali couldn't stop this thought from birthing in her mind. It honestly seemed incredibly plausible. 

But unless Amber crushes those at a higher stage than her, Kali would never be able to say for certain. One thing is for sure, this annoyingly lazy girl has some hidden depths she hide quite expertly.

A change happened within Kali. She finally felt it, an genuine interest to know more about another person. 

For someone as fascinated with cultivation as her, outstanding prowess would be the only way to her heart. 

At the same time Kali reveled in Amber's glorious combat prowess, Amber slowly strolled back over to precisely Cain's unconscious form.

She crouched down, her Spirit Sense probing his situation, and slowly frowned. Worry began to bubble inside her. Before doing anything, Amber thought over just how long everything had passed.

Since the time the life's sentiences appeared and her quickly killing them off, about a couple of minutes passed at most. 

When concerning life or death fights, time typically doesn't get dragged out for long.

This wasn't a competition or a duel or anything close to that, so Amber didn't care at all about continually using her Soul Form and Vampiric bloodline strength. 

It's how she made such a quick effort of what would've been a brutal fight for other Martial Talents. 

However, even with that, Cain's lifeforce now seemed a bit shaky.

It wasn't decreasing nor increasing. But it was at the very borders of going uncontrollable. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And if that were to happen, the consequences could only be imagined.

Just thinking about such consequences gripped Amber's heart like a powerful iron first, ready to break it open.

'To prevent anything….I can do that. Hmmm….yea, I'll think I'll go with that.' Amber suddenly came to a decisive decision. The situation didn't call for any unnecessary panic or worry.

She had calmed herself, sorting out some of her feelings and emotions. And a conclusion that she had repeatedly thought about before surfaced within her mind once again. 

Indeed, Cain is a very special person that already torn into her heart. It all heavily struck her like a freight train. 

To how well their personalities meshed together to similar interests and dreams and his incomparable Dragon Aura that made her Soul's Core yearn with intense desire. 

And above all, repeatedly saving her life, no questions asked. 

Hell, even when that black robe man mentioned that he was specifically targeting her, Cain didn't hold the slightest trace of anger. He just continued to save her without even asking for a thanks in return. 

It didn't matter to her that they didn't know each other for long. Everything about their relationship created new joys that Amber thought she would never experience in her life.

All troublesome yet warming thoughts that would've made Amber crack a smile if they weren't in this situation. 

Her mind was set, and she didn't even think to consult with Kali on this.

Amber bent down from her position, inching close to Cain's neck. Her mouth then snapped open, revealing her two Vampiric Fangs that now shined with a luminous crimson glow.

Without any hesitation, Amber sunken her Vampiric Fangs right into Cain's neck! 

"Ah-He-hey!" Kali instantly reacted, nearly jumping to feet in utter outrage. 

Really, in this situation, the hell does she thinks she is doing?! Any slight wrong move could create an irreversible effect on Cain! 

Even with all that Amber had previously shown, Kali was just about to push Amber right off. 

However, in the middle of moving towards Amber, Kalli abruptly stopped. Her Spirit Sense detached immediate changes rapidly occurring within Cain. 

His shaky weakened lifeforce was now strengthening at rapid speeds! In seconds, he was leaving the state of near-death, returning back to full health.

At the same time, Kali also perceived that Amber's vitality was also quickly strengthening. 

Their overall cultivation wasn't increasing, but a vigorous life aura slowly bubbled up within them.

Kali sat back down, her mind quickly recalling everything she knew about Amber. And it didn't take long before her eyes brightened. 

'That's right! She said she was a Vampire! From what I read, this was a species that fed on others' blood. Not strengthen them. Maybe this is a special skill….' With no other options, Kali just had to wait. 

A couple of minutes soon passed. 

Amber didn't move an inch during this whole time. Her eyes were half-lidded as she stared into Cain's face with a glossed-over gaze.

A slight flush crept up her face. As she poured her bloodline into Cain's bloodstreams, an incredible sensation tingled her entire body. 

A fire was slowly igniting and was specifically coursing within the lower half of her body.

Suddenly, an mystical energy hidden deep within Cain's bloodstreams jumped out, shooting directly towards Amber's blood energy link! 


The taste of something that couldn't be described in mere words shot up to Amber's brain. In that instance, she jumped from Cain's neck like a frightened rabbit, her eyes recoiling in pure shock. 

Amber began to subconsciously lick her lips, never taking her gaze off from Cain, saying,

"His blood….it taste so good. But that….just what was that?" 

It was her body's instinctual reaction to get away from something so unfamiliar and intense. But after taking a moment to calm down, Amber nearly dropped down to Cain's neck again.

That mystical sensation felt addicting! 

As someone who usually has a laid-back point of view of most things, it takes something really fascinating to cause her to get so eagerly pumped. And whatever hidden deep within Cain's bloodstreams hit all of her dopamine spots! 

Combining this with her natural feelings towards Cain, how could she possibly resist?

However, before she could sink down again, Kali suddenly called out to her. 

"Hey! What are you mumbling about? But more importantly, the hell did you do to Cain?" 

Her tone was critical and sharp, leaving no room for any wriggle room. Not as if she needed to do so with anything concerning Amber. 

Hearing Kali's question, Amber instantly sobered up. She turned back over to Kali, her expression returning back to usual casualness as she said, "Well, I was attempting to turn Cain into a special Vampire to stabilize his lifeforce. But….his own bloodline simply absorbed my blood energy without transforming at all. Plus, his blood energy also managed to strengthen my vitality, oddly enough."

"You can really do that? Just what kind of arcane skill is that?" 

Kali wasn't really surprised that Cain's bloodline resisted a transformation. If it was a bloodline that wasn't at a Godly level, then their generational Dragon God bloodline might as well be trashed.

Still, out of all innate bloodline abilities she read about, Kali didn't recall ever reading one where a person can use their very own blood energy to transform a person.

In the right situation, that could be a legitimate, terrifying ability.

  "Huu~. To tell you the truth, this is something that our specific Vampire Clan can do. And even then, only a select few of us who has the noblest and purest Vampiric bloodline can perform this. Uhm….if I remember right, this ability is called Vampiric's transfusion. We're essentially condensing the purest blood within ourselves into a stream that would entirely transform another person. And, well, even unconscious, this guy shows fantastic stuff."

As she stewed on this, Kali's brows suddenly jumped. 

Condensing the purest blood within one's bloodstream isn't something casual or ordinary at all. In fact, this isn't really used unless special scenarios.

It's similar to her and Cain's Dragon Charm. Their Dragon Gods Elders and Emperors, who are typically the utmost arrogant and stubborn, came together to create a tool that is at the top of Godly Ranking.

However, other than the Dragon Charm, these Dragon Gods never used their purest blood for anything else. 

Thinking of this, no matter how light Amber sounded, this move clearly held more weight than she let on.

"Say, Amber. A move like this surely can't be used so causal. Naturally, there should be some unique effects, right?" Kali pursued her question, her gaze slowly narrowing.

"Ah….this….well, I guess to be hone-" 


Before Amber could finish her thought, Cain's eyes suddenly snapped open, a loud groan tumbling out his mouth. 

In this instance, a mix of sensations impacted his mind. 

Puzzlement, a slight sense of dizziness, strength from his soul, and warm, new energy flowing into his bloodstreams. 

Cain shot up to a sitting position to get a better feel for his body. Just on the first reaction, he could certainly feel that his prowess has taken noticeable growth.

To get a complete picture of everything, Cain linked to his Martial Heart, causing waves of soothing soul energy to wash over his body.

Upon doing so, Cain felt his puzzlement and dizziness rapidly drain away. Evidently, his Soul's Core grew stronger to produce a more significant soothing effect like this.

As Cain came to reality, Kali's relief voice suddenly drilled into his ears. 

"Haaah~! Seriously Cain! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" 

Looking over to Kali, he witnessed her expression contorting into the utmost joy. Her smile was blindingly pure like a blossoming dew flower. Pure sisterly love filled her eyes, and her body let loose all of its tension.

Cain's lips couldn't stop from curling up in a broad smile. Seeing this after an injury wake-up was absolutely the best. 

Then, immediately after, Amber suddenly spoke up.

"Huu~. Yea…. I'm so relieved you're alive, you crazy guy." 

Shifting over to Amber, Cain revel in her beautifully shyly smiling expression. The faint blush spreading across her creamy, glossy skin along with her slightly glazed eyes made for a frightening combination that tore right into Cain's mind.

Moments like this made Cain admit that having a supportive team is far better than being a lone wolf.

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