The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 122 - Profound Shattering

Back outside in front of the Sword Sage Legacy cave, space distorted, and a green flash streaked right in front of the cave. 

Out from the flash, Cain, Kali, and Amber appeared.

Finally, outside in the fresh open air, the trio took a quick whiff. And immediately, their noses scrunched up in slight displeasure. 

"Really….Divine Energy is simply in its own league." Kali spoke with a twinge of disgust in her tone. 

That Divine Energy environment made her recall just how much she missed basking in the atmosphere of her Royal Palace.

The people there may be disagreeable, but it felt damn good to simply lay upon a comfy bed there and drift to sleep. She honestly wished this three-month time limit would come a bit faster.

Hearing Kali's tone, Amber shrugged, having a slightly wry smile. Her curiosity was pricked on Realms beyond her Mortal Planet but not to a point where she felt bothered enough to ask about it.

Clearly, Kali and Cain know far more than they let on about Divine Energy. But just hanging out with them was enough for her. 

At this time, Cain was already spreading his Chaos Enhanced Senses out. He wanted to experience his new growth and was promptly surprised. 

The range of his Senses expanded by numerous times! Previously, his limit was at most 50 miles. 

A great distance for sure. However, using his Chaos Enhanced Sense to that range would significantly drain his Soul Energy. 

But now, he barely felt his Soul Energy even slightly decrease. Furthermore, his range went far beyond his than what even his Spirit Sense can achieve. 

Focusing on this state, Cain sorted out for any dangerous presence and for any human presence.

Within moments, he detected some Vicious Beasts sporadically roaming the area. These beasts mainly were Early-Stage Profound Souls with some periodic Mid Stages. 

Before going into the Sword Sage Legacy, any Early Stage Profound Soul beast would be enough to worry Cain. He would be able to directly feel considerable pressure just over detecting their lifeforce.

However, now, it was simply a light breeze to him. 

With all of his breakthroughs, the lifeforce of a Profound Soul being can be treated so casually by him. 

This sparks great anticipation within Cain. Very soon, he could achieve a feat that'll leave these Lower Realm cultivators revolting in pure shock. 

By then, the things he'll do will be a massive snowball of rolling events.

For now, Cain focused on trying to find any type of human settlement. Then, moments later, he managed to detect a large gathering of humans. 

This human settlement was just a short distance out from this Demonic Area. 

Retracting his Chaos Enhanced Sense, Cain turned over to the girls, telling them, "Come on, I at least know how to get out of here this place. My senses are leading me towards some human village or town. From there, we can figure out how to get back to Azure Lightning City."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Kali nodded, ready to go and test out her new prowess. 

While Amber paused in slight contemplation. Towards the question she wanted to ask, she could guess the response she would receive.

Still, it didn't hurt to at least try. "Say….before we go. Wouldn't it be possible for you to just teleport us at least a few dozens of meters from that Village? Your stronger soul can probably handle the burden, right?"

Amber asked with slight hope filling her eyes. Hope that was immediately dashed. 

"Come now, Amber, it's honestly not that long of a walk. Plus, I already scope the area out. There are only vicious beasts out here. And if that man comes, I can move quickly to teleport us out."

Hearing this, Amber could only shrug and exasperatedly say, "Huu~. I guess you're right. Well th-" 

"But of course, since you are a valuable member of our group, I'll listen to your request. Let me and Kali just test our might, and then we'll teleport out of here so you can take it easy."

"Oh-Oh….I-I see…" Amber was caught entirely off-guard. 

She quickly realized it was a devious sneak attack! That guy just smoothly threw out honest compliments while matching her personality.

Tacked on by her own smoldering, personal feelings, how could Amber possibly suppress this rapid beatING of her heart? She could even feel her cheeks heating up from an innate desire.

Not wanting to entirely lose her casual image, Amber quickly snapped her hear head to the right as if she had found something incredibly interesting. 

Desperately trying to suppress her wavering emotions, she said, "Mn. As cultivation junkies, I expected no less. Let's just finish this up already." 

This cutesy reaction alights a glorious smile upon Cain's face. There really was something about teasing cute girls that were highly amusing.

His amusement doubled when considering his own thoughts about Amber. But before Cain let his mind divulge further, he snapped over to Kali, asking her, 

"This alright with you?"

"Yea, yea. As long I get to stretch, I don't care either way." Kali casually waved it off. 

She had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at Cain back there. But since it'll make him happy, it'll all be worth it.

With the decision decided, Cain linked back to his Senses and picked out a group of three Vicious Beast. 

Two were at Early Stage Profound Soul, while the last was a Mid-Stage one. These three Vicious Beasts were, in fact, slowly trailing over to his group. 

It seems like they were going to receive their training targets in any case. 

"Come on, our targets are just around the corner."

Cain said as he began taking the lead. Kali and Amber followed right behind, and after only a few steps, the trio took off into a light sprint. 

Though they considered it light, their speed still managed to emit considerable wind pressure around them.

After only a short while of 'lightly' springing, the trio soon stopped just a few dozens of meters away from a pack of Vicious Beasts. 

Slight intrigue swirled in their minds over these beast's appearance.

These three were all massive tiger demonic beasts whose fur was dyed in a harsh crimson glow. Each of these beasts also had a large demonic horn growing out the center of their enormous forehead.

These lion demons indeed emitted a more sinister vibe than the average demonic beast. 

Their demonic horn was coated in a whole layer of fresh blood and patches of guts, showcasing its previous victims like it was its pride.

"Huu~? So it's the horned lion beats? I've read that this specific type can produce a powerful attack from their horns. And their horn itself is as strong as a Nascent Grade combat weapon. Not like anything of this matters to you two, right?"

Amber casually shook her head while revolving some of her Profound Qi. 

"Nope." Cain and Kali simultaneously spoke. They also began revolving their Nascent Qi to their absolute limit.

And at the same time, the horned lion beasts noticed the trio. Immediate feral Killing Intent blazed in their eyes. Their Energies surged, causing crimson streaks of lights to wildly spray from their bodies.


The horned lion beasts simultaneously released a powerful roar infused with Qi Energy! 

Their Auras exploded, recklessly shooting all over, slicing apart the trees and cracking the ground.

All at once, the Aura of Profound Soul beasts crashed down right on Cain and Kali. The wind whistled around them as they stood tall in the face of this powerful Energy. 

Two peak Nascent Formation Masters standing against any Profound Soul powerhouse would've seemed completely silly. 

However, nothing that's expected to occur happened.

Neither Cain nor Kali felt any pressure slow their bodies down or cause the air to feel tighter. 

In fact, the sibling duo barely felt any danger. 

It almost felt like they were simply facing another Nascent Formation Master at the same level.

A battle-hungry grin suddenly curled their lips. This is what they've been desperately waiting for. The power to contend with Profound Soul Experts! 

Right then, before the horned lion beasts even lift a leg up to move, space distorted specifically around Cain and Kali.

Chaos Energy engulfed, teleporting them straight over the horned lion beasts! Kali wasn't even disturbed over this sudden movement. She entirely expected it. 

As they appeared right above them, Cain and Kali simultaneously released their Draconic Auras! 


Streaks of Lightning and Ice light burst out of their bodies, tearing their immediate surrounding environment apart.

Trees directly split half or frozen into huge cases of ices, and the ground tore open to a couple of feet deep cracks. Their Auras of destruction already surpassed the horned lion beasts.

And not only that, their immensely dense energy engulfed the horned lion beasts, drowning them in a suffocating wave of Draconic Power! 

The horned lion beasts stiffen on the spot.  The danger of death itself was right above them all in the snap of split moment! 

On natural instincts, the beast's Profound Soul Auras hastily rushed up to fling away Cain and Kali.

For any other peak Nascent Formation cultivator, whether they were greatly talented or average, they would've promptly flung away by the beast's powerful energies and have their internal bodies brutally shredded.

Nascent Qi and Profound Qi naturally couldn't be compared at all. 

However, this simply didn't occur for Cain or Kali. 

With a dull sound of glass shattering, their Draconic Aura broke right through the power of Profound Qi!

Even before, just at their base state full power, the beast's Profound Aura was nothing but a light breeze. The density of their Qi Energy amplified to a point where they could directly clash over a great realm!

And now, with their prowess amplified once again by Draconic Aura, how could these mere horned lion beasts resist?


With another dull sound, the beast's remaining Profound Soul Auras were entirely shredded by Draconic Auras, locking them in place. 

In this instance, the horned lion beasts desperately wanted to escape. However, a horrifying sensation emitting specifically from Cain caused their Soul's Core to tremble in horror. 

As Vicious Beasts, they were naturally weak to the might of a Dragon. 

And now that Cain reached the Spirit Soul level, a very weakened version of his Draconic Might passively infused into his attack!

In this split moment, the horned lion beasts couldn't properly surge a defense. The trembling of their Soul's Core completely stunned them. 

And the sibling duo took full advantage of this.


Blood, bones, and brain matter sprayed like a horrifying fountain as Cain smashed his fist upon one of the horned lion beast's skulls. 

His Draconic Lightning Energy shredded its protective Profound Aura and completely burst apart everything inside its head.

A mighty Profound Soul Vicious Beast was ruptured entirety by a peak Nascent Formation Master in a single strike….


At the same time, Kali swung her fist down, encasing the other Early-Stage Profound Soul beast in a massive block of Draconic Ice. With its brain completely frozen, the beast died a far less gory death.


And for the final Mid-Stage Profound Soul beast, a shadow tendril drilled into its skull and exploded its head in the same gory mess as Cain performed.

With the Vicious Beasts quickly dealt with, Cain and Kali hopped off the corpses back. 

Returning to their base state, the sibling duo matched gazes, seeing the excited smiles split across their faces. Their blood boils over like an erupting volcano!

At the same time, they exclaimed, "That was awesome!"

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