The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 149 - Spiritual Test

Cain and Kali didn't daily, swiftly entering inside the potential testing room. Glancing around the room, the sibling duo was a bit shocked. But not for the reasons they were expecting.

Compared to all other areas in this enormous place, this single room was relatively small and empty. 

There wasn't any furniture or some type of fantastical items. The only distinct things of notices were these bright purple color lines covering the floors and walls. Emitting out of these purple color lines was a faint glow of visible Spirit Energy.

These lines were honestly beautiful to gaze upon. It gave life to this surprisingly plain room. 

Cain and Kali were curious enough to inspect their Spirit Sense over these lines but were shocked once again.

So far, they were able to identify all types of Energy flowing around them. Even if a person was far more powerful than them, the sibling duo could rely on their Spirit Sense to accurately perceive them.

But with these purple lines of Spirit Energy….neither of them could perceive it! All the sibling duo felt was a confusing, mysterious sensation. 

It reminded Cain of when he had previously tried to study for a difficult exam, only to feel even more confused than he already was.

Since they had insane comprehension abilities, Cain and Kali were particularly stricken with this. 

All this means is that their Mental Psyche isn't even close to being able to perceive this level of power.

Beyond this shocking fact, there was one other striking thing Cain took notice of. 

Floating in the middle of the room was an average size, white color crystal orb. When sweeping his Spirit Sense over this, Cain could only perceive a tiny portion of Spirit Energy running through it. 

Could this be what they're going to be testing on?

Considering he couldn't perceive the purple line Spirit Energy, Cain was partially expecting something else to shock him to the core. 

As questions filled the sibling duo's mind, Spirit Elder Mo had stepped into the room.

He patiently explained to them, "For this test, all you need to do is put your hands on the orb and interject it with your purest Spirit Energy essence. This will come directly from your Spirit Core, so it's imperative to have the utmost concentration to maximize your results. You can think of it similar to what cultivators senior do to test Martial Talent."

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Listening to this, Cain and Kali's brows shot up. Since they will inevitably become World Spirit Masters, now is a perfect time to gain some more information before beginning.

"Since it's like cultivator's test, might I ask, just how accurate it is? The previous test we took informed us that their Martial Talent reader wasn't exactly accurate." Cain curiously asked.

Admittedly, there were simply too many factors that make up a cultivator's Qi Origin Seed. Wanting to determine Martial Talent purely from that would be too naive. 

This is why Crimson Sea Academy had three parts to their exams to fully grasp a student's abilities and sort them accordingly from it. 

And it was finally at this moment, Spirit Elder Mo showcased a different expression.

His indifferent expression turned slightly proud as he explained, "If you want to join our Branch, you'll need to cast off cultivator's genuinely inferior methods. The crystal orb before you was created by experts far beyond any Sage Core expert in this City. Several peak-level World Spirit Masters created this crystal orb. With this, there is no mistake when judging your level of potential. If you score amazingly high, it will be accepted by all of us here."

'Peak level World Spirit Masters?' Cain and Kali only had thoughts about this. 

Experts beyond the Sage Core realm weren't surprising at all. Even the weakest genius in their Royal Family can sneeze a Sage Core expert to death.

But as for this so-called peak level World Spirit Masters, the sibling duo had no idea what the limit was. 

Cain decided to ask, "Another question. Just what are the rankings can we score? And, we heard other World Spirit Masters discussing this. But, what are the layers of Spirit Energy?"

"This is a lengthy explanation that is best studied through our various textbooks. But for a watered-down version of this, the ranks you can achieve corresponds to each class level of Spirit Energy. The lowest is green 1st Class, then blue 2nd Class, and the highest potential ever scored in the last hundreds of years is the purple 3rd Class. The layers of Spirit Energy can be called similar to cultivation realms. It's the dividing layers of Spirit Energy class strength. The stronger the Spirit Energy is within that class level, the darker it will become."

At this moment, Kali curiously titled her head. 

Only three class levels? 

Wasn't this far too little? 

The Sage Core Realm is the sixth level of cultivation, nearly close to the end of the Mortal Realm.

Just how can there be such fewer class levels yet greater strength than even Sage Core Realm monstrous powerhouses? 

Kali asked, "If you don't mind me asking, just how do these class levels stack up to cultivators?"

"I can tell your thinking. Don't underestimate the fact we have fewer class levels. Merely, if anyone of us reaches the Perfection Layer of 2nd class blue Spirit Energy, then all Sky Rulers are nothing but ants to us. Even peak geniuses can barely compare to an average Perfection 2nd Class World Spirit Master. As for 3rd Class, even the weakest one can terrorize this entire City. The quantity and quality of Spirit Energy is something that Qi Energy simply can't hope to match."

The more Spirit Elder Mo talked, the more his ingrain arrogance slipped through. His tone put all cultivators down below him. Even the ones stronger than him couldn't be placed in his eyes.

Such arrogance wasn't that shocking, but what was told did slightly surprise the sibling duo. 

If the disparity between World Spirit Masters and cultivators were that large, it would make sense why they considered an untouchable existence here.

Even barring their combat prowess, the pills, weapons, and other resources they could make can draw the greed of all-powerful cultivators. Getting in good graces with these bunches will be tremendously helpful to anyone.

And it was at this moment, Cain decided to show off just slightly more than intended. Protection and resources from them would be a godsend. 

Cain no longer cared about challenging himself that much. He never wants an embarrassing repeat like what happened with the black robe man. 

Absolute security is better than a small mistake leading to his life being forfeited. 

Or worse, something happening to either Kali or Amber. 

Cain honestly doesn't know how deranged his mental state will become if something as chilling as that were to happen.

With his mind made up, Cain respectfully said, "Thank you for the information Spirit Elder Mo. I will be taking the test first." 

After quickly signaling to Kali to also try harder, Cain determinedly strolled up to the crystal orb.

His eyes briefly closed in intent focused, rapidly stimulating deep into his Spirit Core essence. Similar to how he performed with his Qi Origin Seed, Cain gathered a portion of his Spirit Core purest Essence.

He didn't gather too much as he worried the results would be too mind-breaking. 

When he was comfortable with the amount, Cain surged the Spirit Essence towards his palm.

Instantly, an bright green light shimmered out of Cain's palm as a line of Spirit Energy appeared. Cain's Spirit Aura immediately doubled. 

His strengthened Spirit Aura gushed all around the room, directly impacting Spirit Elder Mo's senses.

'Mn? This level of raw strength….it's higher than I expected? And his control is virtually perfect? Just what is….' 

Spirit Elder Mo was part intrigue and partly confused about Cain. No mistaking it, the Spirit Energy Cain is using it is at a far higher standard than any other newly awakened Spirit Core. 

Furthermore, his control was excellent, almost like it was already guided by an experience World Spirit Master!

This boy definitely came from just a cultivation background. Yet, how could he already achieve these strange phenomena? 

All questions swirling inside Spirit Elder Mo's minds were forced to be put on hold. He couldn't focus when a shimmering green light brightly emitted from the Spirit crystal orb. 

At this moment, Cain had finally interjected his Spirit Essence into the crystal orb.

Instantly, he felt a rush of Spirit Energy drill into his internal body and rapidly spread all throughout it. 

Cain didn't feel a strength increase. But when perceiving this Spirit Energy, he promptly felt his Spirit Energy control gradually improve.

The sensations hidden deep within this foreign Spirit Energy contained its own unique Comprehension properties. 

Cain's Mental Psyche was like a sponge, eagerly absorbing these Comprehension properties without any reservations.

In this brief moment, Cain submerged himself into this sensation, entirely forgetting about the outside world. 

As Spirit Elder Mo watched this, he already felt his surprise just slightly increase.

Generally, for others, when this test starts, it takes some time for them to make the Spirit crystal orb react. One has to smoothly assimilate their Spirit Essence deep into the crystal orb.

For any fresh Spirit Core without any guidance, it was natural for the test to not even start until a few minutes later. 

But this phenomenon was only the beginning. 

The instant the Spirit crystal orb turned a light green, its color immediately began changing! 

From a light green glow to a dark harsher one and without stopping transitioning into a soft blue glow!

This rapid speed already told Spirit Elder Mo Cain has an excellent affinity with absorbing Spirit Energy. If he didn't, the foreign Spirit Energy running through his internal body would've flown at a snail-like pace.

But 2nd class blue Spirit Energy was only the beginning. 

To light blue, dark blue, and then 3rd class purple Spirit Energy! 

Spirit Elder Mo felt his entier being shivered in that fraction of a second.

Just as his mind believed this should be the end, the Spirit crystal orb continued flashing through colors, uncaring to all that's watching it. 

To light purple, the darkest purple, and then….4th class red Spirit Energy!


A radiant red glow engulfed the entire room! 

And simultaneously, an incomparable Spiritual Might blasted out of the Spirit crystal orb, causing both Spirit Elder Mo and Kali's Spirit Core to slightly quiver.

A faint sense of pressure suddenly tried to wrap over them. 

Kali slightly knitted her brows before simply suppressing this faint pressure with her own Spirit Energy.

While Spirit Elder Mo froze into a statue. He couldn't think, hear or even move.. The only thing he could do was stare with eyes practically bulging out of his sockets towards the red color Spirit crystal orb.

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