The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 154 - Reveal

"Alisha….this….this has never ever happened in the Nine Provinces. At most, it's a rare legend in the Central Divine Region. Just….where the hell did we get these monstrous youths?"

Ellie muttered in a gradual hoarse voice. 

Heaven-defying Martial Talent and a World Spirit Master….not even the ancient legends were this exaggerated! 

Indeed, there are rare texts detailing a monstrous existence that was birth into their world.

An existence that wielded both Martial Talent above Sage Core and powerful Spirit Energy. That existence was able to rapidly grow to such heights where they seemed utterly godly.

Whoever such a legendary person didn't bother to stay in the continent for long. As he was described as ascending to a superior plane of existence. 

Comparing that legend to these two stunning youths right before their eyes, Ellie, Sean, and Travis felt that somehow….that existence is lacking.

Only above Sage Core Talent, how could that ever compare to genuine heaven-defying Martial Talent? 

The disparity was too immense! 

As these thoughts wracked the Discipline Lords' minds, they suddenly felt very queer. All of their previous momentum shattered at this moment. 

Ellie and the other two Discipline Lord didn't know what to do with their bodies. Their gazes practically burned a hole in the sibling duo's faces. Yet, none of them could summon the courage to even walk closer to them. 

Before today, Ellie, Sean, and Travis were rightfully convinced of the sibling duo's Martial Talent.

They weren't there for their fights, but it was recorded all on a special recording ring. So indeed, they were aware of their insane perception abilities.

However, Ellie, Sean, and Travis still felt an odd disconnect. After all, unless they met them in person, how could they honestly tell if the sibling duo had an excellent genius disposition.

The disposition to stay calm and proud under intense pressure. 

This would display to them the sibling duo's judge of character and whether or not they have the willingness to jump straight into danger.

It would seem like slight bullying, but Ellie, Sean, and Travis believed since they are heaven-defying Talents, having this kind of stature should be the base limit.

All these thoughts, however, crumbled instantaneously. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Martial cultivator or World Spirit Masters, their future is limitless! 

Wanting to test them out of a selfish violation? 

That's just utterly foolish! 

Now, all Ellie, Sean, and Travis were wrapping heads over was forming solid connections with these young lords. If not, they would miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime.

Suddenly then, an idea streaked through Sean's mind like lightning. Putting on his friendliest smile, he curtly nodded to the sibling duo, saying, 

"Young Cain and Kali, please excuse us for all that storm earlier. We were just surprised to meet you. To make it up for this, we will personally refer to the Head Principle to alleviate you of any potential tasks."

As he threw out this offer, the same lightning idea streaked through both Ellie and Travis's minds. 

"That's right! I'm not sure if Alisha explained it to you, but we Discipline Lord do have regular tasks to accomplish both in and out of the Academy. This would range from settling internal disputes or showing up as representatives to business exchanges or deals. And these tasks would've fallen on to you and adjusted according to your cultivation realm." Travis spoke up next, using his most pleasant tone. 

And hearing this, vague interest swirled in Cain's mind. 

For the days they stayed in their new residence, neither the Principal nor Vice-Principal hasn't attempted to contact them at all about these duties.

Even though he doubted it, Cain couldn't deny a possibility that some kind of good opportunity would've arisen from performing these duties. Of course, he still preferred to completely ignore these tasks, but the opportunity did exist.

So he curiously asked, "Just a quick question if you don't mind me asking. But what kind of business dealing goes around this City? Is it mainly with High-Class level Families?"

"Mn, high-class levels would be our main targets. But occasionally, we will branch out to Middle-Class levels or, sparsely, Low-Class levels. Our presence acts as a perfect deterrent just in case anyone has any funny ideas. We all have levels of status no other Sects or Families can dream of going against." Ellie picked up to explain next.

She then ushered a gentle smile, quickly saying afterward, "But as we said, you don't need to worry about this. We will speak to the Head principal right away and convince him about alleviating you two of your duties. We all want you to stay focused on cultivation and Spirit Energy. These tasks are nothing but mere distractions."

All three Discipline Lords tune changed on the drop of a dime. 

Seeing this occur before her very eyes, Alisha couldn't suppress her utter joy. Her lips quivered as sweet little giggles leaked out of her.

"Fufu~! See what I mean? Your pride, arrogance, and rigid beliefs are simply nothing when trying to court favor. I'm the same way, so you don't have to worry." 

"Tch." Ellie, Sean, and Travis could only click their teeth after getting called out.

They certainly hate to hear getting called out from the most casual member of their position. But truly, they had no other comebacks. 

Uncaring about the other Discipline Lords glares, Alisha turned back to the sibling duo, telling them,

"Well then. I feel like we should call this meeting short, shall we? After all, we have something critical to inform the Head Principal about. You two can head back home for the day. I'll tell the results real soon."

"Alright then. We won't tarry around any longer." Cain smilingly nodded. Things went even a bit more smoother than he could've expected. He thought about it deeply and realized something amusing. 

From now, he and Kali could genuinely be considered the free young lords of Crimson Sea Academy.


Hours later, at the World Spirit Master Branch. 

Currently, all World Spirit Masters in the Branch were unexpectedly anticipating a significant announcement. 

Events like this rarely, if ever, happened. The greatest Senior World Spirit Masters couldn't even recall when an event like this happened in the last dozens of years! 

Currently, all World Spirit Masters gathered a massive grand hall.

This grand hall was littered with unique designs, all crafted from Spirit Energy. It was like walking into a separate dimension filled with luminous colors and flashing lights.

Spirit Energy permeated through the entire grand hall. And this is partly the reason why it was spacious enough to fit over thousands of World Spirit Masters.

Discussions ranged throughout the whole crowd, many wondering just what the hell was going on. 

"Could it be? Another Divine Envoy Spirit Elder is coming down to our Branch? I hope so! I've been stuck for a while now."

"If it were to be that, then the whole City would've felt that Divine Envoy presence. Perhaps one of the Senior Spirit Master finally achieved a breakthrough?"

"Oh, you know…. I've heard about some two cultivators coming here to get tested. So maybe….actually never mind. That's a stupid thought."

That specific World Spirit Master had suddenly recalled about the slight disturbance Cain and Kali called hours ago. 

But, how can two cultivators ever call for a disturbance like this?

Furthermore, nobody caught wind of them after their test, so many assumed they simply failed. 

Suddenly, before the crowd could get even louder, a beautiful woman appeared upon the grand hall's stage.

This woman's mere presence shrouded over thousands of World Spirit Master, rapidly silencing them. 

Only a few managed to utter out, "Ah….Spirit Master Bellax. She's so stunning as always."

Compared to someone like Spirit Elder Mo, Bellax's status was worlds apart. Her Spirit Energy was at a level that qualifies as a true master. It's known she even had a great chance to reach 3rd class Spirit Energy!

The term 3rd class Spirit Energy was simple an fairy tale in nearly all these World Spirit Master's eyes. Their natural talent can't ever achieve this point. So the one who can is simply a godly existence. 

Naturally, with Bellax here, all World Spirit Master stood at attention, ready for whatever news coming their ways. 

As silence descended upon the grand hall, Bellax gave a divine smile akin to a fairy ready to spread her divine blessings.

This very smile enraptured these World Spirit Masters even more than possible. 

In this instance, Bellax reached into her pocket, taking out a recording ring while saying, "I won't waste anyone's time here. I will show the recording and then announce the news." 

True to her words, Bellax stimulated the recording ring, causing it to shimmer a beautiful red coating glow.

Before anyone had the time to ponder the possibilities, red lights shot forth from the recording ring and rapidly converged together. 

The red lights perfectly woven, quickly morphing into a massive bright red light screen!

The red light screen flew a few meters into the air, allowing everyone to see the contents inside. And within moments, clear images started to form. 

This red light screen is one of the fantastic inventions by World Spirit Masters.

A perfect, Energy projection! 

With this specially crafted projection, not only can one witness past events, but they could also perceive the Energy, Aura, or other types of supernatural powers that were emitted in that time frame.

Within Bellax's Energy projection, three figures quickly formed. When two of those figures fully formed, many World Spirit Master's eyes narrowed. 

"Say, those two… .they're definitely the cultivators we all saw earlier!"

Indeed, the Energy projection was currently broadcasting Cain and Kali's potential test. 

Then, an earth-shattering scene, one that no World Spirit Master would ever forget, occurred right before them.

Everyone watched as Cain and Kali put their hands upon the Spirit crystal orb and managed to near-instantaneously score 4th class red Spirit Energy Talent! 

Furthermore, the majestic might of 4th class Spirit Energy leaked from the Energy projection, engulfing the entire grand hall for just a moment.

In this instance, all World Spirit Master stay rooted to their spots. None were speaking, but everything felt incredibly loud. To even just the slight beat of their heart, it was like a loud drum was blasting in their ears!

4th Class Spirit Energy….this was too much of a terrifying existence! 

For the first time in their lives, many World Spirit Masters felt their soul's violent quiver to an unfathomable degree.

After only a few moments of this, Bellax suddenly dispersed the Energy projection, clearing away the previous Spiritual might. 

As she swept her eyes over all World Spirit Master's awe expressions, Bellax told them all,

"As you can see, our Branch has just picked up two immense Spirit Talents. Because of this, it was decided that I shall be their Spirit's guidance and protector! These youths' names are Cain and Kali. And from here on out, I trust you all to maintain good relations with them. This is all I have to announce. Meeting adjourned."

With her piece done, Bellax didn't tarry and promptly vanished before everyone's sight.

But even after leaving, the World Spirit Masters didn't and couldn't move. Everything was blasting their minds like a violent thunderstorm. 

Then, one World Spirit Master finally blurted out, "We have a future 4th Class Gods walking with us?!?" 

"Is-is this real?!?" 

And with that, a thunderous cascade of noise blasted from the crowd, nearly causing the entire area to violently shake!

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