The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 173 - The Spirit Exchange Event

"Right, right. I've heard some things about that girl and did meet her mother a couple of times long ago. But those were only simple business transactions. In any case, if it does become too much, I will accordingly step in."

Supreme confidence is similarly emitted from Bellax. Dealing with her fellow Great Spirit Elders would be a bit troublesome. But for the sibling duo, it would be more than worth it. She's placing all of her pride and hope in them, after all. 

Deciding to shift the topics, Bellax continued to say, "So, I can see that look in you're eyes, you're planning on seeking something specific, right? Of course, I'll answer to the best of my abilities. But before that, are you two perhaps interested in hearing about an event coming up soon? This will help you two greatly."

"Oh?" Cain and even Kali felt their interest piqued. Whatever Bellax has undoubtedly won't be a waste at all compared to what's offered in the Academy. 

Cain curiously asked, "Just what is this event?"

"This is one of the few events that we World Spirit Masters feel genuine excitement over. The Spirit Exchange Event! Here you can win fabulous Spirit Energy resources that I can't normally give away and increase your reputation about your general Spirit Energy abilities. An increase in reputation will assuredly help in the future when you deal with all kinds of business transactions."

As Bellax explained, Cain suddenly recalled that his reputation was only unbreakable because of Bellax. 

Without her, neither he nor Kali has any remarkable feats pertaining to Spirit Energy.

Thankfully the Spirit Talent they showcased suppressed any disdain about them. 

But Cain wasn't so willing to let this go on. Even barring their own reputation, he realized they do need a good workout with Spirit Energy.

Similar to Qi, if they don't push themselves to very limits with Spirit Energy, then they will forever be stuck, no matter how insane their Spirit Talent is. 

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In this brief moment, Cain shot a look over to Kali only to see the same realization flashed upon her face.

Turning back over to Bellax, Cain asked, "Just what does this event entail for us to do?" 

"Ah, compared to Martial competitions, our system is slightly less brutal. All we will require you to do is showcase your quality and control over Spirit Energy. And also to showcase any Spirit Arts you managed to learn. Pretty simple, right?"

"Pretty simple, huh?" Cain nearly shook his head, his lips just slightly twitching. 

One thing he wouldn't describe as Spirit Energy is being simple. The complex properties, profound traits, and truths hidden within can be utterly puzzling for any average World Spirit Master.

Cain is also fully aware if he didn't have this monstrous perception ability, he would be just as lost as any average talent. 

"You say simple, but just how actually difficult is this event? With how Spirit Energy works, I'm can't fathom there being much shining competition." Cain asked. 

And Bellax's smile turned a bit wry. Her tone was almost helpless as she said, "This….I suppose you're aren't wrong at all. Wanting to have some light achievement in this event is simple. But wanting to outshine and catch the attention of the Great Spirit Elders is indeed a daunting task. The Spirit Energy control essentially needs to be absolutely perfect, without any flaws. Even the slightest flaw can significantly decrease your ranking."

Hearing such challenges didn't disturb either Cain or Kali. Daunting tasks were par for the course for every single one of them that walked down the grueling path for the highest truth.

But also, Cain felt a genuine interest in the previous competitions results if things are so tight-laced.

"So? What about all other Events? Were there any show-stopping talents?"

"Well….there have been a few rare exceptions. Some World Spirit Masters practically work themselves to the bones, ignoring sleep, food, or letting their mental state clear up. But because of this feverish passion, last year, one of our World Spirit Master managed to achieve near-perfect results judged by all Great Spirit Elders."

"Only just a near-perfect?" Cain pursued his lips. 

With that kind of dedication, surely there should've been an ancient genius scoring perfect results. 

Or is Spirit Energy even more difficult than he expects?

Before Cain could ask his sudden questions, Bellax continued to say, "Mm. You must understand that this event has been in place for thousands of years. And it wasn't even originally started by our guild but by a connection far stronger than us. Essentially, the Great Spirit Elders' standards are incredibly rigid. They need to be so, considering the ancient standards they were taught and raised by. Near perfect results is an unprecedented achievement never before seen in dozens of years."

"Hoh? And just who is this fantastical genius name? And, just what do you mean by connection far stronger than you?" Kali suddenly asked, her interest at its full piqued. 

Before answering, Bellax paused, her brows tightly knitting together. Several complex emotions quickly ran through her eyes, evidently contemplating a sudden serious matter.

The sibling duo didn't even have a chance to question as Bellax's expression shifted back to her regularly smiling self mere moments later. 

She told them, "I'm very sorry for this, but I can't tell you fully about these stronger connections as of now. I and all other Great Spirit Elders took an oath, saying that we can't reveal this information unless we're granted specific permission. We do greatly value Spirit Talent, but the connections want to see that kind of Talent in action."

"I see…." Though Cain's tone sounded relenting, his curiosity only surged. 

Whatever power that can make even these Great Spirit Elder shut up undoubtedly can't come from just the mere Nine Provinces.

The power behind the Nine Provinces is great but isn't anywhere close to the realm of absolute strength. 

No, where that connection should be from is the Central Divine Region!

The ones who can so utterly suppress even the strongest of World Spirit Masters would be those so-called demigods. Not only do they have absolute strength, but they also have various intricate means passed down from their thousand years of generational history. 

If not them, then it had to be the case that there are even more terrifying World Spirit Masters inhabiting the region and are all connected together! 

Whatever the reason was, Cain was determined to find out after this Spirit Exchange Event.

Shifting his thoughts from this, Cain then asked, "So? What about that other never before seen result?" 

"Ah, Hehe. this information that I can share out." Bellax giggled. "You see, that was World Spirit Master Lee, someone who scored peak 2nd Class Spirit Talent. Already, this guy was predetermined for a bright future. But, he wasn't satisfied with taking it easy. He threw himself to the books, relentless practicing every moment of each day. And it fully paid off as he scored resources that tremendously boosted his Spirit Energy absorption. As of now, this guy is another high-ranking Spirit Elder around here."

Listening to this tale, Cain and Kali could admit these World Spirit Masters were even slightly more frantic than Martial cultivation youths. 

Even though Martial cultivators were all fiercely determined, they also do engage in other activities to broaden their horizons.

Whether it was adventuring, competition, or the fleeting feeling of romance. This especially holds true for all the hot-blooded youths wanting to experience the glory of genius hood.

For World Spirit Masters, it's no wonder their attitudes are incredibly haughty with this kind of insane dedication. 

"If we have the time, maybe we'll meet with Spirit Elder Lee for some additional advice. But with that, just when will this even take place?" Cain asked.

"Days from now. We actually haven't decided on a precise date as of yet. But when we do, I'll be sure to immediately inform you. Until that time, if you have any questions or want advice, you can also come to me. Now then, just what is it you wanted to ask me about?"

As Cain thought over his question, another idea streaked through his mind. He almost felt foolish for not asking this idea before, but there was no other time than the present.

"Ah, do you perhaps know a way to form an Astral Core? Also, do you know any spots that can at least help with promoting Soul Strength?" 

"Astral Core? Soul strength?" Bellax's expression changed into an unusual one, her brows furrowing together.

"I am fully aware that you two are indeed amazing geniuses of your generation. But, how did ever come across the chance to practice either Astral Energy or the Soul? The Soul is not that uncommon for us, but we rarely hear anything about Astral Energy."

Thinking it over, Cain didn't see it as a problem to explain Crimson Sea Academy's secrets. Not like the World Spirit Master Branch will care about this as a whole.

"Well, when we first stepped into the Academy, Kali and I encountered a mystic training realm that has remnants of Astral Energy mixed within. We never asked around how but it was from there we got the chance to cultivate Astral Energy. As for the Soul, it was a lucky chance I managed to stumble upon while adventuring."

"I see….well, I won't try to dissuade your minds. You all are the fiercely determined types. All I will say is learn how to effectively juggle these systems. If both Astral and Soul cultivation seems too much of a loss, it would be better to focus squarely on Qi and Spirit Energy. I'm sure you've heard of great legends wielding many abilities. But I've seen with my own eyes of rising geniuses that hit an inevitable wall because they didn't specifically hone their foundation. They all had quite the tragic end." Bellax cautiously warned. 

And when thinking it over, Cain realized he far went beyond her cautionary tale. 

From his Draconic abilities, Lightning perception, Sword Energy perception, Chaos abilities, Astral, Spirit and Soul cultivation, Cain was anything but limited.

Still, Cain wasn't worried about juggling so many abilities at once. He faintly felt that if he could correctly cultivate these abilities to their peak, his prowess would become downright demonic! 

A challenge to be sure, but Cain wasn't the one to back down from any challenge. Even in his mortal life, he didn't dare back down from trying to enter this universe.

As Cain and Kali remained silent, showing tactic agreement, Bellax had her own sudden thoughts streaking her mind. 

Her eyes started to shine a luminous glimmer as she said, "You know since you two want to practice these methods, it can be called good timing. Have you two heard about the Crypt Graves before this?"

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