The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 176 - The Ancient Liang People

"Ahh~. You know, how long has it been? Like a couple of weeks, right? Think that Liang Tribe has gotten stronger since then?" Kali's eagerness for battle exuded spilled from her tone like overflowing water. '

Out of all things she won't forget, it would be the Liang Tribe. In a way, they were the ones that practically drove her and Cain out of the wilderness because they were too weak to resist them.

Even though they easily slaughtered the Nascent Captains when leaving, Kali still considered this a debt that needed to be repaid. 

Moreover, the Liang Tribe, in general, is just a cruel organization nobody will miss if they get severely crippled.

With combat prowess at the top of the Profound Soul Realm, Kali had no fear about facing that behemoth of an organization. 

Most, if not all Tribal Domain's cultivators can't even compare to the weakest Profound Soul genius from Crimson Sea Academy.

Their cultivation manuals are inferior, their Qi environment is inferior, and their Martial Comprehension isn't even worth mentioning. 

This makes them all the perfect target for Kali.

Similarly, the battle-hungry drive surged within Cain. But he forcefully suppressed those instincts, for now.

He told Kali, "If we have the chance….we'll pay a visit to see how they are. Most likely destroyed that Kong Clan by now. And for us, we'll focus on our own goals."

Kali crossed her arms, silently nodding though the fire for battle didn't leave her eyes. 

While Amber curiously tilted her head and asked, "I'm sorry but, just who are you two talking about? We city folks barely invest in time learning the Wilderness situation over here."

"Oh this, they're just some minor power struggles in the tribal domain. When we were adventuring over here, we had several run-ins. The Liang tribe is how we actually became World Spirit Masters and how we will make you one too. Come on, I'll explain as we make it over."

As Cain spoke, he already took the lead, casually walking in the Misty Wilderness. Amber and Kali followed right beside his side. 

Before talking again, Cain swept his gaze over the Misty Wilderness.

Its dreadful appearance didn't change at all. Rusted trees with strange substances on them, bushes with exotic-looking plants and flowers, along with a dreadfully quiet atmosphere.

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But there was one difference Cain specifically took notice of. 

When spreading his Spirit Sense out, he detected a noticeable lack of Vicious Beast presence. Furthermore, the distinct Aura of death permeates through the entirety of their current area. 

Faint intrigue bubbled within Cain. He assumed either some other higher power swept through here or the Liang Tribe indeed gotten stronger to sallow all other powers.

Either way, Cain could see their time will be filled with action. 

"About the Liang Tribe, they're not something too important. They're just an arrogant power that rose to prominence quickly over enslaving many other cultivators over here. And from what he heard, they apparently had some sort of secret method to forcefully power up their cultivators. That's how they so quickly grew." Cain slowly explained. 

"Hmph. You know, when thinking about that explanation again, I realized how naive that entire tribe is. They truly thought they could take shortcuts without experiencing true enlightening perception. Sooner or later, they will be bound to fall to ruins."

Kali's disdain was clearly evident, her lips even curling in disgust. 

To her, taking forceful shortcuts is different from using resources to rapidly increase cultivation.

At least with resources, if one's Martial perception isn't high enough, the effectiveness of resources would tremendously diminish. 

If one couldn't effectively control their Soul Energy to refine the Qi Energy, its potency will massively decrease. And if one uses resources that artificially boost Martial perception, it would be much harder to reach future cultivation realms. 

But even with these diminishing returns, it won't be impossible to make it up, provided if that Martial cultivator has a firm Martial Heart and a determined Will.

In direct contrast, taking forceful shortcuts such as formations or other kinds of cheats, a cultivator would be drying all of their Martial Potential and ruining their foundation forever.

No matter how fast one's cultivation naturally is, everything is still a slow, methodical process that accumulates to absolute perfection. Cutting ahead of this process would only bring ruin upon yourself.

As Amber quietly listened to the sibling duo, her expression slowly changed.  Her brows curled as a memory suddenly surfaced. 

She suddenly said, "You say they enslave, forcefully boost their cultivators, and are called the Liang Tribe? This….this either a coincidence or some kind of ancient history."

"Hm?" Cain and Kali felt their interest surge. 

At this point, they've come to realize Amber is practically a walking book with all sorts of tales sitting inside that dome of her.

Though she claims reading is only for when there's absolutely nothing else to do, the amount of books she read is most likely up in the hundreds. 

Even Kali could admit her lethargicness makes her quite methodical.

Sensing the sibling duo rapt their attention on her, Amber slowly curled her lips. Their dependence on this always caused a subconscious amount of pride to arise within her.

Sorting her thoughts in order, she slowly said, "The thing is, back during the founding of Azure Lightning City, there was one infamous organization that nearly caused a downfall. Those guys called themselves the Liang Heaven Sect. And these guys practically match those supposed Liang Tribes. They went around the whole City, enslaving all without a care to who they were. Power them up to do their biddings and had ambitions to become the Emperor of the entire City. It was said that the cultivation Manuals they had used came from a heinous demonic art that even the Infernal Devil Region would disapprove of. Because of this, the ancient powerhouses practically wiped them from existence. Though the tale said that some remnants escaped, but they were the weakest and most likely died after heading into the Misty Wilderness."

Cain and Kali could now see why Amber got a bit confused. The similarities were more than evident. But still, the confusion didn't clear from their expressions. In fact, it only increased.

"Sure, they're means, and names line up. But you said ancient, right? The Liang Tribe only recently came into power about 200 hundred years ago. I don't see how one of those members could live for so long or keep his life."

Cain's assumption was reasonable. While in the Nine Provinces, the lifespan expectancy isn't incredibly high. 

An Nascent Formation cultivation could at most live for 200 years. And by the end of their lifespan, nearly all of their cultivation would've already drained away. 

Even if one of the weakest members were at the Innate Lord realm, their lifespan would at most upgrade to 400 years. 

Any remnants shouldn't be able to stand the test of time. 

"I guess you're right…but still, maybe they had some devil art to miraculously prolong their lives? I wouldn't be surprised. But in any case, we should have some caution if we want to deal with that tribe."

Knowing that some form of action would come later, Amber cautiously warned. She wasn't expecting them to actually take it to heart, but it was the thought that counts.

"Of course. No matter how weaker they may be, the utmost caution is always necessary. Let's speed it up." 

At Cain's words, the trio casually picked up the pace, going at high speeds that were as effortless as walking.


The journey to Old Nox Soul's cave was surprisingly smooth. 

Even when venturing deep into the misty Wilderness, no vicious beast or any other Tribal group impede their way.

Even when Cain stretched his Soul Sense far out, he didn't detect even a slight sense of danger. 

Admittedly, he was hoping to encounter some Profound Soul level vicious beasts. Or a run-in with the arrogant Liang Tribe. 

But the lack of people did allow them to clear over to the cave in just a short while. 

Arriving in front of the cave, Amber narrowed her eyes as she swept her Soul Sense over it.

In moments, astonishment flashed within her eyes. "So it really is strange like I was expecting! If not for you two, I would've completely ignored this cave. And even with my Spirit Sense, I still can't make anything special out. Nor can I even peer into the darkness of this cave."

Naturally, at the Profound Soul Realm, seeing into darkness and detecting energy becomes tremendously easy. 

With Amber's Martial talent, her senses far surpassed most around her age group. And yet, this cave was basically an entire mystery to her. 

It wasn't only a mystery to Amber as well. 

Kali, believing that her increased cultivation could perceive the cave, swept her Spirit Sense out.

And to her slight dismay, event at her new level, it was impossible to perceive anything! 

For her, this just reaffirms the fact that God Galaxy powerhouses genuinely are a different breed that no Mortals can rightfully understand.

As for Cain, he simply fished out the Spirit Key while gushing his Soul Sense. In direct contrast to the girl, he actually perceived a greater fluctuation of Spirit Energy than what he could perceive previously.

"When Kali and I first arrived here, even we also had trouble seeking this cave out. Come on, let's get in." 

As Cain spoke, he thrust the Spirit Key forward, clashing it right upon the cave's entrance.


Before Amber's bewildered eyes, a brilliant blue light shattered before her. 

Promptly, a luminous blue shine engulfed the area as a vibrant Spirit Aura billowed out like rolling waves.

'This is Spirit Energy? How beautiful….' Amber was utterly enraptured. 

Comparing these blue lights to the flashes of Qi, it was evident to her which one was more superior.

Wordlessly, the trio stepped inside the blue light. 

As the blue light completely engulfed their vision, Cain, Kali, and Amber stayed focused. They quickly revolve their Qi as the sense of space continually shifts around them.

The sensation was akin to their bodies getting forcefully sucked into a powerful vacuum. But with Profound Qi coursing through them, the pain was barely noticeable to the trio.

After only a few moments, the sense of space returned to normal, and the pull force vanished. 

Upon entering into a new separate dimension, Amber's eyes widen.

The Energy here was utterly incredible! If far surpassed anything she ever felt before, almost like entering into a new plane of existence. 

At this moment, Amber's breath was taken away. 'Such power like this was actually possible?' 

Amber admittedly found it quite chilling how a powerhouse can create such a pure separate dimension. This kind of power can absolutely crush her whole City! 

Her musing was suddenly cut short when an ethereal voice flowed into her ears.

"So, you finally came back with another person? And…oh? She's quite intriguing."

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