The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 203 - Sword Masters Meeting

Countless realms away from the Heaven Sky Planet, in the Huang Dragon Royal Family main imperial palace. 

Deep within the imperial palace, where only the direct imperial family resides, a unique event was occurring within the grand halls.

The grand halls that can fit thousands of people at the same time were now strangely absent except for one person. 

This person was an extreme beauty that emitted a natural ethereal presence. She didn't look a day over her young twenties and walked with a grace befitting of that of a Goddes emperor. 

If anyone were to just get within dozens of meters from her, a feeling to prostrate to her wouldn't be strange at all.

The only one who could command such a presence and power was one of the most terrifying figures in the entire Royal family. 

It was the Ancient Dragon Empress Shi Wei!

And for a rare time, Shi Wei was slowly strolling the royal halls, her mind in deep contemplation. Even though she hasn't made any official announcement of her presence, all other royal members collective knew not to impede her path.

Not that it would bother Shi Wei if there were hundreds of younglings Dragons. She currently only had her mind focused on two of the most important people in her entire life.

Two youths that she never stopped thinking about since they left. 

Of course, these two were her grandson and daughter, Cain and Kali. Two weeks and some days have already passed since their journey, and so far, Shi Wei confirmed that the children haven't encountered any actual danger.

Her life crystal on them remained unshakingly firm as if it could never be broken. Such news should bring ease to her mental state. 

However, Shi Wei naturally couldn't clear all of her doubts.  She was even beginning to doubt if sending them on a journey at their tender age and still fresh cultivation was a good idea. Even now, her mind is still creating better scenarios for their situation.

'If their talent would've been revealed here…it would've been a bit rigid, but I should put faith in my husband. Us together can directly contend against the traditional norms. Really, I was too far warped in pushing my own experiences.'

Shi Wei had pangs of regrets mixed in her musings. When she sent her grandchildren on this journey, her mindset stayed firm to what she experienced on her Martial Road. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But what she experienced may not necessarily be the boat for younglings. 

Perhaps they would be able to blossom far shiner if they were fostered and then traveled out on a journey.

At least that way, they would have sufficient means to protect themselves. And now that she had plenty of time to think about this, along with this upcoming meeting, Shi Wei's opinions started to slowly change.

'Just the remaining two months on a Mortal Planet…how far can they really grow? The only true benefit they will receive is honing their Martial Heart and Martial Nature. You know what…alright, I think I'm close to a decision.'

A glint slowly submerged within Shi Wei's pupils. And as she came upon her decision, she had already reached the main grand hall. 

Here, the interior design was of divine quality, having furniture and decorative design crafted by divine-level energies. Furthermore, the main grand hall extended thousands of feet out to easily fit thousands of people. 

Despite its massive size, there were only two people in the main grand hall.

One was a prim and proper beautiful young maiden that exuded a graceful sense of honor. Her gorgeous face remained steady fast, calm like a stream of water, never to be disturbed. 

The natural Aura radiating out of her was incomparably sharp, just like an authentic divine sword ready to slice right through all of her enemies. 

This young maiden was the Thunderous Sword Sect's young genius, Qiu Lan.

And next to Qiu Lan was an imposing man emitting a mesmerizing, grand stature. His looks were elegantly handsome; his eyes held a piercing gaze akin to a sword infused with Origin of Lightning.

A dignified expression plastered his face as a frightening cold Aura swirled out of him. This man was the Thunderous Sword Sect Master, Xun Kang. 

Standing side by side, the master and disciple seemed almost like perfect sculptures.

Even for those at the same level as these two, a natural sense of inferiority would birth deep within their Martial Heart. 

These Sword Masters commanded absolute respect wherever they traveled.

However, upon Shi Wei entering the main grand hall, both Xun Kang and Qiu Lan stood with absolute respect. Neither dared to show any causality. 

After all, in front of them was a terrifying existence far above them!

They may occupy the same middle God Galaxy realm, but Xun Kang clearly knows his standings among all other powers. 

Seeing these Sword Masters stand with absolute respect, Shi Wei faintly smiled.

She merely gave a slight, curt nod, saying, "Sect Master Kang and Young Lan. I'm a bit surprised you directly called for me. Quite a bold move, hm?" Her tone was incomparably sweet, seemingly carrying zero hints of malice.

However, it was very subtle, but both Qiu Lan and Xun Kang felt an Aura shiver tingle their spines. Both Sword Masters didn't show an external reaction, but internally they were revolving their energies to stay calm. 

As they expect, meeting with the unfathomable Ancient Dragon Empress is no joke at all! 

Taking a moment to completely calm his mind, Xun Kang slightly bowed and respectfully said, "Your Majesty, Ancient Dragon Empress. I'm terribly sorry for having to seek your time. But, I hope you can understand. This is concerning one of my biggest star pupils. And this contract has been going along for a few years now…"

"You need not say more. I can practically sense your unease from miles away." Shi Wei lightly waved her hand, taking control of the conversation. 

She then continued to say, "Basically, the situation is that Cain is currently undergoing changes that cannot be described as of now. But fret not; he will return very soon." 

Xun Kang hesitated to reply before throwing all caution into the wind. "I don't want to overstep my boundaries, Your Majesty, but may I ask for the direct time for when Cain will return? For this marriage, I do want these two to foster a good relationship before anything is settled."

"Mn…I can't give you a specific time. But as I said, it won't be very long after. When they finally come home, I will be sure to contact you." Shi Wei smoothly explained.

As she talked, she suddenly snapped her attention onto Qiu Lan. 

"?" Qiu Lan wanted to stay calm. But being abruptly stared at this terrifying existence caused waves to tingle her Soul's Core. 

She did her very best to put on her most professional face, taking a deep bow while saying, "Is there something you require from me, Your Majesty?" 

"Something from you huh…"

Shi Wei mysteriously trailed off at the end of her words. Her eyes trailed Qiu Lan from top to bottom, inspecting every inch of her being. Without the use of any energy, it was like she peered into the depths of Qiu Lan's soul.

Qiu Lan's body slightly shook. But as a testament to her Martial Heart, she managed to retain her calm expression. 

"Hoh? So you can withstand it." Shi Wei's eyes twinkle like stars. 

Though she was blatantly pressuring Qiu Lan, Xun Kang didn't dare to make any move. Doing so will just be a fool's dream. Even as Shi Wei wasn't using a drop of energy, tha danger emitting from her was the highest Xun Kang had ever felt. 

Seeing that Qiu Lan's expression won't change, Shi Wei finally opened her mouth. Her gaze never moved away from Qiu Lan as she asked, "Let me ask you this, what do you actually feel about Cain?"

Qiu Lan only needed a few small moments to form her answers. She didn't think anything of Shi Wei suddenly asking about her feelings on Cain, seeing as their previous conversation was related.

"Cain is very amicable and easy-going to converse with. I feel like talking with him will be honestly intriguing." Qiu Lan calmly said. 

"Just intriguing, huh? Mn, well, you can just plainly say it. You don't see a true future with him because of his lifespan, right? I can tell you're thinking from your eyes."

As Shi Wei spoke, Xun Kang briefly froze. This definitely sounded like some sort of interrogation! 

It's actually no secret at all that Shi Wei is fiercely protective of her grandchildren, with Cain having more impotence attached than the rest.  If Qiu Lan were to answer wrong, things could end disastrously for them. 

In that instance, Xun Kung wanted to transmit an energy sound transmission to Qiu Lan to give her the correct information.

However, Qiu Land didn't have a shred of unwillingness to admit, "Indeed. Completely no offense to your Majesty, but even with the greatest of resources, Cain's lifespan can only increase so much. However, this doesn't mean I don't want to foster a relationship. Naturally, I will put my all into making sure our marriage goes on as smooth as possible."

"Is that so…" Shi Wei curiously tilted her head, creating an unforgettable spectacle scene. 

As she narrowed her eyes, Shi Wei explained, "Let me ask you this then. What if the next time you see Cain, he will be completely changed. During that time, you won't even be able to recognize him anymore, and all issues will be automatically clear."

As Shi Wei spoke, Qiu Lan was puzzled, and Xun Kang was furrowing his brows. 

They both were keenly aware that Cain's situation was beyond salvation. With the very best World Spirit Masters and other alchemist cultivators, none of them were able to cure him. Nor did they manage to precisely find out just what was wrong with him.

At this point, everyone believes that Cain is done deal. Even when Shi Wei mentioned he was undergoing changes, Qiu Lan and Xun Kang didn't pay much thought to it.

But now, their intrigue was greatly piqued. 

Out of all these years, could the unfathomable Ancient Dragon Empress find a cure for Cain's mysterious disease? 

If this was anyone else, it would sound utterly ridiculous that they managed to achieve something the very best World Spirit Masters couldn't.

However, Shi Wei is nowhere near being just some random nobody. Even among the other Dragon God Emperors and ancient existence within their Royal Family, Shi Wei's prestige is highest and most frightening.

Not even Xun Kang knows the depth of her abilities despite knowing of her for thousands of years. 

Perhaps if the unfathomable Ancient Dragon Empress managed to find a cure….then anything really is possible!

Naturally, neither Qiu Lan nor Xun Kang spoke what they considered to be disrespectful thoughts. Not even for how bold and straight-laced Qiu Lan is, she didn't want to invite a disaster upon herself.

Qiu Lan simply nodded while saying, "If that were to happen, then this situation would become far more favorable." 

"I see…" Shi Wei blossomed a beautiful smile that made her look like a living goddess.

As she unintentionally dazed the Sword Masters, she continued to say, "Remember your words when the Heavenly Banquet comes around. I will have a special gift for you and him. Now then, because this is a personal issue, I will give you my contact ring, Sect Master Kung, to notify you when these two can meet. And with this, please excuse yourself; I have important matters to attend to."

Her words were absolute and must be obeyed without question.. Only she can directly order a God Galaxy Sect Master with a goddess-like smile curling her lips.

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