The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 209 - Terrifying Spirit Perception

Just how far does the limit of absolute geniuses extend? 

This was a searing question that was burning their minds. And after only around four minutes, their questions were soon to be answered. 

At the same time, Cain, Kali, and Amber raised their palms, slowly opening them. Spirit energy instantly swelled forth from their palms. Waves of far more focused and powerful Spirit energy gushed, completely dwarfing what they showed before. 

Then, right before everyone very eyes, streaks of green and blue flashed from Cain's group.

It was like everything was moving in slow motion. All eyes, even Grand Spirit Master Yao, gathered specifically on Cain. 

In this instance, Cain's Spirit Aura far surpassed any 1st Class Master.  The power he exuded could only belong to a 2nd Class Master! 

And at this time, swirls of blue Spirit energy formulated upon his palm, quickly revolving into a completed ball of Spirit energy!

2nd Class Spirit energy engulfed the entire stage and was present to all prying eyes. A legendary realm, something that can cause even the most powerful of Sky Rulers to sweat with fear, had gathered upon Cain's palm.

For a whole single second, utter silence descended upon the Spirit Grand Plaza. But then, it wasn't known who shouted as one voice said, 

"Spirit Master Cain…he reached the mystical 2nd Class Master Realm! He-he's…he truly is a 10,000 years talent!!"

"This is mind-boggling!!" 

Immediately, a tremendous uproar took hold of the entirety of the Spirit Grand Plaza. Though they may be Martial Cultivators, everyone was well informed about the dividing Class level of Spirit energy.

The mere fact that just a 2nd Class Master can crush any Sky Ruler was more than enough to raise thousands of alarms. 

But not just their prowess, 2nd Class Masters are able to perform genuinely magical feats.

To Spiritual Rank Pills, powerful weapon infusions, Spirit Formations, and arrays, and anything else under the sun, this can all be done by 2nd Class Masters. The value of any 2nd Class Master couldn't be described in any simple words.

And that kind of power, that kind of status is currently perfectly wielded in Cain's hand… 

How could anyone not feel tremendously excited! 

Even their competitors World Spirit Master only looked on at Cain's palm in pure awe.

Just two weeks of training time? 

The very beginning of the Spiritual Road? 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

None of that matters at all! 

Indeed, 10,000 years never before seen talents don't apply to any sort of logical common sense!

Even Grand Spirit Master Yao had his attention entirely raptured. His eyes were shining like brilliant diamonds as his gaze bore a hole into Cain's Spirit energy. 

And at this time, Amber and Kali finished summoning their most concentrated Spirit energy.

With their Spirit energy balls in hand, Cain, Kali, and Amber didn't hesitate. These Spirit energy balls were the pent ultimate of their current Spirit perception; it was the highest Spirit power they had ever mustered! 

Their arms moved like lightning as they thrust their Spirit energies ball right upon the 3rd Class Spirit barrier! 


A terrifying cracking noise asunder everyone's eardrums. This was the sound of absolute glass shattering as if it couldn't withstand an overwhelming force. 

At the same time, streaks of 3rd Class Spirit energy ripple through the air, sprinkling out like tiny droplets of water.

In this instance, three large holes had appeared in the 3rd Class Spirit barrier. 

And the cause for these holes was Cain, Kali, and Amber! 

With nothing but their pure Spirit perception, they forcefully tore right through the Spirit truths formulating the barrier!


Everyone, to the audience, competitors World Spirit Masters, and even Grand Master Yao, was left astounded. 

This result was terrifying, to an overwhelming degree!

"Di-did something like this ever happen before?? No…just no…I never ever recall a World Spirit Master literally shattering the test!" 

As the audience roared into a frenzy, many Senior cultivators were quickly recounting their previous tales. Their eyes stared unblinkingly as their minds went into overdrive. 

These Senior cultivators already lived up to hundreds of years because of the miraculous effect of Heaven and Earth Origin energy. Furthermore, with their high attainment in cultivation, their memories are excellent, borderline picture perfect. 

So naturally, they were able to retail all other previous Spirit Annual Exchange events in great detail.

And the longer they recalled, the more incredulous their expression morphed into. 

"This…no it never happened before. Even with a 3rd Class talent, they had to expend all of their Spirit Energy just to skirt by the test. This…this is truly unprecedented."

"Not just unprecedented but downright freakish! Never has there been such a young 2nd Class World Spirit Master. And those girls…especially the Hiyashi estate Vampire princess… they're not lagging behind at all." 

All pessimistic opinions before were now becoming significantly shifted.

Cain, Kali, and Amber were genuinely becoming figures who could stand tall and proud all on their own. 

Previously, their background and status were the main driving force to frighten the whole City into submission. If on their own, not many Senior cultivators greatly feared the trio themselves. 

However, now, everything has dramatically changed! 

These Senior cultivators didn't even need to see the second test. They already know that a new batch of World Spirit Master will take their whole City by absolute storm! 

The trio wouldn't even need to improve on their cultivation. With their attainment in Spirit energy, the benefits they can provide are immense. 

Everyone, even including monstrous Sage Core existence, would want to be highly respectful to them.

And at that time, who would dare to offend this trio? 

It is true that absolute strength decides nearly everything in their society. But when Cain's group has legions of other powerful Martial Cultivators willing to do their biddings, their need for personal strength isn't necessary at all.

After several weeks of doubt, the whole Azure Lightning City was beginning to separate the trio into their own existence. 

As the Senior Martial cultivators were revising their thoughts on how to treat Cain's group, the other World Spirit Masters couldn't properly recover from their recoiling shocks.

Even the previous World Spirit Master who brazenly rushed out was now fraught with utter horror. 

Mutters were whispering among the group. Many felt their throats violently spasming, causing them to feel significantly suffocated. 

"If they did what I think they did, then…their own Spirit Perception is at least crossing the borders of 2nd Class Spirit energy! Or maybe they've already reached 3rd Class Perception!"

One older World Spirit Master blurted in disbelief. Hearing this, many World Spirit Masters felt their Spirit Hearts quiver. 

"Then…isn't it only a matter of time before they actually reached 4th Class? It'll take time, but by then…just how much more terrifying will they become?"

A thought like this was horrifying to think upon. It was especially hard to accept because they included Amber into the equation. 

Cain and Kali's results were heaven-defying, but at least it was explained that they are a once 10,000 years Spirit Talent.

Going beyond logic is just in their nature as heaven-defying geniuses. 

But, what was absolutely unbearable was Amber having the results! 

All that was revealed about her is that she's a considerably decent Spirit Talent that can gain tutelage from Great Spirit Master Bellax.

Many believed she was just riding off the success of Cain. But now, all of their opinions were blown to pieces. If Amber's Spirit talent is so great, how come they never heard anything about it? 

Her results hit harder than the sibling duo!

However, no matter their disbelief, they were forced to suck it up and accept this reality. 

At this time, Grand Spirit Master Yao wasn't even paying attention to the trio.

His old wrinkly eyes snapped high into the skies, settling on a seemingly invisible spot. Grand Spirit Master Yao appeared to be calm, but the intent fires within his pupils told otherwise.

Unconsciously, he was even muttering, "Bellax…is this all your doing? No…even so, this rate goes beyond any kind of guidance. With this, the Divine Region will sure to pay extra attention…"

Though the spot Grand Spirit Master Yao would seem invisible to any weaker person, in actuality, there were two ethereal women who seemed to blend in with the slightly black substance sky.

One woman was the ever-gorgeous Bellax who couldn't look anymore proud. Her face was as if she was gazing down at her own children performing wonder deeds. 

And next to the proud Bellax was a peculiar woman. 

This woman evidently had a bombastic figure that exuded a powerful, bewitching charm. To her curvaceous hips, plump ass, and juicy, bountiful breast, even powerful Sky Rulers would feel their Souls burn in desires.

But, despite her luxurious body, one wouldn't be able to see her face because of a beautiful golden mask covering it. The golden mask faintly emitted a golden glow, making her seem like a mysterious fairy.

This woman wasn't somebody who even Sky Rulers could so casually see. She was even above Grand Spirit Master Yao. 

This was the master of the whole World Spirit Master Branch, Spirit Leader Fanny!

A woman whose lofty existence can rarely, if ever, become affected by outside affairs. 

However, for today, Spirit Leader Fanny couldn't suppress the ripples crossing in her mind.

Her eyes stayed locked on Cain's group as she said, "Bellax, you know what this means, right? The Spirit perception I detected may eclipse yours and even mines. To reach this point…guidance could only do so much. Just what did you do to help?"

Spirit Leader Fanny's voice was very light, like listening into a mesmerizing lullaby. 

Even Bellax felt herself become calmer. She turned over to Spirit Leader Fanny, flashing a small smile, saying, "Actually, nothing much. Besides simply pointing them in the right direction a few times, this is all their achievement. Even the Art I taught them were mainly their own doing."

"I see…at this point, the results are clear. But, I will wait to see just which Art you taught them." Spirit Leader Fanny soon fell silent again. 

Out of the dozens of years of this event, only now she is eagerly awaiting to see the end of the event.

Bellax simply held her faint smile. Not a single worry rippled across her mind as if she already knew how everything was going to play out. 

And as the whole Spirit Grand Plaza was in an uproar, Cain, Kali, and Amber weren't even paying attention to the outside world.

After breaking through the Spirit Barrier, they suddenly perceived a peculiar sensation. It was similar to a pull attracting them to the other side. 

None of them paid the slightest attention to the size of the hole they caused. This sensation was too ethereal to ignore. 

Wordlessly, the trio respectively walked through the Spirit Barrier holes. Once on the other side, the Spirit Barrier holes immediately closed up.

Snapping around, Cain, Kali, and Amber intently stared into the ocean of purple class Spirit energy. As they stared, the sensation they felt before was gradually becoming stronger.

Previously, the trio did not use their strongest Spirit energy power. Rather, that was the whole accumulation of their Spirit perception turn into an energy form. 

The prowess behind that Spirit energy wasn't that high at all. But when it comes to matching 3rd Class Spirit energy perception, it was more than enough! 

Furthermore, when clashing their Spirit energy, a small portion of the barrier's Spirit energy invaded directly into their body, soaring straight into their mental psyche.

The invading Spirit energy didn't cause damage, only attempting to assimilate with Cain's group Spirit perception. 

Under such a state, Cain, Kali, and Amber pull their complete focus on perceiving this invading Spirit energy.

Small portion it may be, the benefits were still evident. Perfectly assimilating this Spirit energy will cause their Spirit perception to considerably increase! 

Naturally, neither Cain, Kali, or Amber will let such a prime opportunity go to waste.

And unbeknownst to them, Grand Spirit Master Yao cast a long glance that was filled with mysterious curiosity. 

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