The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 217 - Heaven Grade Arts

Hours quickly passed after Cain's group meeting with Spirit Leader Fanny. For the last duration of their time, the trio dutifully sorted through the most appropriate Spirit Art within Spirit Leader Fanny's ring.

Her selection was a bit lacking in number compared to the wide range within Bellax's library, which led the trio to seriously contemplate their choices. The range they could choose from extended to a mere 50 Spirit Arts. Comparatively, Bellax's library has at least hundreds of Spirit Arts.

However, the difference in number was made up by the superior quality of each Spirit Art. 

Even Spirit Leader Fanny's lowest Heaven Grade Spirit Art was several times of a higher quality than an ordinary Heaven Grade Spirit Art. 

The purity of her Spirit Essence was founded from her own Spirit Perception. So naturally, each Spirit Art she creates is at the highest order. 

Cain, Kali, and Amber were very careful with choosing what to study upon. Nothing too complex so that they wouldn't be able to make any progress. Or not anything too simplified where they wouldn't be able to learn anything.

By using their Spirit Sense, the trio was able to gain a surface-level Spiritual feeling, allowing them to select the most suitable choice. 

Afterward, they swiftly ushered on home and directly went to work.

For Cain and Kali, getting down to work without any rest was only natural for them. Neither found close door cultivation a drag or had any desire to supposedly do something else.

They both have firm Martial Hearts and Spiritual Hearts; the aspect of suffocating loneliness or boredom can't bother them ever. 

As for Amber, it came as a slight shock for the siblings when she similarly opted to get down work. She simply didn't care about resting or getting any type of shut-eye at all. 

Certainly, if someone like her parents or her servant Lilia were to see Amber like this, they wouldn't be able to wrap their heads around this new change within her.

But Cain quickly understood that Amber's obsessive passion was coming into play. She can genuinely become as determined as either him or Kali. And even Kali had to begrudgingly admit this. 

Like this, for the rest of the day, Kali went down to her own training room for cultivation. Spirit energy indeed has her intrigue, but it couldn't outweigh the importance of Martial cultivation within her mind. 

No matter how strong they could potentially become, the snail-like pace of Spirit energy didn't sit comfortably with Kali. She would honestly be glad to find some sort of shortcut for Spirit energy rather than investing so much time in it and cause her other abilities to stall.

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More than anything in this world, Kali absolutely loathes being at the end of the pact. This was hatred simmering ever since her oppressive childhood involving her Royal siblings and partially her parents. 

Never wanting to experience anything remotely similar to that, Martial cultivation would always be Kali's first priority. 

As for Cain and Amber, they were currently in Cain's master bedroom, refining their own abilities.

Amber sat comfortably on Cain's massive bed, as her full attention was glued on one of Spirit Leader Fanny's Heaven Grade Spirit Art. 

Her beautiful face remained seriously determined, exuding a mesmerizing charm that would be easy for anyone to get swept up in.

Typically when studying upon a Spirit Art or Cultivation Manual, one would pour all of their Spirit Sense across the entire Art or manual and begin comprehending the essence within it. 

This way would eat up less of one's time, allowing them to come close to reaching the threshold level of Success. 

But there was one other method to comprehending a Spirit Art or Cultivation Manual.

That is to individually perceive each part of the essence that makes up an individual word or symbol written within the Art or Manual. 

It would be a far slower time seeing as one needs to invest extra time into perfectly perceiving that small portion of that essence. But doing so will allow one to reach a far better perception of the Art or Manual as a whole. So when they invariably step on the threshold Success stage, the power they would be able to summon would be far greater than those who spread their Spirit Sense out.

And currently, Amber is doing such a method. She did it for the Spirit Mending Arts, reaching near perfection when she had stepped on the small Success stage. 

And now, history will repeat itself as Amber meticulously perceived every little part of her current Spirit Art.

At the same time, Cain was near Amber, assimilated into his cultivation state. He had started off perceiving a Spirit Art but eventually opted to cultivate his Chaos energy.

There was a stronger connection he was feeling with Chaos energy above all his other abilities. 

This all stemmed from just how efficient it was to use Chaos energy in a high-speed battle with zero mistakes.

At any single little moment, just a nanosecond slower, Cain could have potentially eaten a slight loss from Joel. 

If he didn't perfectly time his Chaos teleportation, Cain would've taken a full-force strike from Joel's war hammer without being able to summon a proper defense. 

Furthermore, he wouldn't be able to give a relentless pursue on Joel, pressuring him to the point where he needed to forcefully activate his Soul Form just to keep up.

But thankfully, for Cain, his perception and control over the Second Laye of Chaos energy had incredibly improved, making those issues irrelevant.

And now, after straining himself in battle, Cain felt his Chaos energy perception and control rapidly improve. 

At this point, he was still far from reaching Perfection Success. But he can now confirm that there would be no problem with sparsely using Chaos energy in battle. 

Along with the auxiliary ability of using Chaos teleportation to instantly outspeed his foes, there was also the attacking Martial Skill, the Chaos Chains. 

The description of this Skill was similar to his Chaos Spirit Force.

The ancient book directly states it was an ultimate attack that can pierce right through any defense, drilling into whatever being's body to unleash incomparably powerful torrents of Chaos energy!

Compared to ordinary Qi destructive force, Spirit energy destructive force, and even Astral energy destructive force, it is stated that Chaos energy destructive force is the highest of order. 

No matter how much refinement his enemy has in their internal bodies, Chaos energy can easily tear it up. 

Moreover, it is incredibly hard to suppress this force. His foe would need to spend either a massive of their energies or perhaps all of their reserves at once!

Just as long his foe wasn't dozens of times stronger than him, this Martial Skill will never fail. 

Cain wasn't quite at the threshold Success of fully comprehending this Skill, but he was getting incomparably close to it.

Like this, he dedicated himself to a long, cultivating perception session. 

And as the hours flew by, Cain was beginning to become increasingly curious about whatever Spirit Art Amber was practicing. 

When taking a moment to crack open his eyes, he spotted her sitting still and focused, as if nothing could impede her efforts. Cain found it honestly cute how focused she was.

Furthermore, he could detect a potent rise of Spirit energy swirling through her body. The strange thing was, the circulation of Spirit energy wasn't Amber's doing. Instead, this was occurring as an automatic process while she was perceiving this Spirit Art.

As he sensed this, Cain was honestly impressed. The automatic circulation of Spirit energy symbolizes that Amber is close to reaching the threshold Success stage. 

At this point, Amber's entire being was deeply engraving the Spirit Art essence within her Soul, allowing her to eventually utilize its potent ability.

The same process would occur with whatever Cultivation Manual one would perceive as well. 

For a short moment, Cain simply kept a watchful eye on Amber, curious to see the kind of Spirit  Art she rapidly perceived. Admittedly, this was perception speed that was almost nearing his level. 

Naturally, if Cain were to put his all similar to Amber, his perception speed would outstrip her. But extreme Spirit Talents wouldn't be able to hold a candle to Amber's current perception speed. 

A few silent minutes pass, and Amber's body still remains as still as a statue.

Then at this critical juncture, Spirit energy completely filled her whole internal body! 

A moment later, Amber's body instinctively quiver. Within her Mental Psyche and Soul's Core, she could feel the Spirit Art's essence rapidly absorbed in, engraving itself forever into her being.

As this process occurred, Amber heightened her focus. Any slight mistake and she could completely ruin this critical breakthrough phase. 

For some, if they fail to breach this phase, they would have a challenging time down the line reaching it again. As failure results in both one's Mental State and Soul Core becoming slightly damaged since the engraving process was disrupted. 

Slightly damaged didn't seem like much on paper. But when it's concerning the fragility of the Mental Psyche and Soul's Core, the after-effects are genuinely devastating. 

Unlike all other parts of one's being, the Mental Psyche and Soul's Core are the hardest to strengthen and refine. 

It could be said that it was similar to trying to strengthen one's brain and heart. Any slightest mistake can potentially ruin yourself permanently. 

Thankfully for Amber, her perception abilities didn't allow for any mishaps to occur. She perfectly assimilated the Spirit essence into both her Soul's Core and Mental Psyche. 

Then, merely a few minutes later, Amber's natural circulation of Spirit energy suddenly stopped.

All of her Spirit energy smoothly streamed back into her Spirit Space like a calming stream of water.

  At the same time, her eyes slowly opened, revealing her beautifully radiant crimson pupils that now seemed too shiny with a Spiritual profound glow.

Looking into her eyes, Cain almost felt like he was peering into profound traits of Spiritual traits. It was a near enlightening experience. As if he was opening a door to all the answers that are contained within the unending mysteries of Spirit energy.

Before it got too far, Amber suddenly blinked her eyes, causing her pupils to return back to normal clarity. As she returned to reality, the first thing Amber noticed was Cain's curious gaze. 

Instantly, a glorious smile filled with a rare showing of pride crossed upon Amber's face. She revealed her cute little fangs as she said, "Impressed already? Hehe~. I know I am. This Spirit Art truly is magical!"

Amber's cute giggle bounced of the room, her face bloomed into the utmost joy. 

With every step she reaches in any Spirit Art, Amber couldn't suppress waves of immense joy and satisfaction from coursing throughout her entire being.

Everything she hoped from Spirit energy was precisely true, fueling her drive to push on the Spiritual Road to the very end. 

"Just what Spirit Art was you refining? From a surface level sense, it is far different from the Spirit Mending Art."

Cain curiously asked with a faint smile, unable to suppress his own slight rise of joy from simply witnessing Amber's happiness. 

Amber's eyes lit up even more as she patiently explain, "Ah, this would be the Spirit Paralyzing Art. Believe it or not, I actually perceived a Spirit Offensive Skill which can also be used as a Support Skill." 

"Really? You, someone who barely cares for the thrill of battle, actually learned something that is incredibly useful for it?" Cain inquisitively curled his brows. 

"Mnn…Indeed I did." Amber lazily shrugged. "Not like I will be able to avoid confrontation with hanging with you crazy siblings. Might as well prepare now when I still can. Plus, it's also not like I'll be actually engaging in direct, boorish combat. That's just not me.. No, you see Cain, this Art allows for swift victory from a distance away. Not even your tough body can resist it…well, probably…"

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