The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 262 - Great Occurrence

Like this, Cain fell into a rhythm. Time flew by like the wind as Cain spurted out a copious amount of blood and slightly advanced his Heaven and Earth path attainment level at each interval.

Soon enough, minutes turned into hours. 

There is no sense of time in the Dragon Celestial Pool. Cain felt as if a whole day had passed, but it did little to affect his mental state. He's already used to the long, arduous process of Martial cultivation. 

But it was finally at this time that a critical change occurred within Cain. 

He felt as if a small particle of glass shattered within his mental psyche, prompting him to completely comprehend just a silver of this Origin energy!

Immediately, Cain absorbed the Heaven and Earth Origin energy through his body, controlling it to flow to his dantian. 

The sliver of Origin energy had no obstruction; it instantly fused with Cain's dantian.

Just a stand of Origin energy rapidly enhanced Cain's dantian. His Innate Qi green dots just slightly quivered, causing it to look a couple of percent more real. 

Furthermore, his Innate mist grew a few degrees, similarly looking more pronounced than before.

At this moment, Cain lightly sighed, "So much time, but the progress is a bit slow. Thankfully, with this new layer of attainment achieved, I'll have a much easier time improving. And by that time, I will have the snowball rolling. Before grandmother comes, I should be able to reach the Sky Ruler Realm!"

This was the absolute difference between the God Galaxies realms, the Divine Plane and the Lower Realms. 

Up in higher realms, there are countless methods, inheritances, or secrets that the older generation can use to empower their descendants at zero negative costs.

With hundreds or even millions of years of deep accumulation, how couldn't they achieve this method? 

Martial cultivators and World Spirit Masters never stop evolving. And with the evolution of one's mind as well, it was more than feasible to have methods that make advancing through the Mortal realms of cultivation so easy. 

It didn't mean that the Mortal realms were trivial but that the God Galaxies were far too profound, to a virtually unimaginable degree in their foundation.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And for Cain, he honestly couldn't care much about using the corpses of once-influential geniuses to advance his current goals. 

Even in his previous homeworld, he was largely indifferent to the life and death of others after all of his experiences. 

Now in a merciless universe, Cain hasn't experienced just one percent of it. However, he had great intuition that very soon, he would entirely be drowned in the bluntness of Martial cultivation. 

And to resist it, he would use all advantages passed down by unfathomable Ancestors.


Towards the lower west side of the Thunderous Collision Planet, a vibrant sunny orange light shined down a massive mountain range. 

The sunny like luminous rays shined their beauty down on the mountain range, enhancing various sights on it. Such as the crystal shiny spring nectar streams, illustrious spiritual rocks that emitted a gorgeous blue glow, or the widely spacious rocky road. 

The mountain range was around 5,000 miles in diameter, long enough to match a small world.

Outrageous sights like this were common across the God Galaxies realms thanks to the powerful Space Laws inhabiting it, causing the breadth of the land to expand endlessly. And the potent Divine Essence of the Heaven and Earth transforming the environment.

Of course, with massive areas like this, God Galaxies' inhabitants were quick to terraform it to their needs. 

There were long, widening roads, similar to city streets for those to travel in, mini taverns taking hundreds of square miles were stationed, and there were even small-scale Holy Lands or Holy Martial family here.

On a specific rocky road, two figures wearing long black hoodies that covered their faces slowly strolled about. 

Nobody would be able to make their identity, but nobody would also be willing to causally make trouble with them.

For as these two figures were exuding potent natural Divine Origin auras. A level of cultivation that couldn't be so casually messed with. 

Although, if one were to know these two identities, it would be thousands of times more impressive than their cultivation.

As they were Huang Dai and Huang Xun. The prince and princess of the Imperial Dragon family were just casually roaming about an unclaimed territory. 

The shock they could cause would influence the whole mountain range.

But the siblings came prepared for this. Their Divine Origin auras didn't leak their Draconic aura at all. 

Naturally, their Holy Martial Family has numerous ways of keeping concealment for whatever type of situation.

Like this, the siblings went a bit undercover, truly masking as simple, ordinary cultivators. 

As they slowly traversed, Huang Dai couldn't help but shake his head, sighing while gazing into the sunny horizon.

He said, "I know you want experiences, but must we walk the long way? So far, the people here have too much on their minds to bother with us. Might as well just fly for a bigger view."

Huang Xun was calm as she replied, "It's not as if we have any type of detailed map of this terrain. And though we met none helpful so far, there should be at least one suitable tavern around here. If not anything, we have the sum to spend for information."

Falling into silence, Huang Dai didn't retort. Although, her words did get him lost in momentary thought. 

It was only after a moment he asked, "Thinking about it, we can so easily travel and have funds to spend because of our background. But what about when we're entirely on our own? That's when we have to forge our experiences and expanses. Just when should take off for that?"

Ever since Shi Wei's small words of guidance, both Huang Dai and Xun fell into deep contemplation over it. 

For the longest neither felt any proper pressure from those in their generation.

Towards geniuses like Huang Zilong or the Ancient Phoenix prime genius, they felt a small amount of worry but nothing overt. 

It was all because they believed in the future, the distance can be closely gapped. And perhaps with great lucky chances, they could far surpass them! 

Because of their parents' teaching, the highest Dragon Elders, and the current Dragon Emperor, their scope of view was narrowly set on this path. To surpass those in their generations and continually expand their Imperial Family.

But with Shi Wei's short guidance, Huang Dai and Xun started to deeply question themselves. 

Shi Wei holds an unfathomable amount of wisdom in their eyes. Her words could never be disobeyed and must be thoughtfully pondered upon.

Thus Huang Dai and Xun started to question it; just how limited their scope of the world around them is? 

Their own talent isn't anything to scoff at but compared to Cain's group, they were starting to see faults.

Faults on a basic standard such as their lower Martial Talent and potential. 

But also fault on a mental level. 

It was really particular to notice when observing Cain. 

His indifference towards them showcased a complete lack of care towards past grievances. And his calm yet fiery determination towards the Martial Path was plainly evident to see in his fighting style. 

Each move he made aimed to utterly crush the opponent with no wasted move. His fighting spirit burns with a passion, but he can tell his limits as to when he stopped fighting with no intentions to rest up as compared to Kali.

It wasn't even as if he was exceptionally exceedingly skilled in combat. Huang Dai and Xun have plenty of combat skills superior to Cain.

However, Cain's battle instinct honestly had immense potential, enough to surpass their own in a short amount of time.

When thinking just how could someone who was once a cultivation waste gained such instincts, Huang Dai and Xun had recalled his times on that Lower Realm planet.

That right there, experiencing the world in all its bluntness, wasn't that what their unfathomable grandmother was referring to? 

Naturally, neither Hunag Dai nor Xun had an answer.

But for days, they change their scopes, wanting to broaden their horizons and truly become an astute, Martial Cultivator expert. 

Thus when Huang Dai asked for the time for their own separate adventure, Xun was basically prepared for her answer.

It's been in her mind for a while, and though it was not concrete, it was working towards a clear goal for the future. 

She said, "Not until we reach Middle or Late Great Divine Sea. By this time, we should be comparable to an ordinary Early Divine Star expert. This is a fine enough basis to explore at least Low to Mid Realms. If not this, it's certainly enough for the Divine Plane."

"I guess that would be a good enough level. Although, I am a bit nervous about the lone cultivators or World Spirit Masters inhabiting weaker realms. From what Jielong and others say, they're even more ruthless in trying to get what they need. There are even stories where they said that sometimes, getting killed by them is better than getting scammed by them." Huang Dai spoke with a slight trace of worry. 

The worry extended to Huang Xun as she said, "Thankfully, at our realm level and higher, it's more difficult to offend any random person. Even we can't so casually mix in with others. These Holy Lands are a bit worrisome. But at the same time, with high enough strength, such worries will be negated."

A small scoff leaked out of Huang Dai. "Heh, right. If only raising our cultivation would be so simple. I doubt either of us can ever reach the perfection 9thfall stage. But, if we do accumulate a number of lucky chances, maybe it could happen."

As Huang Dai and Xun conversed, their Spirit Senses suddenly alerted them. Their conversation stopped as they snapped their attention to their right, focusing their vision hundreds of meters ahead of them.

With their enhanced eyesight, they saw crowds of people eagerly soaring in one specific direction. Nearly all of them had their natural Divine auras on full blast, not caring who saw them.

For any inhabit of the God Galaxies, it was uncommon for them to release their natural auras without reserves. 

This was simply inviting a disaster oneself for various reasons. The most dangerous being lone cultivators or powerful Spiritual Beasts.

Evidently, an extraordinary occurrence was happening. 

Huang Dai narrowed his eyes, saying, "Now, I'm really fired up with curiosity. This is the third time this has happened. I know you said the danger could actually be fatal but shouldn't we try taking risks? Plus, I don't think it's completely dangerous. See? This group also has a lot of cultivators around our level."

Stopping, Huang Xun thought it over. As her thoughts swirled, her eyes slowly moved away until settling on a large tavern just hundreds of meters to their right. 

The tavern didn't look anything remarkable, going by God Galaxies standards. But Huang Xun's eyes still glinted when seeing it. 

Pointing towards it, Huang Xun said, "Before anything, let's get some clear information.. That tavern seemed to be where that last group came from."

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