The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 270 - Amber's Spiritual Path

At this moment, a realizing glint sparked within the Dragon sibling's eyes. 

Huang Xun purposely said out loud, "Those flames….this has to be none other than those from the Ancient Phoenix Holy Lands! Their flames have a distinct sensation and can reach such high heat intensity."

Even when figuring out the enemy, Huang Dai and Xun didn't attempt to escape. Throughout this entire time, those Phoenixes could've easily attacked them. Yet, they didn't lift a finger or even leak a trace of killing intent.

Admittedly, the Dragon siblings were a bit curious about what the Phoenixes could possibly want with them. 

And at this time, a calm voice full of charm spoke to them,  "So, you two really did reconcile us on first glances. Truly, color me impressed." 

When the voice spoke, he and his partner finally stopped concealing their auras.

Sensing their locations, Huang Dai and Xun felt a mix of shock and wariness run through them. 

They snapped their gazes behind them, narrowing their eyes on two figures calmly strolling up to them.

These two were indeed familiar. 

They were precisely the same hooded robe people that exuded that previous vague yet familiar sensation. 


Huang Dragon Imperial Palace, Dragon Celestial Pool.

In one of the Dragon Celestial Pool's separate dimensions, Amber was engaged in calm training. 

Unlike the intensity in Cain and Kali's training, there wasn't even the slightest sign of chaos in the atmosphere.

Amber sat in a cultivation state position, her eyes closed in deep concentration. 

Coming out from her body would absolutely shock Heaven Sky Planet's World Spirit Masters, Ancestor Shi Wei, and even Kali and Cain.

For as streams of beautiful blue color energy continually flowed out of Amber's body. 

The blue color energy had almost a mystical appearance. It shined like bright jade, sparkling like a twinkling star.

Indeed, this flow of energy was 2nd Class blue Spirit energy! 

In the short amount of time Amber trained here, she finally broke through her bottlenecks, reaching a Class level Lower Realm World Spirit Masters could only fantasize about.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Furthermore, Amber wasn't some freshly new 2nd Class World Spirit Master. 

Amber was expertly controlling the Spirit energy into her palms, manipulating it into various shapes and sizes.

Each new form she performed slowly enhanced her mental perception of Spirit energy, allowing for her control to gradually improve. 

From this, she was also gradually drawing out the power and potential of Early Layer 2nd Class Spirit energy.

In her hands right now wasn't a grand object or complex shape. It was actually small and precise to form. 

Pools of blue lights swirled like a vortex on Amber's palm. 2nd Class Spirit energy slowly moved in a rhythmic pattern, almost like a complete rotation. 

As she carefully formulated this object, Amber's expression was serenely calm. Like water, not even the slightest ripple could be upon her face. 

Although her style of training wasn't anywhere as intense as Cain or Kali's, it still required the most strenuous amount of focus.

Her face appeared calm, but Amber had never been so focused in her life. She needed to be as she felt creeps of mental psyche pain buzz around her mind. 

2nd Class Spirit energy indeed couldn't compare to 1st Class.

After all, in this Class level, a World Spirit Master can eventually obtain the ability to suppress even peak Sky Rulers! 

While in Martial cultivation, one would need to spend years undergoing rigorous training to reach the Sky Ruler realm.

Martial cultivators would need to master Spirit Qi, Nascent Qi, Profound Soul Qi, and then Innate Qi to wholly transform themselves. 

But on the other hand, World Spirit Masters only need to advance one Class level for prowess in Sky Ruler level!

This is why on Lower Realms, World Spirit Masters are so fervently revered since it appears their pathway to strength seems much shorter. 

Even in the God Galaxies, World Spirit Masters are still so heavily revered.

Amber was amazed and slightly elated to see that all World Spirit Masters Dragon Elders were treated with immense respect. In her eyes, they appeared to be just on the same level as the Saint Dragon Elders or perhaps even the Dragon Elders!

Status wasn't much in Amber's eyes. She was already far used to and bored of it from her previous holy daughter status. 

But, the Spirit Dragon Elders' knowledge, experiences, and accumulations would undoubtedly be worth learning.

At this moment, Amber wishes she had any of their knowledge for 2nd Class Spirit energy training. 

Although 2nd Class Spirit energy has a fantastic array of abilities, the difficulty of comprehending, absorbing, and controlling it was hundreds of times harder!

Amber could now thoroughly understand why Azure Lightning City's World Spirit Master Branch has so few 2nd Class World Spirit Masters. 

If 1st Class Spirit energy was akin to trying to control a stone boulder by your bear hands.

Then 2nd Class Spirit energy was akin to trying to pull an entire mountain! 

Even with all of Amber's innate high talent, she could progress one step at a time with blue Spirit energy.

Time silently breezed by, unknowingly many hours already passed by. 

But to Amber, it felt like days has slowly passed. 

The progress was quite slower than her 1st Class rate. But, it was finally at this time that a tremendous changed occurred on Amber's palm. 

The vortex of blue Spirit energy began to take shape. It slowly grew like a spring flower rising from the earth's soils.

Amber's control didn't lax for even a second, only increasing with each passing split moment. 

Then after several minutes of intense concentration, Amber had perfectly formed her greatest achievement yet.

Within her palm was a small, shiny dagger made up of entirely of 2nd Class Spirit energy! 

Despite its small and seemingly simple shape, the Spirit dagger was actually intricately made.

Running along the blade part was several complex Spirit insignia symbols. The hilt took on a seemingly lightning bolt shape, and the blade itself had a peculiar curvature design. 

What Amber focused on wasn't about amassing the biggest amount of Spirit energy. But rather, perfecting just a small portion of Spirit energy to utilize as most of its power as she can. 

The endurance of the Spirit energy would be limited, but it provided Amber with significant gains on Spirit energy control.


Amber slowly opened her eyes, gazing down at her intricate creation. Slowly raising her palm, she could feel the utter power coursing through her arm. 

She inwardly analyzed, 'Just this alone can easily threaten any half-step Sky Ruler or possibly a full-fledge Sky Ruler. This is really good. The array of my abilities greatly expanded.'

Truthfully, World Spirit Masters doesn't typically tend to specialize in direct combat. Their power output may be incredible, but this was all for they could perform even more abilities in their Spiritual attainment paths.

The higher, more complex abilities require incredibly powerful Spirit energy. 

The effects it would exude would be enough to astound even Divine Rulers. So naturally, a World Spirit Master would need a powerful output of Spirit energy to even have the chance of performing those abilities.

Amber wasn't even explicitly taught this by Great Spirit Master Bellax. It was something she picked up through the various Spirit Arts she read. In which, the texts described Class level Spirit energy as the essential fuel and foundation for any Spiritual attainment path.

As Amber quietly thought about what specific Spiritual attainment paths she should learn, a sudden tremor vibrated her entire arm. 

Snapping her attention to the Spirit dagger, Amber saw it intensely vibrate.

Cracks started to form on its surface, its Spiritual aura surging out of control. 

At the same time, Amber could feel her Soul energy losing all grasp of control. Evidently, this state can't be maintained for long at all.

Amber could only watch as the Spirit dagger gained even more cracks, appearing on the near edge of breakage. 

Then, with an audible pop, the Spirit dagger imploded into wisps of Spirit energy.

"Fuuu…" Amber quietly sighed, her emotions still clear as water. "I wonder if I'm doing the same amount of work as those crazy siblings. But then again, those two are probably using that insane method I accidentally stumbled upon. My progress may be slower, but this is really satisfying."

Reaching 2nd Class Spirit energy was treated so casually. 

But if even Shi Wei saw she made such progress in a short amount of time, her evaluation of Amber would turn even higher.

Naturally, there were incredible external factors providing Amber's rapid rate of improvement. 

The potency of Spirit energy in this dimension is superior to the outside world. It allowed for a faster absorption rate than what she could naturally perform from the Spiritual Dimension. 

In the Dragon Celestial Pool, she was far closer to the source of Spirit energy, rather than just her Soul linking to a faraway dimension.

Furthermore, the Spirit energy had profound marks of previous geniuses. These marks contain their essence of Spiritual Source Laws. 

All of their comprehension and perception was for Amber to assimilate into her Mental Psyche.

Just like Heavenly Dao Martial Laws, there is also its own set of Heavenly Dao Spiritual Laws. 

A further comprehension of the Spiritual Source Laws similarly enhances one's Spiritual Path.

With these external factors, Amber was like a sponge, absorbing as much as she could possibly handle. 

Naturally, her mental psyche experienced intense anguish from the intensity of previous geniuses' Spiritual Source Laws.

But Amber's determination wouldn't back down. She forced through it until her Spiritual Source Law attainment levels rose. 

It wasn't a giant leap forward but was enough for her to completely control 1st Class Spirit energy.

What would be troublesome for others was relatively easy for Amber. She barely encountered any problems when forming her Spiritual Sea. 

Her quick advancement brought a sense of satisfaction to her Martial Heart, but Amber didn't let it cloud her mental state.

In fact, through the comprehension of Spiritual Source Laws, Amber's mental state was heading in an entirely new direction. 

Her previous wariness, reservations, or ignorance was slowly vanishing away. 

What was gradually developing now was intense curiosity and analysis. She felt far more clearer than what she had ever experienced before. 

Anything that Amber wants to do, she wants to understand to its fullest degree.

All curious subjects in her mind, she wants to explore it to its depths and perhaps one day make a new discovery that even old generational monstrous existence have never explored before!

This was quite a monumental task when considering even back on her Heaven Sky Planet, there were Ancestors living for several thousands of years already. 

Amber was fully aware of this.

However, none of what she experienced or knew dissuaded her in the slightest. 

Even now, as she looked at the remnants of her work, her mind was calmly thinking, 'Spirit energy indeed is a strange beast. The more I comprehend it, the less and more mysterious it is becoming. That Spiritual Dimension… shares similar properties to the Minor Law Dimension. But at the same time, it feels as if its own other force.. Like, something that isn't connected to the known Heavenly Dao.'

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