The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 35 - Missions Ahead

Captain Liam genuinely didn't know what to say at first. He only had this slightly dumbfounded look as Cain and Kali strolled up to him.

Ever since the start of their test, Captain Liam simply felt something peculiar about the sibling duo.

Despite the massive strength they had, neither were trying to throw their weight around, attempting to act like they were above everyone else.

Yet, they also shined with this unbreakable confidence.

This kind of confidence made Captain Liam feel some trepidation. He honestly wasn't sure why, but he gained a slight worrying feeling when seeing the sibling duo fight.

That if he were to face either Cain or Kali, he wouldn't be able to track their speeds at all! Or perhaps even lose altogether to them!

A mighty Nascent Formation master losing to a couple of peaks Spirit Opening or rather half-step Nascent Formation cultivators?

A truly ridiculous thought!

However, this thought couldn't leave Captain Liam's mind no matter how hard he attempts to suppress it.

"Hey, Captain Liam?"

Kali suddenly called out, snapping Captian Liam out of his slight stupor.

Her lips nearly tugged up in amusement, but Kali kept her face straight as she asked, "We've passed. So what do we do now?"

In that instance, Captain Liam promptly calmed himself. Giving the sibling duo one last look over, he then asked, "What are your names?"

"My name's Kali, and this is my brother Cain." Kali gave a swift introduction.

Captain Liam quirked his eyebrows at seemingly no mention of their last name.

But he only dwelled on it for a brief second before pushing on to more pressing topics. He then took out two bright red badges, handing them over to the sibling duo while telling them,

"Here, take these badges. This will signify your greater status among all Spirit Opening realm cultivators here. With this, you can also skip the requirement missions and directly form your own teams. Your two options are either to stay together like this or branch out and-"

"We will stay as our team. No need for anyone else." Kali sharply cut Captain Liam off.

At the mere thought of working with anyone else besides her dear brother, Kali felt the utmost disdain.

The disdain was only amplified by the fact they're on some Mortal Tier planet. As God Galaxy cultivators and children of Dragons, Kali was sure they'd never need to directly rely on any mortal tier cultivator.

In direct contrast to Kali's disdain, Cain felt far calmer about working with others.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Unknown to Kali's own views, Cain was expecting the need to work with others during their journey here.

It only made sense after all. No matter how much power or talent they hold, it would all be useless in front of someone who could slap them into blood mist.

Still, with all that in mind, Cain at least held the highest of standards on the help they should choose.

"Ah, that's fine then. With your level of strength, working with others would only seem to slow you down in any case."

Captain Liam then tossed his gaze over to Eras, who still hadn't left yet out of sheer curiosity.

Seeing that he had no plans to leave, Captain Liam decided to put him to good use, telling Eras, "Eras. Introduce them to the mission bulletin board and their sleeping quarters. Their status allows them to choose the special Quarters."

Suddenly, before Eras could respond, Cain spoke up first.

"Oh, one more thing before we go on. The videos you will show the higher-ups, just how much attention will this cause?"

With how over the top Captian Liam and Eras' expressions was, Cain knows he would have to be a fool to not guess their battle will cause some noise.

"About that…." Captain Liam briefly thought over before saying,

"It will certainly be surprising to see. But the higher-ups will only keep an extra eye on you. We far more value the results in the field than one's own personal strength or talent. At the very least, you won't have to worry about any of our clan's members hounding you."

"I see, alright then." Cain nodded and then, along with Kali, turned over to face Eras.

Eras slightly jumped, now being the focus of attention. A shiver crawled up his spine as he resolutely nodded at the sibling duo.

"Come this way. This won't take long at all." With that, Eras swiftly turned on his heel and began walking off.

Cain and Kali didn't take a single glance back before following behind him.

As those four walked off, Captain Liam immediately took off in the opposite direction. His mind was thinking, 'Even after their fight, I can still only just barely sense their cultivation. But, from what little I can sense, they're for sure at a half-step into Nascent Formation. And if those two can become full-fledge Nascent Formations masters….'

A frightening chill nearly caused Captian Liam to completely tremble.

Those two on their sides, perhaps with them, they could finally contend with the mysterious Nascent Formations experts that keep suddenly popping out from the Liang Tribe.


After another quick walk through the Kong Clan's compound, Eras soon led Cain and Kali over towards a large bulletin board.

The four of them were currently in a large pavilion where there were several other items that looked necessary for battle.

But the main attraction was the large bulletin board.

As they walked up to the bulletin board, Cain scanned his eyes around the pavilion. He noticed there were a few other clan members here, seemingly waiting around and planning with their groups.

But when anyone noticed his group, they would briefly stare before huddling closer together.

That action only got Cain curious. Even when coming here, nobody still dared to bother with either him or Kali.

Cain had to assume it was because of their current set of new badges. Each time they got stared at, all eyes would immediately be drawn to that, and apprehension could clearly be seen from them.

Though they haven't truly done anything in the general public, Cain could at least admit that this reputation would allow things to flow much smoother.

Suddenly, Cain was interrupted from his thoughts when they stopped in front of the bulletin board.

Eras took it upon to point at several critical points on the bound, explaining to the sibling duo, "Mainly what we need to do is hike out to these various missions points, annihilate the Liang Tribe camp there, capture their Spirit Force flag and plant our flags in its stead."

At that point, Cain and Kali's eyes lit up. Their minds quickly remembered the first Liang Tribe camp they encountered.

On the mission board, there was a drawing of the flag they needed to capture, and it was precisely the same as the first flag they saw!

Briefly, Cain and Kali crossed gazes. A slight wry smile curved their lips as they recalled not bothering with the flag at all.

Though the flag had some essence of energy in it, neither Cain nor Kali deemed it as truly important.

At that time, the sibling duo was mainly focused on gathering information and any kind of resources they could find. Of course, neither of them could've predicted they would need that flag.

Although Cain's interest was piqued hearing that it was specifically called a 'Spirit Force flag.'

Turning back over to Eras, he noted that he was seemingly waiting to continue talking.

Before he could do so, Cain asked him first, "Those flags, are they perhaps related to World Spirit Force Master's creations?"

Eras nodded. "We were lucky enough to have the funds and enlist help from a grand World Spirit Force Master. These flags are mainly for us to track down our progress and inform us when the Liang Tribe attempts to attack our territory. Furthermore, with the Spirit Force ring, you can record your own personal achievement done, then, later on, use it to trade in rewards. The flag and ring will be in your sleeping quarters."

"Is that all? Sounds easy enough."

Kali so casually said with an easy-going nod. Because they were far away from others, her words went unnoticed by others.

But if the other clan members were to hear how causal she sounded, many would feel she's full of hot air.

Even Eras would initially think Kali was too boastful. However, such thoughts never crossed his mind, for as he already witnessed her terrifying prowess.

Shaking his mind off that subject, Eras then told them next, "For now, that's all we really need to do. Now then, let me show you to the special sleeping quarters."

Immediately, Eras walked out of the mission pavilion with Cain and Kali in tow.

Quickly shuffling through the clan compound, Eras eventually led the sibling duo over to a luxuriously looking, four-story building.

At first glance, Cain and Kali were a bit impressed.

Cain internally remarked that it looked like the finest of quality hotels back in his homeworld.

"In here is where the captains, Elders and other important figures take rests or enter close door cultivation. Normally, we wouldn't be so tightly compacted. But well….you know, we have to make accommodations because of the war."

Eras started to explain as they slowly got closer. Before they reached the entrance, he turned around to suddenly ask the sibling duo,

"Since you two already seem so close, I'm assuming you'll share a room, right?"

Kali naturally nodded, automatically saying, "Wouldn't have it any other way."

Nodding at Kali, Eras soon led the sibling duo through the entrance.

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