The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 76 - Ranking Structure

Cain and Kali weren't aware at all of the passage of time as they engrossed themselves with the Crimson Sea Academy books.

At this point, the sibling duo already changed their clothes into the Inner Ranking student uniform.

These uniforms certainly did a far better job at enhancing their already top-class beauty. Now both Cain and Kali exuded a mesmerizing elegance most Crown Princes or Royal Princess wishes they could have.

Neither of them looked imposingly frightening at all. On the contrary, a single look at them can garner an innate attraction.

With this more slim, noble look, Cain and Kali appeared more as gentle imperial scholars than high and mighty geniuses.

This scholarly image especially fits their current position.

Even as a couple of hours passed by, Cain and Kali were still engrossed in the books, sitting at desks with two varying expressions.

Kali looked genuinely disinterested in everything she read. Most things about Lower Realms are basically equivalent to dirt to her.

However, she still forced herself to pay attention anyways. Information is a great advantage they must take hold off.

Lack of information can lead to mistakes, and Kali would always refer to how their damn Eldest siblings sneakily tried to poison them without their knowledge.

In direct contrast to Kali's forced interest, Cain had a genuine intriguing time reading the rules and structures of Crimson Sea Academy.

An organization spanning at least hundreds of years is bound to have an intricate structure.

'It is good to see that their preaching about fairness isn't all for show. Our prowess can rapidly grow under here.' At this moment, Cain began to analyze everything he had recently learned.

Because his brain is continually enhanced by Qi energies, it became remarkably easy to have picture-perfect memories. And anything he couldn't precisely recall, Cain could rely on his soul to provide the extra information.

As Cain recalled everything he read upon, he found himself impressed at Crimson Sea Academy's straightforward way of life.

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The general rules here lined up with what Elder Mo briefly told him.

Fighting within the Academy ground is only allowed in the Martial Combat arena. Heavy punishment is dished out to those who openly try to suppress others by relying on their superior cultivation.

And punishments range from a severe cut in funds or supply of resources, permanent loss in ranking, or worse of all, banishment from the Academy.

This rule indeed seemed good on the surface. But Cain had already spotted a few ways these youths could work around it.

One of them was to simply settle debts far out from the Crimson Sea Academy. If one commits a murder without anyone there to see it, how could the Academy accurately punish them?

Not even the great experts within the Academy can accurately spy on everything outside of their Academy grounds.

The other rules were pretty standard. It is all related to the amount of privilege a student can have depending on their rankings. Nothing that intriguing.

But what was far more intriguing was the structure students had to follow to uphold their ranking.

The badges provided to them by Elder Mo registered them in their ranking system, meaning he and Kali need to do various tasks to keep their high ranking.

The most common tasks student do for their rankings is taking on Academy missions.

Cain found these missions not only help with ranking points but also with gaining genuine combat experience and insights on cultivation. These missions also provide resources rewards along with ranking points.

Most missions will mainly consist of students venturing into the Wild Plains and performing a variety of tasks within there.

Even for how powerful the Crimson Sea Academy is, the Wild Plains is marked as a dangerous location weaker cultivators absolutely should not so casually visit.

Doing so can possibly lead to a death that is quite horrifyingly brutal.

It is more recommended when students take on missions to team up in small groups. They would need to split the rewards but have a far higher chance of keeping their lives.

Of course, the prospect of danger didn't dissuade Cain at all. He could feel his very blood pumping in eager anticipation.

There were extremely powerful vicious beasts and powerful organizations who were just as cruel as the Liang Tribe within the Wild Plains.

Cain found this as an even better training ground for him and Kali.

The notion of teaming up with others was immediately crossed out in his mind. He had a faint suspicious Kali may outright end up getting their partner killed because of her disdain for most Lower Realm people.

Truthfully, Cain similarly didn't care much about Lower Realm's people's lives. But the trouble of letting a student get killed would not be worth it at all.

Moreover, Cain also got used to working as a perfect duo with Kali. Being on their own would be the most appropriate choice.

Besides completing Academy missions for ranking points, they can also challenge other students to a Martial duel for points.

The points they can gain will heavily vary. Nearly every time, a student will challenge another according to their cultivation level. It is forbidden to challenge anyone weaker as it is seen as outright bullying.

In a duel, the amount of points one can receive varies on how well they performed in battle.

There are several determiners such as combat tactics, control over Qi, or completion of cultivation manuals and Martial skills.

Potentially, Martial Duels can be a far faster way to gain ranking points than missions. Of course, that's all provided if a student is exceptionally talented in all aspects.

Among these rules, there was one exciting note Cain took particular notice of.

This rule was within his expectations, and his eagerness to do so aroused when seeing it.

Very rarely, as in one in a thousand times, would a student challenge another at a higher level.

There were no rules against this. And if that student could win that duel, the rewards they will receive goes beyond than just an abundance of ranking points.

That student will be able to gain hundreds of Profound Grade crystal beads, a choosing of Mid to High-grade Mortal weapons, and even a peak Human Grade cultivation Manual!

For any Outer, Inner, or Core ranking students, these rewards are precious. Especially for an Inner ranking students.

Cultivators in the Nascent Formation realms must have some form of a cultivation manual if they ever want to reach the Profound Soul realm.

So the importance of securing a high-grade cultivation manual is undoubtedly great.

'For us, this be the fastest will to stand at the summit of all talents and gain an endless supply of resources. Lower Realm cultivation manuals are of no use to us.'

Cain's boastful thought was even the slightest bit arrogant.

A Divine grade cultivation manual is what even Low God Galaxy Realm cultivators can only dream of. Much less Lower Realm planets where Heavenly grade cultivation manuals are rarely seen.

Although, while cultivation manuals aren't helpful to him and Kali, the other quality resources certainly are.

This is where the ranking points' other usefulness comes into play.

Besides maintaining their current ranking, Cain and Kali can also trade-in special ranking points for more exotic resources that can't be found in either the Wild Plains or anywhere in Azure Lightning City.

Special ranking points increase with regular ranking points, and using special ranking points won't affect a student's rank at all.

Cain's conclusion of this ranking system is that it's a smooth cultivation path for him and Kali for a short while.

And even barring the ranking system, Crimson Sea Academy has various cultivation training rooms they can take to their advantage.

Cain knows they can never have too much practice. Plus, refining their skills could end up saving them at a critical moment.

As Cain came close to finishing analyzing everything he learned, Kali suddenly shut her book and bounced to her feet.

"Haah~. Alright! That's enough for now." Taking a breath and stretching her arms, Kali cracked out stiff kinks within her joints.

She then clapped her hands, snapping Cain out of his thoughts, and said to him, "I'm sure you're still just as full of energy as I am, Cain. No need for any rest. Let's tear into some missions right now!"

Kali eagerly pumped her hand. Her lips excitedly parted, showcasing a sharp battle-hungry smirk.

Resting up was barely a concept for her. If it wasn't pure action or cultivating to achieve a breakthrough, she saw very little reason to engage in anything else.

"Seriously, I have to wonder if we just have a special high vitality or our Dragon Bodies are just that energetic." Cain mused under his breath.

Indeed, his need for once regular human functions has majorly gone down. Of course, he could still feel hunger, tiredness, and stink with dirt. But it would take some time before he would have to pay attention to their bodily needs.

By now, Cain has already gotten used to it. Though he does wonder if he can grow to a point where the basic humanly body needs could no longer affect him at all.

He found that it would be an interesting experience to see how it feels like to not require sleep anymore.

Pushing down these amusing thoughts, Cain focused back on Kali. He didn't want to dissuade her eagerness, but they still had priorities to take off first.

"Let's first get familiar with this place before taking on missions. The Wild Plains is at a higher level of danger than the Misty Wilderness, so maybe we can achieve a couple of small breakthroughs before heading out. Although, I'm not entirely banking on it."

"Hm….oh fine." Kali felt some of her eagerness dropped but still had an understanding look on her face. "I suppose those training rooms can help us with our elemental control if we can't make a breakthrough. Well, a more interesting point, when do you think we should go to that Spirit guild? I'm thinking Profound Soul since our combat prowess and status will be enough to deter a lot of people by then."

Cain promptly nodded in agreement. "With the combination of learning arts there, our prowess will be quite terrifying…."

As Cain finished his sentence, he began to trail off. The remainder of his Spirit Energy led him to faintly recall a very brief moment.

Right then, Cain suddenly asked Kali, "Say, when we were first walking through the City, did you feel a slight pulse in your soul? As if somebody had their sense specifically locked on to you?"

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