The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 93 - Return

As Cain said, it didn't take long until he collected the Demonic Orge's Profound Soul Core.

The Core in question was of a pale green color and felt a bit rancid to hold. It was an oddly distinct feeling from the previous vicious beast Cores he held.

Even more distinct was the abundance of Profound Energy overflowing within the Core.

Cain calculated it to be at least several times more than a peak Tier 2 vicious beast core!

For cultivators in the Profound Soul Realm, this would be a precious treasure.

The typical limit a cultivator could absorb from a beast core wouldn't be much. Going over this amount would directly affect one's cultivation foundation, causing it to become unstable and shaky.

If that were to happen, one could virtually kiss their future potential down the drain.

Still, despite this limitation, the energy within a Profound Soul beast core could significantly enhance even great Martial Talent's cultivation by several times, allowing them to shave off weeks of regular cultivating.

An average cultivator could possibly directly jump up one or even two small realms!

Knowing all of this, it was still slightly surprising that Amber showed a genuine lack of care over this subject.

From sweeping his Spirit Sense over her, Cain could perceive Amber wasn't a shoddy Martial Talent. Far from it. Her foundation was the deepest and firm he had ever seen from this planet's younger generation!

Obviously, she was a Martial Talent that stood numerous steps above even excellent Martial Talents.

Yet, Amber barely showed any trace of an eager cultivation genius.

Hell. she even pointed Cain in the direction to collect the other Profound Soul Cores from the Demonic Orge she killed.

Such high generosity or lack of care is rarely seen within the fierce competition of geniuses. Especially considering this is the first time he and Kali met this girl, Amber's action elevated themselves in Cain's mind.

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Although, Cain wasn't entirely sure what Kali thought about these gestures.

For some peculiar reason, her expression gradually became unreadable. She would sparsely toss her gaze on Amber with slight intent interest before seemingly losing interest.

It's still wasn't friendly at all. But at least Kali didn't have an overwhelming disdain for Amber.

Cain believed it would make their proceeding conversations smoother.

As of now, Cain, Kali, and Amber were slowly strolling out of the Demonic Area.

Cain stood at the center, and Kali was naturally close to his left side. And interestingly enough, Amber had saddled closely to Cain's right side.

She was closer than one should be on the first meeting.

But Cain didn't mind a single bit. Only Kali was taking particular note of these actions. Her expressions didn't show evident dislike, but her eyes did glint with a strange light.

For a short while, a calming silence settled between the trio, each of them wrapped in their own thoughts.

It wasn't until Amber suddenly decided to break the silence, faintly smiling while asking,

"My, I forgot to ask before. But you two are new students, right? I don't believe combat prowess like yours can go unnoticed for even a day. The old geezers love propping up the talents."

"Yep. We actually joined just a day ago. And today is our first mission out here." Cain nodded as he explained.

"Fufu~. Well, isn't this just the greatest of luck? You joined just a day ago and managed to get me out of a troublesome spot. And now, you completing this mission will cause your fame to grow just on the third day. You two really know how to make a first impression."

Amber's sweetly melodic tone truly was a joy to listen to. Furthermore, there was a genuine spark of interest in her seemingly lazy-sounding tone.

If one didn't pay close attention to it, they could miss it entirely.

Cain, however, could pick up on it, gaining the skills to listen intently from his numerous conversation with Kali.

A shared interest prompted him to continue speaking. "We have no reason to stay hidden anyways. Our style is always to take things head-on. So? What about you? You must be a similarly popular talent in the Academy. I heard your other group members refer to you as Senior Sister Hiyashi. Plus, your foundation is remarkably powerful."

"Huu~. You're right, but I also wish you weren't right." Amber tiredly sighs, evident lament filling her tone. "Things immediately get too snappy and noisy anywhere I go. They all make a fuss, and I simply want to lounge around."

"Oh? You say that, and yet you are a Mid-Stage Profound Soul expert, you know? Even for Talent, that requires years of hard work and dedication. But you…. I'm not really getting that sort of vibe."

Cain spoke with amusement, his lips slightly curving upwards. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind at all. It was a bit strange. But he felt an inexplicable sensation to just simply talk around her.

Not like Cain was afraid to do it with people even stronger than him. But there was something unique about Amber he was quickly catching on to.

"Fufu~. Yep, I really don't." Amber shamelessly admitted with a sweet giggle. "But still, even like this, I do hold a little bit of interest towards this side of the world. And, the stronger I am, the more free time I can simply have to myself."

"Heh, that's a bit funny." Cain snorted in good faith. His eyes lit up as he said, "I'm a bit similar in that regard. I want to have freedom, so advancing in cultivation is also a part of my drive. Though for me, I do enjoy going out and fighting and suppressing my fellow generation."

"Oh my~. A battle enjoyer, hm? Your types are distinctly more troublesome than others. Buuut…." Amber teasingly hung on to her words, wanting Cain's rapt attention.

And when she saw Cain spouting a slightly amused smile of his own, Amber's own soft smile broadened.

"Some of them can be intriguingly fascinating. Are you one of them, Cain?"

"Well, you can only find out with the more we talk, right? And it's the same for you. I'm curious to see if you are an intriguingly fascinating lazy person, Amber." Cain seamlessly banters right back.

As soft giggles flowed out Amber's mouth, Kali furrowed her brows. She watched this interaction with quiet intrigue.

'So it could very well be possible. But….how come they're so….tch. Whatever. I'll think about it later.' Kali shook her head, clearing away her previous thoughts.

Like this, Cain and Amber seamlessly talked with each other while Kali took occasional glances over at them, her expression seemingly indifferent.


At Crimson Sea Academy. Hours quickly passed, soon transitioning into the early evening.

At this time within the Academy, students were initially going about their day-to-day tasks.

No sudden fraught news had yet to make its way towards the Crimson Sea Academy.

Previously, there was a minor storm of news concerning Cain and Kali. The talk of them taking on a High-Tier mission at their low cultivation slightly aroused interest.

However, students and Elders alike were quick to write this off.

Many believed the sibling duo would return back as failures. Some even hope they get severely injured on this mission to humble them and to bring down their significantly rising status.

Not a single soul believed success could be achieved. After all, how could Heaven-Defying Talents jump over three small realms in cultivation?

That kind of combat prowess is simply unthinkable!

This is why their news died out quickly, nearly everyone treating it as something but utterly foolish.

The same calm permeated Crimson Sea Academy until three students returned.

These three students set of waves that finally threw Crimson Sea Academy in a massive uproar!

As those three students swiftly walked through the Academy, each of them heard a variety of conversations concerning them.

"Why the hell is Senior Sister Hiyashi with those two? Those two surely failed because of their damn overconfidence. They truly have too much ego."

"Ah! Maybe Senior Sister Hiyashi took pity on them? She must've saved their asses from those Wolves."

"To be so graciously saved by Senior Sister Hiyashi, even for Heaven-Defying Talent, they should be immensely grateful! Ah, what a dream to be saved by Senior Sister Hiyashi!"

Indeed, the three students currently generating the rumors were Cain, Kali, and Amber.


"Haah~. Do you two see what I mean with trouble at the very start of coming here? These people love to run their mouths as much they like to destroy things."

A weary sigh escaped from Amber's lips. Under all attention, her expression turned utterly lethargic. She appeared even more drained than her life-or-death fight with the Demonic Orges.

"Well, at least we finally made it to the mission pavilion, and no one bothered to interrupt us." Cain spoke with slight relief. He didn't have too much of a problem with so much noise generated about them.

But he can see why it's annoying. It's like having to walk through hundreds of pesky buzzing flies.

As of now, Cain, Kali, and Amber are arriving in front of the mission pavilion.

Eyes were still on them, but the trio practically blocked them out by now.

With Amber, it really was like being with a celebrity because of this massive amount of attention.

Although, even with her fame, Amber was quite persistent with going to the mission pavilion together.

Cain was amused over her reasoning. She vehemently claimed it would be too tiring to go on her own.

Naturally, Cain didn't mind. He had a feeling she would've just gone with them no matter his answer. But also, he genuinely felt like it would be a waste if they were to immediately split up once at the Academy. In any case, Amber was incredibly engaging to talk with.

And now, it was time for them to collect their missions rewards.

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