The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 95 - Class Family Invitation

"So we finally have breathing room to be alone, huh?"

A few seconds after Cain and Kali began strolling towards Cain's house, Kali suddenly spoke up. For so long, she's been suspiciously quiet.

She declined to speak with Amber besides a few lines, almost making it seem like she was some sort of quiet, shy girl. Although, that couldn't be farther from the truth.

When Cain finally heard her voice, he immediately shot her a questioning look. "I know you probably don't care much about her, but I did see you taking more than one glance at her. So? What do you think about Amber?"

As they were finally alone, more of Kali's emotions started to show. Her face cracked out in a full-blown cocky smirk.

She then said, "Well? Isn't it quite obvious? The situation perfectly aligned so that Amber girl can develop a rising interest in you. Of course, our Draconic might and subtle prestige also give you an irresistible attraction."

Kali may have grown up sheltered in their Royal Palace, but she was well versed in numerous topics. Her library is massively expansive, allowing her to gain basic knowledge of certain subjects.

Even subjects pertaining to attraction didn't escape her scope.

Of course, Kali would never consider this for herself. But a different idea spawned in her mind for her dashing brother.

And hearing Kali so confidently state these words, Cain's only response was to give a slight deadpan look.

To think his arrogant yet sweet sister would have wild ideas like this?

In his eyes, she was the farthest from ever thinking about romantic subjects. But at the same time, Cain also realized this was the girl who was initially scheming their escape from the royal palace.

Her look would be more critical more than anything.

"Right, right, you know I would notice it too, right? But really don't think too much about it." Cain sighed with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Our three months time limit is not enough time to form any proper relationship. Moreover, we'll probably never come back here when we leave. So, don't think too hard about it."

"Mnn….are you so sure about that? In the first place, aren't you're a virgin in a relationship like me?" Kali causally said as if it was just a basic fact.

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While Cain nearly tripped over himself.

He wanted to bite back until realizing he indeed was a virgin in this universe. Still, things like feelings couldn't be that different around here, right?

Kali didn't even notice Cain's reaction. She continued to talk in her same bemused tone.

"In any case, I know some of our Uncle and Aunts-in law got into a relationship less than a week from meeting with each other! And now, they've been together for thousands of years. I see it that those common Mortals, or even weak-Will cultivators, are too swayed by emotions. Their Martial Hearts are unable to grasp true love and carve it deep within their hearts. As for us upper cultivators, of course, our Martial Hearts Will are firmer than a mountain! So, of course, we can birth love deep within our hearts and keep it eons. At least….this all that I read in some books. But looking at our Family, it seems to be true."

"I see….I suppose that also makes sense in its own way." Cain took a moment to actually seriously consider Kali's words.

In a universe where danger lies around every corner, it would be inevitable that strong bonds would form.

Compared to going on dates and having to take the time to get to know a romantic interest, cultivators can form strong bonds through adventuring together, perceiving Qi together, or any other similar routes.

Of course, since Cain can't say he's a hundred percent sure about this. Perhaps there are also other cases where feelings develop between two cultivators after only dozens of years.

Their lifespan allows them such freedom of time.

But in any case, Cain wasn't thinking too deeply about seeking a relationship. His outlook is that whatever happens, happens.

The only thing that got his extra interest was Kali's own additional interest in this subject.

Considering that Kali held no thoughts about the Sword genius Qiu Lan, it was odd that she would take notice of a Mortal girl of all people.

Still, Kali didn't say anything further on this topic, so Cain assumed she must've already dropped it from her mind.

Soon enough, the sibling duo fell into a comfortable silence.

They strolled for a few more minutes, gradually making it towards Cain's house.

But right as they were approached the house, Cain and Kali suddenly stopped. Slight annoyance crossed their faces.

The reason for their annoyance was one familiar presence coming into their natural Spirit Sense range. Along with this person was another neither Cain nor Kali recognized but had incredible strength.

This presence was at the 9th level of the Nascent Formation realm! They were practically near the top of all Inner Ranked students.

With this line-up, it was more than evident that trouble was heading their way.

Kali tossed a look over to Cain, her brows curling in gradual disgust. She asked, "Can't we just finally ignore him this time? Or, at the very least, shoot him away?"

Forcing this guy away was very tempting for Cain. Avoiding this would only cause more noise in the future while confronting can temporarily resolve some issues.

Right then, a cunning light glinted in Cain's eyes. "We'll first hear what we have to say. But when it's enough, we'll shoo him away."

As long it wasn't a direct physical confrontation, Cain was aware it would be fine.

As he finished talking, a familiar voice suddenly called out to him and Kali.

"Ah! I had a feeling you two would be coming over here. Cain, Kali. It's a pleasure to be meeting again."

Snapping their attention over to this shout, Cain and Kali narrowed their eyes on two approaching young men.

One was that boy Leon, and the other was someone entirely new to the sibling duo.

The other young man looked impressively strong. He had a full set of muscles that could be seen bulging out of his uniform. Without even needing to sense his aura, anyone can tell this young man has excellent strength.

Watching these two approach, Cain and Kali remained indifferent.

Not wanting this situation to drag any longer than needed, Cain swiftly said, "Is there something you need, Leon? We have matters to attend to after our mission."

"Ah, so it is true." Leon's eyes brightened. He and the other boy arrived within several feet of the sibling duo.

At close distance, Leon kept up his friendly smile, saying,

"This will make things much smoother. Since you two are busy, I'll get straight to the point. You see, if you two are in need of an abundance of wealth or cultivation resources, I can enlist you two under my Family name. This strong guy next to me is one of the top-tier talents within our Inner Rank, Harvey. And he is someone also enlisted by me."

"Really, this is a deal that not many can get offered. Of course, you two should know the importance of gathering every bit of resources, no?" Harvey spoke in perfect tandem with Leon.

He gazed over the sibling duo with little respect. They may be Heaven-Defying Talents, but they have no massive backing behind them.0

No matter their personal prowess, Harvey wasn't too impressed with the sibling duo. In his honest opinion, he believed these two would quickly jump at the offer to gain a proper backing.

However, against their expectations, Kali walked in front of Cain, showcased utmost disdain on her face, and practically spat out,

"Someone like you wants us to be some working dog? Never in our life would we waste our time on something like this."

Kali had to resist the urge to outright mockingly jeer at Leon. They're going to become World Spirit Force Masters very soon.

Why the hell would they stay working under a mere Mortal High-Class Family? The very thought of this was sickening to Kali.

"You two…." In an instant, Leon's seemingly kind expression dropped.

His tone gradually turned ominous. "Listen, as a word of advice, you better shape up this rigid attitude of yours. Or else, you will personally experience the errors of your ways."

"Oh really now? What sort of errors could we possibly run into?" Kali asked, her tone full of dripping disdain.

"Tch." Leon nearly snorted at such ignorance. "On your own and just doing missions isn't enough to last. The environment here is exceedingly cruel. Really, you should be grateful that the Vegas Family is giving you this invitation. My Family stands above even the wealthiest of High-Class families. Not even Crimson Sea Academy would so casually make a move against us. And you're telling me, you want to turn an offer like this down?"

Leon's tone turned annoyingly smug at the end. It was like he could already see Cain and Kali shifting their attitudes, eventually bowing down to him.

Since they want to be willfully ignorant, they only have themselves to blame for bringing upon their own embarrassment!

However, instead of any shock crossing Cain or Kali's faces, Kali only gained a sweet smile. This smile was full of innocence, contrasting her disdain held before.

At the same time, Cain got right next to Kali. His expression also contains a strange soft smile.

"Like we said before. Never in our life, got it?"


As Kali finished speaking, she and Cain simultaneously released their Draconic Auras!

Combined together, the might of their Draconic Aura amplified.

And their mighty prestige crashed straight down on both Leon and Harvey!


Both Leon and Harvey went entirely wide-eyed. Their instinctive senses roared out, frantically alarming them to immense danger right in front of them!

Leon and Harvey frantically wanted to open their own Auras to resist. However, they soon came upon a horrifying realization.

The Draconic Aura was too terrifying to put up an actual defense against it!

This was not a suppression of pure power. But rather, a strike on their Martial Hearts.

In front of Cain and Kali, Leon and Harvey felt as if they standing in front of two demons who crawled their way up from hell.

At this moment, they felt like they were about to get brutally mauled!

Leon and Harvey could feel their heart rate rapidly beat, sweat was quickly drenching their clothes, and a gradual headache was creeping up to them.

Before their fear got any worse, Leon suddenly blurted out, "Fine! We're leaving! You-you will regret this rejection!"

Leon tried to keep his tone firm, but the shakiness of evident fear could be heard.

Without wasting a second longer, Leon and Harvey turned heel, swiftly dashing far away from the sibling duo as if they were escaping from the jaws of a wild beast.

"Hmph. Pathetic.." Kali snorted as she filed such weak characters out of her mind almost instantly.

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