The Charming Villain Just Wants To Be A Salted Fish

Chapter 14: The Fourteenth Night

Chapter 14: The Fourteenth Night

The Fourteenth Night

Joyce was surprised. It was not that she didn't believe in Sean, it's just that this knight was a male supporting character, and he naturally couldn't fight against the power of the male lead If that Great Demon Dragon really found some reason to eliminate the vampire, then no one could protect her.

But at the moment *:.:*:*: . :*:.:*

She could clearly hear that his heartbeat was steady. Usually it would beat slightly fast, and her heart would be at a similar frequency.

This hobby of yours is really unusual.

Cassinio came down from the element test platform and glanced at the cat in Seans arms, his words interrupting their thoughts. His face had changed into a youthful one, but still carried the haughtiness.

Sean put his hand up to block Joyce from looking at him.

She's still young, she becomes gullible and guileless just after drinking blood.

Oh. A cat has a small appetite, so you turned her into a cat? Cassinio asked lightly.

What are you talking about! Joyce struggled to poke her head out of Sean's arms and grumbled, I don't eat much. I already know how to control my appetite!

Sean pushed her down into his arms again and said, If there's nothing else, you can leave.

How did the best ice wizard in the School of Magic get reduced to only casting cat changing magic?

Before Sean could speak, Joyce poked her head out of his arms again. Even if you are a god, you can't say that about the little knight!

Little knight? Cassinio raised an eyebrow.

Sean's eyes softened. Instead of arguing with Cassinio, he reached out and gently stroked the kitten's chin with his fingertips.

Cassinio's eyes landed on his finger movements, and there was a hidden joy in his eyes.

Aretha tugged at his sleeve. You mustn't bully Joyce, she is my friend.

Friend? Cassinio glanced back at Sean and looked at his fingers again. Maybe cat changing magic is good magic, don't you think, Aretha?

Aretha didn't know what he meant and was a little puzzled. She saw Sean carry the cat past them to the crystal ball for the element test.

Cassinio looked away and turned to look at Aretha on his side.

Im not bullying, I very much hope that the two of them can be together for a long time.

Aretha eyed him suspiciously as if she did not believe that this was something he would say. Cassinio did not explain, he neatly arranged the little girl's collar and said, Let's go, the teachers are waiting.

Aretha watched as he walked away and then turned to the man and cat in front of the crystal ball for the element test. She quickly ran to them.

Sean paused.

Joyce! Aretha's face was slightly scarlet.

Joyce jumped out of Sean's arms and went down a few steps to Aretha's feet. Aretha squatted down next to her and said, I have to go first.

Mhm. Joyce nodded. Go, go. I'll come back to see you when I'm free!

Aretha also nodded. She reached out and touched the soft fur on the back of the kitten. With wonder in her eyes, she declared with fondness, It's a deal!

The girl and the cat spoke affectionately. Cassinio was to one side, and at some point he went to stand by Sean.With his eyebrow slightly raised, his eyes were on Aretha, whose eyes were full of astonishment as she played with the kitten.

Sean looked at Cassinio, albeit irked.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

So she lost her immortality in the end

Its not important. Cassinios eyes carried a careless smugness. Maybe losing her memory was also a good thing. What is important is not her memory, but that she will always fall in love with me, whether in the past, present or future.

Sean had long been accustomed Cassinios expression of always needing to be lectured. He looked back at the girl and the cat close by.

You seem to be doing well now, and it seems that you have received the blessing of the gods.

Sean did not reply. He just watched Joyce say goodbye to Aretha before he went up to pick her up again.

But then he heard Cassinio say

Be careful of the people around you.

Sean paused slightly. He leaned down and took the reluctant kitten back into his arms. We should go, too.

After Joyce said goodbye to Aretha, she left the School of Magic with Sean. In the carriage on the way back, she leaned into Sean's chest and sighed with dejection.

Sean looked down at the sighing kitten and said, What is it?

Joyce snuggled into a comfortable position in his arms, buried her head, and said in a low voice, The actual ending of the story Aretha and Cassinio did not live happily ever after. Rather, Aretha lost her divinity and also her immortality. Cassinio wanted to help her regain her divinity and found that she wouldnt remember herself each time during that process. More importantly, no one knows what Aretha lost after she lost her divinity

I know.

Sean's voice drew Joyce back to reality from the sadness she was immersed in recounting Arethas tale. She looked up at the indifferent Sean.

You know?

Mhm. Sean looked out of the window. The carriage swiftly drove through the bright lights of the town, where there were two statues of the Gods of Light. Karnia will always remember its gods.

The carriage slowly drove through the busiest part of the town. Joyce laid sleepily in Sean's arms, enjoying the rare tranquility.

Sean's fingers stroked her back, making her drowsy.

Right at that moment, an opening in the shadows of the trees suddenly appeared and sinister claws came down with a sudden gust of wind.

Sean slowed down his stroking and looked up, his eyes alert and cold.

In the next second, the carriage slowly came to a stop in the woods. Sean opened the door only to find that the vampire who had been driving had disappeared without a trace.

The kitten was still sleeping in his arms, unaware of the danger surrounding them.

There seemed to be something flying through the thicket. He wrapped the kitten in his jacket and warily concentrated on the shadow that was flickering around him.

Suddenly, the shadow attacked him. It broke the stalemate and wrangled him.

Since Sean did not know where the shadow came from, he did not dare to show his strength rashly. Just when he felt that he was a little familiar with the shadow, a stiff body was pushed towards him.

Sean stepped aside, only to find that the vampire who had just been driving the carriage had been thrown on the ground. Sean was astonished at the sight, and in that moment of his opponents distraction, the shadow took the opportunity to attack again!

Sean did not sense the attack. He could have avoided it by stepping to the side, but he suddenly noticed that something was wrong!

He quickly reached into his jacket and touchedit was already gone!


Sean looked at the empty forest, and his eyes were as desolate and frigid as the tundra.

He looked away from the direction the shadow had disappeared to and it landed on the corpse of the discarded vampire. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he went to the body to check for wounds.

The vampire's neck had been snapped off, but there were no other wounds on his body.

There are no other wounds

Seans concentration intensified.

Vampires had reached the limit of their strength and speed, but their strongest asset was their immortality and recovery.

To completely destroy a vampire, the heart had to be dug out or the head had to be completely cut off.

If the head had been only broken off

Sean's eyes gradually darkened. At that moment, the head of the dead body in front of him made a "click" sound. The broken head went back in place under the painful cry of the once dead body!

The vampire gasped for breath. In the middle of his uneven breathing, his eyes focused on Sean, and he gradually regained his senses.

What just now what happened

Sean stood up, and without asking him for any clues about the shadow, he opened the carriage door and jumped into it quickly.

Go back to the castle.

The vampire was in shock. He knew from looking around that they had been ambushed. Now that Joyce was missing, and he was struggling to recall what had just happened. However, Sean's words took his attention away.

Sean had a special power that seemed to make anyone around him follow and surrender to him.

The vampire quickly jumped to the front seat. He was already driving the carriage in the direction of the castle before he even realized it.

After driving for a long time, he was able to think clearer.

Why did he listen to the order of the man who was held hostage in the castle?

But Sean was also right. The most important thing now was to hurry back to the castle and unite everyone to find Joyce.

As if he had finally convinced himself, the vampire reinstated his solemn look and drove the carriage faster towards the castle.

Joyce slept soundly, like she was in a long dream. She opened her eyes again, only to find that she was in a vaguely familiar place.

She was still a cat, but she was locked up in a small iron cage.

Joyce was so startled that her drowsiness disappeared in a flash.

Who kidnapped me?!

Where's Sean?!

Does the kidnapper know who I am? If he does it can't be the cronies of the Old Demon Dragon. Is it possible that my life that Ive worked so hard to extend is going to come to an end like this?!

Thinking of this, Joyce paced restlessly around the cage. She tried to reach out with her difficult cat paws to try to unlock the cage, but failed several times.

She slammed into the cage in frustration and fear.

Where is Sean? Does he know Ive been kidnapped? When will he come save me?

Just then, someone pushed open the door to the completely dark room. Joyce rushed to look out, only to find that it was someone she never thought would do this

This also explained why she felt that the room was vaguely familiar. It was the room in the castle that she had never set foot in, and the person in front of her was

Nicholas Long Aotian.

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