The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 275: Out from the Fire right into the Frying Pan

Chapter 275: Out from the Fire right into the Frying Pan

Goddess’ Planet.

“Sigh.” While Fang Lin was interviewing Princess Lilliana, Fang Yu stared at her hands morosely as she digested what Princess Lilliana said.

“So that woman/man wants to do it with me instead of Fang Lin huh? Yeah, that’s flattering, hearing it from a gorgeous woman like her. But ughh...” Fang Yu shivered as a wave of revulsions piled on her throat.

“Now my mood just got worse.”

Of course the main source of her bad mood was the decision of Andromeda to stay on this planet. Fang Yu, tied down by her needs and her moral obligations, had no choice but to follow Andromeda.

Add that confession of Princess Lilliana, and the war between the two continents, and no wonder Fang Yu’s mood could get worse.

But of course it was able to get worse.

“Wiiii!!!!” The Tang Li shouted gleefully as she flew around Tang Li. This mischievous but lovable baby just woke up earlier, and she demanded her Sis to let her out.

But with the impending mission, Fang Yu was not inclined to let her out.

So Tang Li had a tantrum, which prompted Mithra to stop her.

Tang Li then started flailing with her tiny fists, which unfortunately hit the poor Mithra.

Even though Mithra was a decade and a half older than Tang Li, Tang Li’s body and her status as a Devourer granted her body with the toughness of a First Stage Practitioner!

This meant that each of Tang Li’s attacks was comparable to a strike of a First Stage Practitioner.

Poor Mithra was pummeled by the crying Tang Li. Fang Yu winced as she saw Mithra being blasted away by Tang Li.

Realizing she had no choice left, Fang Yu sighed as she let the baby out.

As for Mithra, she let her out too.

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“Ah!!” Mithra let out a shout as she saw Tang Li once more. She hid behind Fang Yu, showing her great fear to Tang Li.

Tang Li on the other hand, just ignored the poor girl.

“This child...” Fang Yu thought with veins popping on her head. “Tang Li took way too much liberties with me already... I think its time I discipline her. After all, her father entrusted her to me!”

Fang Yu then stood up as she approached Tang Li.

“But she’s just around 3 years old.... What kind of discipline technique should I give her? Aha! Maybe I will try the stern parent discipline!”

Fang Yu then took a deep breath as she said,

“Tang Li! Get yourself over here! We have to talk!”

“Muuu....” Tang Li immediately employed her innocent eyes mode, which almost broke Fang Yu’s offensive.

“Ehem. Don’t you use that eyes on me. You have been a bad girl in this planet. That’s no good. You agree with me right?”

“Yesh, Tang Li ish bad.....”

“Good.” Fang Yu nodded in satisfaction. “Then you should know that bad girls must be punished a little in order for them to learn.”

“Sis will punish me?” Again, those wide eyes almost melted Fang Yu. She steeled her resolve as she thought that all of these were for Tang Li’s good.

“I will. And your punishment will be... No milk from me at the moment!”

“Sis! But how will Tang Li eat? Muuu....” Tang Li of course used the appeal to the emotions argument.

“Tang Li will get hungwy...”

“Tang Li, you are almost 3 years old, that means you can eat semi-solid foods now.” Fang Yu replied mercilessly. “If you want milk later, behave now.”

“Hik, hik.” Tang Li sobbed a little as tears pooled her eyes. “Muu....”

“Be good, and you will get milk.”

In the end, Tang Li agreed as she flew and landed on Fang Yu’s head. There she curled up as she tried not to sob more.

“Wow Fang Yu, you will be a good mother in the future.” Andromeda suddenly said out of nowhere after she saw the interaction between Fang Yu and Tang Li. “Your husband will be happy with the kind of attention you will give on your children.”

“Ugh.” Fang Yu shivered as she resisted the urge to gag. “Stop telling me those things Isomeda. You already know my preferences, so stop misunderstanding me ok?”

Do it with a male? Fang Yu would rather be untouched her whole life than do it with a male!

“Fine, fine.” Andromeda said as she stretched her body. Miraculously, her suit has been repaired now. Gone were the damages inflicted on it earlier.

Andromeda was still refusing to tell Fang Yu about what happened to her in the Underground. What she only told her was that they need to go back there and fight Solomon.

“So, are we going to the Underground now?” Fang Yu asked as she calmed down the still scared Mithra. “There will be no problems if we do it now?”

“No problems at all.” Andromeda said as she stood up. She then looked at the place where Orias was. She then looked at Fang Yu as she said,

“Just like what was agreed earlier, you, me, Tang Li and Mithra will go first to the Underground. As for Orias and his motley crew, they will follow us after a day. Once we arrive there, we will do a quiet surveillance about the underground civilization. We must know about the current affairs during that one-day period.”

“Hoh. So you did not do any surveillance when you went there earlier by yourself?” Fang Yu replied teasingly. “Maybe you just sort of flew around asking people for information....”

“....” Andromeda flushed slightly as she averted her eyes. Fang Yu’s mouth dropped as she realized that her guess was right!

“Ehh... so you were attacked because of that huh. HOW CARELESS.... As expected of the captain....”

“Shut up!” Andromeda said with her red face, as she stomped the floor to hide her embarrassment.

She let out an angry huff as she continued her exposition.

“There are many entrances to the Underground, so we have to choose one from them. The one that we should choose must be fairly accessible, but not accessible to the point that many guards will be there. An entrance with maybe just 1 or 2 guards will be the best.”

Andromeda then pointed to a spot on the map that was laid on their table. “According to my scans, this area is the best choice for us.”

“Then how did you enter the Underground earlier, when you were just travelling by yourself?” Fang Yu asked as she looked at the map. “You chose the entrance with the most guards right?”

“Of course not.” Andromeda replied quickly. “I blasted a hole on the ground, which luckily led me to the Underground. That blast injured 20 guards however, and I was chased by more guards for an hour before I could shake them off.”

“.......” Fang Yu gave Andromeda a doubtful look, realizing she was not allowed to lead this infiltration!

Fang Yu sighed as she grabbed the map and kept it to herself. “You shut your mouth later, and let me do all the thinking ok? Just follow me obediently, and I assure you that this mission will succeed.” Surprisingly, Andromeda readily agreed.

“.......” Fang Yu then ignored Andromeda’s enthusiasm as she sucked Mithra to her storage. Tang Li was already invisible, and Andromeda was all suited up.

The duo then flew for 10 minutes until they reached the area.

Upon arriving there, she saw the two guards guarding the entrance. Fang Yu’s eyes widened a little as she felt that these two guards had strength comparable to the Second Stage!

“Interesting... This planet cannot allow cultivation, yet these guards here had power comparable to the Second Stage... This just means that Solomon found a way to make his followers gain power that was not of the cultivation path!” Fang Yu was extremely impressed by the intellect of Solomon.

“The guards chasing me earlier also had that kind of power. My suit said that the power they had was not cultivation, magic, or even Nature Power. It was something else. Solomon might really have a hand in these.” Andromeda whispered back.

“Then it’s just one more mystery that we should solve later.” Fang Yu said as they bounded towards the entrance.

The two guards who were sitting there idly saw the incoming figures of Fang Yu and Andromeda. They stood up as they readied their spears. Then together they said,

“The Great Solomon accepts anyone who follows his path. But if you want to follow him, you must tell us what you will be willing to do for him. So tell us, what is it that you seek to be on Solomon’s great paradise?”

Fang Yu then recalled what Orias said to her. According to Orias, when they were asked by this question, Fang Yu and Andromeda had to say what type of occupation they want to have in the Underground.

As for what occupation that is, Orias already taught Fang Yu on what to say.

“The two of us seek to be Pumpers. It will be our great honor to be granted with that role.” Fang Yu said with reverence.

But to Fang Yu’s suspicion, she saw the faces of the guards having a slight tinge of disgust. It only lasted a second, before their faces cleared up.

Upon seeing this, Fang Yu trembled as she thought,

“What kind of job a Pumper was that was able to disgust even the guards?!”

But her panicking thoughts were cut short when the two guards opened the door of the entrance. They motioned their hands towards the entrance, signifying one thing.

Time to go in.

Fang Yu and Andromeda took this as the cue to enter the Underground.

Wind whistled at Fang Yu as she and Andromeda neared the entrance. She let out a sigh of relief when she felt no danger as she passed through the doors.

As they went in, they heard the guards muttering,

“Pumper, really? I wish them luck.”

“Well, how long do you think will they last? An hour? A day? Or a week?”

“I don’t know, I just wish they will survive.”

“Of course I wish they will survive. Girls like them are important to increase the population of the Underground Colony. The more girls like them are there, the more babies the Colony will have.”

The doors then closed, separating the horrified Fang Yu and the stoic Andromeda away from the surface.

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