The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 283: Soul Fighters

Chapter 283: Soul Fighters

Fang Yu clutched her heart as she calmed herself down. After Wang Hao used temporary resurrection on Fang Lin, Fang Yu was able to reestablish her connection to Fang Lin. To her relief, she also found out that she could still fuse to make the Original Body.

“But it will only last for a week...” Fang Yu thought to herself as she opened the door.

To her surprise, she saw that it was Ricardo who will fetch her towards the arena.

“Oh, its you!” Fang Yu feigned delight after seeing this guy. But in her mind, she was rolling her eyes as she thought,

“He must be here to assure that I won’t run away with the money. Well, someone who got this much money had to be under suspicion.”

Ricardo rubbed his hands excitedly as he said,

“Come with me Fang Hao, I will lead you to your match.” Ricardo then strode towards the famed coliseum with Fang Yu in tow.

While Fang Yu was nearing the coliseum, she started to hear frenzied shouting. She grimaced a little as she realized that this coliseum must be jam-packed with bloodthirsty people.

Ricardo, who saw Fang Yu’s grimace, consolingly said,

“Well, the Coliseum is where some of the most savage and bloody fights happen. So it was no wonder that those who watch it are that rowdy and boisterous.”

“Well, at least they seem to enjoy it.” Fang Yu replied noncommittally. But deep inside, she was trembling a little, realizing that she had to fight in that kind of crowd later.

“I hope they don’t demand things like a decapitation..” Fang Yu thought sourly to herself.

“Ok, here we are.” Ricardo said as he and Fang Yu were now in front one of the biggest structures that Fang Yu saw in the underground.

If Fang Yu can say one thing about the structure’s appearance, it was if there was a large, metal sphere that was cut in half, and one of its halves was placed in the ground, forming a giant metallic dome.

The resulting structure was like an igloo, only made up of metal.

This dome easily towered over any buildings in the area, with Fang Yu estimating that it can fit over a million people inside it.

And the fact that the number 1 gladiator in this arena will fight later will surely make this dome filled with its crazed audience.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Good luck Fang Hao, I wish you luck.” Ricardo said as he led Fang Yu inside the dome.

Once inside the dome, Ricardo did not lead Fang Yu towards the battle stage. He brought her into one of the rooms that were scattered in the dome.

Once inside the room, Ricardo looked at Fang Yu as he said,

“Your match with the champion will be the main event, so it will be the last match of this night. There will be matches that will happen before that. So, you have to stay on this room first until all the matches finishes. Then you can go out when its time for your match already.”

“Wait, I cannot watch the matches now?” Fang Yu asked with confusion. “I am not allowed to watch those matches?”

“Well, its not really like that.” Ricardo said as he scratched his head. “There had been cases of some gladiators who were attacked while they were watching other matches. So, it had been the policy of the coliseum to not allow gladiators to watch other matches until it was their turn.”

“... Fine.” In the end, Fang Yu had to follow the rules. “Just call me when my match starts ok?”

“I will. Oh, and before I go,” Ricardo took something from his clothes. It was a notebook, which was filled to the brim with notes. He gave it to the perplexed Fang Yu as he said,

“That was the notes I had of the champion’s performance and abilities. Try to read that. You will need it against her.”

“Thank you!” Fang Yu said as Ricardo closed the door.

“No problem!” After that reply, Fang Yu did not hear anything else.

“Ok then...” Fang Yu stretched her body as she looked at the notebook that Ricardo gave her.

She was grateful for Ricardo giving her the notes.

But she decided to postpone looking at the notes. After all, she still had lots of time left before her match with the champion.

Reading the notes can just happen later.

Right now, she will watch some gladiator matches first.

The reason Fang Yu followed the rule of not leaving the room to watch the matches was because she can just use her divine sense to watch the gladiator matches.

Since she did not have to leave the room while doing that, she did not violate anything.

“....” Fang Yu closed her eyes as her divine sense swept over the battle stage in the Coliseum.

There, she saw an intense battle.

She saw two men duking it out on the battle stage. Their blood was spilling on the floor as they attacked without any restraint.

As for the way of their attacks, Fang Yu had to blink her eyes for a second before she rewatched the battle.

Once she looked at it once more, she became sure of it.

She can see that at the back of each fighter, there was another body! This body seemed to be an extra body!

She could see that this body seemed to be related to the fighter that it was near at. It was as if this body was being controlled by that fighter.

This body seemed different, as it looked ethereal. But Fang Yu could sense some power residing in this extra body!

As she watched, she was able to observe more qualities of the extra body.

The first thing that Fang Yu noticed was that the appearance of the ethereal extra bodies seemed to be entirely different from the fighters themselves.

The ethereal body on the right was a lion covered with flaming mane, while the one the right was a horse with icicles decorating its body.

Another detail that she saw was that the extra body can act independent from the fighter that was its owner. Fang Yu could see that while the two fighters were striking each other with their fists, the ethereal extra bodies that they had were attacking each other too.

Aside from that, Fang Yu could see another one big difference.

While the fighters can only fight with their bodies, those ethereal extra bodies seemed to have some special abilities!

The flaming lion could spit fire, while the icicle horse could create ice spikes out of thin air.

“Boom!” Loud sounds ensued as the attacks of the ethereal bodies collided. As for the fighters below, one of them spit blood after the flame lion was impaled by an ice spike.

The flaming lion faded, as the its bloodied owner fainted.

The referee counted to three, and the fighter with the icicle horse was declared the winner.

“What in the name of Solomon was that?” Fang Yu thought as she reviewed what happened on the match.

Luckily for Fang Yu, the notebook that Ricardo gave to her had some notes related to these ethereal bodies.

Fang Yu did not waste time as she started reading the notes related to those bodies.

As Fang Yu continued to read, she could not help but be more amazed by the wisdom and intelligence of Solomon.

The fighters that can summon those ethereal bodies were called ‘Soul Fighters’.

They were called soul fighters because the ethereal bodies that appear beside them were their own souls!

Because there was no cultivation on this planet, Solomon devised another way to make his followers powerful. The creation of the soul fighters was the solution for that.

According to the notes that Fang Yu read, in order to be a soul fighter, someone must be able to absorb what was called a ‘Soul Stone’ in order to unlock their ‘Soul Avatar’.

It was said that if a person successfully absorbs one soul stone, the person’s soul will mutate, transforming it into their soul avatar.

This soul avatar will then have special abilities and appearance.

The abilities will vary, depending on the person. They might get an overpowered ability, or just a useless one.

Aside from this, the soul stone can also provide power on the soul avatar, making it possible for the soul fighter to bring the soul avatar out of his/her body.

With its special abilities, the soul avatar can help the soul fighter on combat.

“This is insane!” Fang Yu thought to herself. After all, this was the first time that she saw something like this!

“Solomon really is a genius!” Fang Yu muttered with begrudging respect. She then continued reading the notes by Ricardo.

In order for a soul fighter to get stronger, he/she must continue absorbing more soul stones. As for where the soul stones came from, nobody knew.

They suddenly appeared one day, which led to the appearance of the soul fighters.

“Hmm...” Fang Yu started to feel that all this matter with the soul fighters was now fishy.

First, how was it possible for something like this to exist? This was something that was not either part of Immortal Cultivation or Godly Ascension!

Besides, it seems to be too convenient. Just get a soul stone, and you can get this kind of power? No matter how you look at it, it seems fishy!

And the fact that the soul stones appeared during Solomon’s stay here made Fang Yu realized that these soul stones were part of Solomon’s schemes!

“Ugh now that I saw how cool those soul avatars were, I also kind of want to get one.” Fang Yu muttered enviously to herself.

“Wait. I need to have a soul avatar!” Fang Yu suddenly thought with a panic. She suddenly realized her screw-up.

“All the fighters in this coliseum must be soul fighters, because a non-soul fighter will get trashed by a soul fighter!”

“And since I do not have a soul avatar, my participation in the fight might be forfeited!”

Fang Yu scratched her head as she realized that Ricardo might have thought that Fang Yu was already a soul fighter.

Why did Ricardo assume this? It was because Fang Yu’s recent power-ups made her soul unbelievably stronger. The pressure her soul was giving off was something similar to a soul fighter!

“If I will fight without a soul avatar, my plan to go to the Exalted Layer will be ruined! Should I ask for a soul stone now?” Fang Yu started to leave the room, but then she paused as she sat on her bed sulkingly.

“F**k! I cannot just ask for a soul stone!” Fang Yu thought angrily to herself. If she asks for a soul stone, others might suspect her soul fighter status.

Aside from that, Fang Yu was wary of having a soul stone mixed with her soul. She was sure that creating soul fighters was one of Solomon’s schemes. Fang Yu was not that stupid to just absorb a soul stone!

Looking at this bleak situation, the desperate Fang Yu was left with no choice but to enact the only possible course of action left.

“In that case... I will just create my soul avatar without a soul stone!”

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