The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 292: Space Rat

Chapter 292: Space Rat

Fang Yu was walking with a skipping gait as she whistled merrily. She was already away from the prison, leaving those guards still tied there.

While she was walking, Fang Yu ignored the shouts of the prisoners that were stored on her storage.

Fang Yu had no doubts that Genie and Tang Li will do their best to ‘transform’ those hardened prisoners into her loyal followers.

Fang Yu did not steal their soul avatars as she realized that there is something else fishy about Solomon’s tactics with the soul avatars.

The prisoners that she had with will be her insurance if her suspicions about Solomon was right.

It’s better to be safe than to be sorry after all.

“It will just be a matter of time....” Fang Yu muttered to herself as she changed her face once more. Now, she used Fang Xiushang’s appearance as she walked towards Andromeda’s location.

Fang Yu’s suit showed her where Andromeda was, which according to the suit, was still in her invisible form.


Fang Yu suddenly sat on one of the nearby rocks, which solicited a sound of protest from the rock.

No, not from the rock, but from something unseen that was on the rock.

“I think you have better places where you can put that fat rump of yours.” Andromeda complained as she pushed Fang Yu off her.

Even if Fang Yu had a different face now, Andromeda was still able to identify her due to the suit she wore.

“Oh, I am sorry. Guess I should not sit on a place where I can actually sit!” Fang Yu hissed back.

Andromeda for some reason, chose to lay down on this rock. She was also suspiciously using Karen as a hug pillow as she slept on top of this rock.

“You really had the time to sleep while waiting for me huh.” Fang Yu said as she pulled Andromeda up who dispelled her invisibility state. Poor Karen could only glare at the two of them as she put some distance between her and Andromeda.

“So, I guess you had some great harvest?” Andromeda said as she saw Fang Yu’s radiant smile.

“Yeah, I had a lot.” Fang Yu replied quickly. She then looked around her as she said,

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“Ok, so with this face I have now, I will go and enter the Median Layer. As for Karen, I will store her in my storage. She can help Tang Lin and Genie. As for you Aikomeda.....”

“Let me join you normally.” Andromeda hastily replied. “If you are worrying about my appearance, I can just use a mask.”

“Well that can work I guess.” Fang Yu muttered as she remembered that some soul fighters wear masks to signify what they are.

“Then wear this.” Fang Yu made a search from the pile in her storage that was Karen’s belongings. There, she found an assortment of masks which Karen obviously obtained from her victims.

At that assortment, Fang Yu chose the mask with a face similar to a cat.

“....” Andromeda was seemingly entranced by the mask, as if she already liked it the first time she saw it.

“Wait, do you even like cats?” Fang Yu giggled as she hid the cat mask. “Admit it, and I will give the mask to you.”

“.... I like cats.....” This was the first time that Andromeda blushed in front of Fang Yu. “Can you give it to me now?”

“Say nyaa first.” Fang Lin said while waving the cat mask in her hands.

“N-ny-ny-nyaaaa.....” Andromeda purred shyly as she raised her hands like a cat.



“Hmm, not furry enough, but I guess you did your best.” Fang Yu then handed the mask unwillingly to the overly excited Andromeda.

She let out another tired sigh as she led the docile Andromeda to the pathway to the Median Layer.

“Wait, how about that pumping job that we are supposed to do?”

“Fang Yu, are you still thinking about that nyaa? I heard that it’s a bad job nyaa, so just forget about it okay nyaa?”



Fang Xiushang with Fang Lin behind him, approached the lonely-looking Ling’er.

Fang Xiushang looked at Fang Lin, who nodded back in return.

“Ehem Mrs. Feng Ling’er, you must know who I am right?” Fang Xiushang tested the waters first, just to see if Ling’er was in the mood to talk.

“Yes, you are that playboy who treated Fang Lin badly.” Ling’er frostily replied. “Seeing your smug face makes me want to punch you right now. How about you and that perverted middle-aged man behind you scram from my sights now?”

“Ok ok....” Fang Xiushang and Fang Lin then beat a hasty retreat.

“What’s the matter with her?” Fang Xiushang muttered as he slumped on his chair. “I met her before, and she was not like that. Before, she was a gentle girl who will talk amicably to anyone. But the one we talked to right now was rude!”

“Well maybe its because she has her own problems.” Fang Lin said as he looked at the forlorn Fang Xiushang.

“You can see it right? She seems to have a heavy burden right now. Just like you brother Xiushang.”

“You’re right Ricardo. It seems like I am wrong once more on assuming other people.” Fang Xiushang replied apologetically.

This bizarre change in Fang Xiushang was greatly bugging Fang Lin now. The change was that great that Fang Lin wanted to make sure that it was really Fang Xiushang that was in front of him.

“Hey bro-” But before Fang Lin could say something, he heard a sound coming from inside the ship.

“Boom!” A massive explosion rumbled inside the ship, managing to shock all those in the ship currently.

“What the hell?” Fang Xiushang cursed as he rushed towards his room. He undoubtedly went there to help his lovers.

As for Ling’er, her eyes went wide as she joined the other passengers in a huddle at the deck. Fang Lin, who was in that huddle too, narrowed his eyes as he tried to look for Lin Xiang’s whereabouts.

His cryptic actions from earlier until now just made Fang Lin more wary of him.

“What is it that you really want here Lin Xiang?” Fang Lin thought as he felt another paper slip on his landing on his hands.

“Maybe this paper slip will answer that question for me.” Fang Lin mused as he slowly unfurled the paper slip.


On a secluded part of the Universe.

This place was almost devoid of anything. There’s no stars, planets or even small asteroids.

Only fragments of rocks could be seen floating there, but they were almost unseen due to the lack of light that passes here.

But in this almost empty place, a constant, nonstop sound could be heard.

“Hik, hak, hik, hak, hik, hak.....”

This sound had been already ringing here since 10 years ago.

But now, that rhythm was suddenly broken.

“Hik, hak, hik-kehoff, kehoff!”

Sounds of coughing could be heard, followed by some dry heaving sounds. Seconds passed by, and these sounds were replaced by a boisterous laughter.

“Hahaha! It feels good to be awake once more!” The voice replied happily as its surroundings began to tremble.

“Just 10 years? Hmmm.... That was a nap then, I guess?” The tremblings stopped as the voice seemed to be musing something.

“Ah I’m so hungry.... Sniff, sniff.” Sniffing sounds could be heard as the owner of this voice was seemingly trying to search for something.

“Ah, there’s one yummy food at that direction. Wait....” Creaking sounds were then heard as the speaker looked at a different direction.

“There’s four yummy foods in this direction! Ah, so yummy, I want to eat now.....”


A massive explosion happened as the speaker try to move from its spot.

“Agh! I just want to eat! What’s with these things!” The voice wailed in injustice as it tried to move more.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” More explosions followed, which only served to irritate the speaker.

“Some pesky bastard might have put this here to prank me! Huhuhu! I will eat those baddies if I find them!”

Shockwaves of the explosions rippled across the space nearby.

A planetary system, composed of 13 planets and 2 stars, disintegrated when the shockwaves went past through them!

These shockwaves can actually destroy planets! That just means that the explosions they originated from must be monstrous in terms of power too!

But in face of all those explosions, the speaker was seemingly unhurt!

“Ah, stretching my body feels so good! I think its time for me to eat now!” The light produced by the massive explosions finally showed the speaker’s body that was hidden in the darkness.

The speaker was an extremely large pigeon whose one eye was as large as a medium-sized planet!

With an eye that large, once can only imagine how big the whole body of the pigeon will be!

The pigeon stretched its wing as it started to fly.

There’s no air on space, but the pigeon ignored it as it flew towards the direction where it detected 4 yummy foods.

This direction actually passes through the Planet Thrae!

Well, there’s still more planets that the direction passed through, so Planet Thrae being the pigeon’s target was almost impossible.

“Yummy, yummy beasts!” The pigeon muttered happily as it started picking up speed on its flight. The pigeon begun to blur as it continued its acceleration.

The last thing that can be heard that this pigeon said was,

“Maybe I will look for my useless brother after I eat..... Hmph, that damn loafer!”

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