The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 357: The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf

Chapter 357: The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf

“Hahaha! Let’s see each other in the Underworld!” Andromalius laughed after he unleashed his final attack.

Right now, what only left from his body was his head, which was placed above his black robes that was laid on the ground.

The remains of his neck were disintegrating, as he began to feel the effects of him violating his restrictions.

But even though he was about to die, Andromalius’ face was full of smiles as he knew that he just killed Fang Yu.

According to the deal they made earlier, the Million-Year Old Ginseng will be given to them if Fang Yu loses. Fang Yu’s death also equates to a loss!

“Hehehe.... Even though I and that rebel died, her storage will still stay intact, as my Malediction of Death only affect living beings.” Andromaliius thought his whole neck was now gone. This time, it was the lower section of his jaw that was disintegrating.

“Phenex and that damn Beleth. Take care of Lord Solomon for me.” Andromalius thought as he closed his eyes, already prepared for his demise.

“Ah, I was not even able to have some more fun with that rebel girl. Well, at least I managed to kill her. Hahahaha!”

Memories flashed across Andromalius’ mind, as he seemed to reminisce everything about his life. He let out a sigh as he remembered all the things he had done. All this flashed across his mind for just a second.

“Tsk. And even now, I still failed to punch the stupid face of that Beleth. How disappointing....”

But before he could rest in peace, he suddenly felt a powerful suction force lifting his head off the floor.

“#*)(#*%[email protected]*?” Only grunts could be heard from Andromalius as his eyes opened wide in horror.

“%)_!)U%)(^Y)@!!!” With his fading eyesight, Andromalius could see an enormous dark vortex that was sucking everything near it, including Andromalius.

“)@(%(*_!)%)(*)!” The bodyless Andromalius was not able to do anything as the vortex swallowed him whole.

His head then burst apart, leaving no traces that he even existed.

“Rest in pieces!” Fang Yu said as she patted her tummy. She had a satisfied look on her face as if she had a great harvest. “That fight was fun! Let’s fight again next time! Oh, that’s not possible anymore coz you’re already dead......”

How did Fang Yu survive? It was actually not that simple.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When Andromalius used his Malediction of Death, Fang Yu immediately realized that she will die if she was hit by that malediction.

But since this malediction was activated right in front of her, there was no way for Fang Yu to dodge it.

As such, she can only take it head-on.

But before the malediction could hit her, Fang Yu immediately activated a Dual Mark Symbol.

The symbol of death, Θ, let out a glow at the surface of Fang Yu’s Duality Godly Divine Beast Core Planet.

“With death in my grasp, all lives shall prostrate in front of me!”

With the upgrade on her cores, the abilities of her Dual Marks also improved.

As for the death(Θ) symbol, its current upgrade now allowed Fang Yu to put any living being at a state of false death for a fraction of a second.

At that state, Fang Yu’s target will be ‘dead’ and immobile just for a fraction of a second.

After that time interval, the target will be back to normal and will be able to move again.

This ability will be useful in battle as this ability will be able to make Fang Yu’s opponent immobile for a fraction of a second.

That little time was enough for Fang Yu to land one powerful attack that her opponent will be unable to defend from.

It was quite similar to that hex that uses the concept of space to constrict a person for a moment Though in Fang Yu’s case, she uses the concept of death to momentarily immobilize the opponent!

But instead of using it on Andromalius, Fang Yu decided to use it on herself.

Fang Yu instinctively thought that the Malediction of Death might be just effective on beings who can die.

So what if it was used on a ‘dead’ person already?

RIght before the malediction hit her, the symbol Θ glowed and turned into a black ink which covered Fang Yu’s body.

“......” Fang Yu’s body stiffened as she became ‘dead’ for a moment.

“Woosh...” The Malediction of Death hit her ‘corpse’, but since Fang Yu was already ‘dead’, the malediction was not able to affect her at all!

Fang Yu’s gamble that this malediction only works on living beings was right!

The malediction faded away at the same time that the effects of the ‘false death’ state ended.

Fang regained control of her body as she checked her body for signs of any effect of the malediction.

She sighed in relief when she found no signs of anything negative.

But it was not as if she was actually unscathed.

Fang Yu’s face was currently pale due to her using the ‘false death’.

Everytime Fang Yu activates ‘false death’, her body will receive internal injuries as a recompense.

“Ugh, I need to heal up quickly.....” It was at that point that Fang Yu saw the severed head of Andromalius.

His eyes were closed as if he was in peace. He must have been imagining that Fang Yu was already dead.

Fang Yu smiled wide as she realized where her ‘elixir’ is.

“Good thing you still have your head left!” A dark vortex appeared in front of Fang Yu which proceeded to suck Andromalius’ head towards it.

This dark vortex was created from Fang Yu’s Moon-Eating Serpent Devour Ability.

If it was the normal Andromalius, there was no way for Fang Yu to devour him. But with the ‘sacrifice’ that he made, what remained of Andromalius was just his head.

Even the post-breakthrough Fang Yu will devour him with ease!

“Hmm? So because I only got a few parts of him, the energy and memories I got from him was also limited?”

Fang Yu felt that after devouring Andromalius’ head, the energy that she got was only enough to recover the internal injuries that she had earlier. She did not gain energy to strengthen her body.

As for the memories, what Fang Yu got was only a portion of Andromalius’ memories.

“From the looks of it, I need to devour a Djinn whole if I want to obtain all of his/her memories.” Fang Yu tilted her head as she realized that most of the memories that she got from Andromalius were related to Cursemancy, which is the art of casting curses.

But with the extremely long lifespan of Andromalius, even this small portion of his memory was too much for Fang Yu to handle right now.

She needed some days before she can fully read his memories.

“Well, it’s not like I’m in a rush to learn this now.” Fang Yu shivered as she mused if she wanted to learn about Cursemancy.

After all, even Andromalius, one of the possibly best Cursemancer out there, met a grisly end just from using that powerful curse.

“Meh, I will just think about it later.” Fang Yu sighed as she put the matter of Cursemancy at the back of her mind.


“Impossible!” Phenex and Beleth’s face paled as they felt it. Even Genie was extremely surprised as she found it impossible.

With the links of the Djinns with each other, they sensed that Andromalius, that tough bastard, actually died!

Phenex let out a sigh as he lamented,

“I am sure that Andromalius sacrificed himself so that he can take that rebel down with him.....”

Beleth was silent for a moment before he said,

“I really hate that guy, but I respect him for what he did. I will make sure that his efforts will not go unpraised!”

Beleth’s head swiveled as he looked at Genie. “What are you spacing out for? Both Andromalius and the rebel died so technically, that rebel already lost. That means you have to follow the deal earlier and give the Million-Year Ginseng to us!”

“Beleth is right.” Phenex chimed in as he glared at Genie menacingly. “That rebel girl was already killed by Andromalius. So quit delaying and give us the ginseng already!”

“Eh, why should I?” Genie tilted her head as she gave a meek look to Phenex and Beleth. “Fang Yu is not yet dead.”

“What do you mean by that?” Beleth growled menacingly as he glowered at Genie. His eyes were wide as he could not believe what she said. “Tell us what happened!”

“Ugh wait, let me ask Fang Yu if I can narrate what happened in her match.”

Genie then paused, as she started talking mentally to Fang Yu. After a few seconds of back and forth conversation, Genie let out a nod as she talked to Beleth.

“Andromalius used all his curses against Fang Yu, but she found ways to survive them. Since he had no moves left, Andromalius used his suicide move to take down Fang Yu with him. Unfortunately for him, Fang Yu survived that move.”

“!!!!!!!!!” Phenex’ mouth dropped open as if he could not believe what Genie what said.

He can be considered to be the closest to Andromalius, so Phenex knew powerful that suicide move of Andromalius was.

Hearing Genie say that this suicide move of his actually failed made him extremely rattled.

If Phenex was greatly shaken, Beleth on the other hand was just pondering. With his face covered by armor, it was impossible to see what his face looked like.

But even Genie felt that Beleth was smiling. She can even feel Beleth’s excitement pouring out of him.

“Hahahaha! This is great!” The eye sockets of Beleth’s armor glowed red as they conveyed Beleth’s feelings right now.

“Phenex.” Beleth said as he looked at the shaken Phenex. “Andromalius’ power was on curses, so there is a chance that the rebel has items that can resist curse attacks. Those things? They won’t do s**t against your Star Orb.”

Beleth’s words managed to shake Phenex out of his stupor. His eyes narrowed as the Star Orb on his back began to glow dangerously.

“You are right. There is no way for that rebel to win honorably against Andromalius!” Phenex gowled as he gave a look to Genie.

“Hurry up and let me in the Mist Room. It’s my turn now.”

“Ah ok.” Genie muttered as her mist covered Phenex entirely.

Moments later, and Phenex disappeared as he was brought inside the Mist Room.

“Genie.” Beleth muttered after Phenex had disappeared. “That look on your face.... ”

“Please be quiet ok?” Genie muttered back as she avoided looking at Beleth.

“...” Beleth said nothing as he closed his eyes. His breathing turned even as he ignored what he saw earlier.

Just right before Phenex was brought to the Mist Room, Beleth saw Genie giving an extremely unnerving look to Phenex.


That look was similar to what a pig owner gives to his pig that was about to be butchered

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