The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 152: The Hole

Chapter 152: The Hole

Landing not far off from the ruins where she had first witnessed the unidentified man. Glynda went into a hastened march, clearing through the forest and towards the specific section where she had seen the man burrow into the earth. At one point a beowolfa grimm reminiscent of a werewolf, but completely black in colouration with a white bone mask making up its upper head along with several spikes running across its bodywas quickly dispatched with a flick of her wrist sending several stone spikes crashing through its body sending it into the usual Grimm disintegration.

Soon she had found herself in the faint opening of the ruins at the center of which she could see the dirt patch identifying the area he had disappeared into. Approaching the near perfectly flat plane of earth Glynda eyed the area around it, searching for any significance that it may be some form of trapdoor. Though finding nothing of the sort.

"Hmph," she hmphed, lightly clenching her crop tighter. Her body turning until her right hand side was facing the dirt patches way. The leather tongue of the crop pointed squarely at it. Already glowing a vibrant purple shimmer, the identifier of her semblance, that of telekinesis, being activate.

"I told you we were going the wrong way," Glynda's concentration was depleted as two voices coming from the forest not far away echoed out attracting her attention to lift her head their way.

"Like you were doing any better." Another voice, one more haughty came. The leaves of a bush rustled and the two origins exited into the ruined yard.

"I'll have you know," ms. Rose, the one clad in a gothic styled dress of black and red patter her chest with a spritely smile on her face, "my uncle taught me how to perfectly navigate a forest."

"How many times did he have to come fetch you when you didn't make it home in time for dinner?" the white haired Weiss Schnee glared a doubting glare Ruby's way. Ruby flinching to divert her gaze away in a display that would convince no to her knowing what she was doing.

"Only-only once or twice okay, four times." Weiss simply rose a brow at her causing Ruby to shrink in on herself and hang her head, "Okay a lot of times. But I at least know that if the sun is on the right, north is straight ahead!"

Weiss crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "yes Ruby, genius. Such an amazing display of navigational prowess. You know that the sun, if its on the right, north is straight ahead. Then, what if the suns setting? If you hadn't moved or turned to follow it, meaning its now on your left. Are you still going north then?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


"Yes, you dolt! Even I know that when the sun rises in the east, if its on your right, north should be straight ahead. But when it sets in the west, and is still to your right, you are going south. Come on, it's not that complicated."

"I'm still not the one who got us lost."

Turning back to the path they were walking, Weiss harumphed and kept on going. "I did not get us lost. I merely wanted to follow another path." Sound just as unconvincing as Ruby did not moments ago.

"Yeah, another path that put the sun to our backs," Ruby chuckled into her hand when Weiss didn't respond, the slight twitch in her cheek being enough of an answer for Ruby. Who after glancing around the ruins, her eyes passing over Glynda but not clearly recognizing her for a second, suddenly bolted them onto Glynda. Weiss doing much the same as they both uttered out.


"Ms. Huntress lady!"

The simultaneous noise bringing a slight twitch to Glynda's cheek. "Yes, hello." Glynda ushed her glasses back up the bridge of her nose, lowering her riding crop to fully deal with the two soon to be proper students

"Uh, ma'am," Weiss cleaned off her dress, patting away a bit of dirt from her skirted dress to make herself look proper before her new teacher. "Has something happened to the initiation? I thought the instructors weren't supposed to intervene?"

"I'm not intervening in anything Weiss. While monitoring the forest I encountered an anomaly in this portion of the forest. It is unrelated to either you, or the test. So please, be on your way so I may deal with this issue before it becomes a problem." She was quick to dismiss the two.

"Oh, uh, yes, Ma'am, we will be right on our wa-"

"Do you need any help?" Ruby asked, her head tilting slightly as she continued, "you know, backup incase things get dangerous."

Glynda squinted her way, "that will be unnecessary Ruby. As I said, this issue has nothing to do with either of you. Nor do I require the assistance of two first years who haven't even formed their teams. So, I advise you to keep on your assignment and find the relics required of you to pass initiation. If I do deem this issue, necessary of needing an extra set of hands, I will contact one of the other instructors. Am I understood?"

The two girls nodded in unison.

"Then get goi-" before she finished speaking, a crack originating from beneath her feet alongside a slight drop in elevation drew her to a pause. Blinking a few times, she cast her gaze down to the sinking earth beneath her feet, about to send her semblance out to stop the inevitable crumbling of earth though finding herself already plummeting into a dark abyss with her arms flowing above her head.

She wasn't panicked, far from actually. In fact, she was more frustrated at being interrupted. The fall lasted all of a few seconds before earth came into view and she landed neatly on the ground by telekinetisizing her heels and clothing to slow her descent. A cloud of falling dirt still came to wash over her, barely being blocked by a barrier of aura acting as an umbrella.

"Professor, are you okay?" Peaking in from above the two heads of Ruby and Weiss appeared. Blinking a few times as Glynda remained silent and analyzed her surroundings. Finding a few wooden supports around the small chamber keeping the hole in one piece. To the right a tunnel leading even deeper into the earth.

"I am perfectly fine Weiss. Continue on your way. You need not concern yourself with me." Patting her skirt and blouse down of the smaller particulates of dust, she heard Ruby Rose speak.

"Are you sure? We can come down if you-"

"Yes Ruby, go. Your heroic tendencies are thanked but unnecessary, I will be sure to add that into your evaluation sheet, if you simply leave." Groaning, Glynda nursed her temple of the rising tick mark these two were producing.

"Really!?" the red one of the two excitedly exclaimed, her head disappearing from the hole opening. "Come my loyal companion! We shall find this relic and return in glory!" Weiss unleashed a wet gurgle as Ruby's hand latched around her top and roughly dragged her away. Leaving Glynda with the relieving sound of their boots hitting the floor and Weiss scream.

"Don't you dare drag me like a common wastrel you uncultured brat!"

With them gone, Glynda's twitching brow lessened and she sighed. Dropping into an exasperated squat burying her face in her hands, screaming out a frustrated cry. "Why did I think being a teacher would be a good idea!?" she cried out, her expression softening, her usual stern glare turning to that of a tired womans as she glanced down the tunnel.

"Lackadaisical, immortal boss. Students who don't know I don't need help. Suddenly collapsing earth leading into who knows where! I swear, I am going to be petitioning for retirement by the time I'm forty." She felt like she was aging faster than ever before. Four years it had been since becoming aware of the higher level of the world. Four years of dealing with Ozpin and his ridiculous lackadaisiality. It was a matter of time before she ripped her scalp off from all the paperwork he left for her to do.

After grumbling out her frustrations, she rose to her feet, letting out yet another sigh and once again hardened her expression. Prepping herself to explore and search for this invading man. "Now, let's see just who you are."

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