The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 159: A sick man

Chapter 159: A sick man

By the time Parc was spent the bed was laced with used condoms and he had flopped to the side, his flaccifying cock slipping out of her tight pussy leaving the condom stuck within her. A tide of semen trickling out of its opened end to drip and dye the bed in white.

Summer herself still trembling in orgasmic bliss, both bodies layered in a thin sheen of sweat both also panting furiously as the feelings slowly left their bodies.

"You haahaa you monster" Summer's belly clamped, squeezing the condom of more of the semen within its bulging body. One arm raised to lay over her eyes. "You don't you don't just talk about other girls when your haa having sex with another one"

"You seemed to enjoy it," he smirked and responded.

Due to her already heated skin, it was feasibly impossible to see her blush, but Parc could just sense she was.

"No no I didn't liar"

Parc's brows furrowed as he spun onto his side to face her, "no shame in enjoying something like that Summer."

"Yes there is," she pryed her hand from over her eyes and turned her head to Parc, "it's hypocritical. I can't just get angry at Tai for falling in love with someone else only to get off to it when having sex with another man. It's it's wrong."

Parc remained still, he didn't quite agree with her, not in a long shot. Flipping onto his back scooting one arm beneath Summer's head to roll her onto his chest. "Summer, there's nothing wrong about having a fetish like that. What you like in bed doesn't have to be what you like in reality. People can like things like bondage when its on paper or in porn, but the moment they get to trying it out themselves they utterly despise it. Is that hypocritical? I don't think so, I think that's just natural." He trailed off, letting Summer ponder his words for a bit.

"Though, getting off to me talking about my other girls if a first. I'm guessing you'd do pretty well in some group sex," he nudged her as if to insinuate an idea.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She flushed in response and hastily raised herself up to stare at him with offended eyes, "I would not! I am not into that type of thing!"

"Oh, so maybe a bit of voyeurism then? Should I set up a room with a hole in the wall for you so you can watch me while I diddle someone else?"

Were she not red already, she would be red. "Wha-!? N-no! That is wrong!"

"You're stuttering," and squirming, though he didn't tell her that, instead letting her figure it out for herself.

"I-I am n-not" she blinked, her speech ending mid sentence as she did indeed realize, she was stuttering. "Please tell me I don't actually enjoy v-voyeurism" by now she hand noticed the slight rubbing her thighs were doing. "Oh god, that's not right."

"Eh, I've seen worse," Parc mumbled from the side, "at least you don't get off by getting yourself pregnant." Whether Esdeath actually enjoyed the idea or truly did just do it to keep him latched to her was arguable, especially considering how she was currently regretting the very notion. 'Still need to get her out maybe I'll introduce her to the students, let her have a go at torturing them,' he mused.

Summer stared at him, blinking a few times as her thighs rubbed together even more. "Stop thinking about other girls in my presence!" she feebly beat his chest, embarrassed that even just the appearance of him thinking about another woman was making her churn like that.

"I'll do whatever I want, and you can't stop me," Parc snorted, hooking an arm around her and roughly dragged her down and onto his chest. "Seriously though, I can set something up for you to try out a few things and figure out if you actually do enjoy it or not."

She whined a bit, "but that would mean you'd be you'd be sleeping with other women" her monogamous ideals still arguing with her newly forming fetishes.

"That was always going to happen," Parc began to speak, "I've never been very good at keeping myself to only one lady," his finger gently stroking along her spine, nurturing her body in the aftermath of their session.

"So all of those girls you you spoke about they're you're?" she questioned a lump raising at the back of her throat.

"Girlfriends, officially they're my concubines except for Kurome. She's my consort, my first wife."

Summer's eyes flared in shock, "Wait you're married!?"

"Yeah, just about. Though if you ask Kurome herself she'll just tell you she's my bitch," the fact she did that even after becoming his consort was still an amusing thought.

"I can't believe you Parc, you have a wife and you go around cheating on her!" She wasn't even trying to squirm out of his hold.

"Summer, Kurome is a miniature cult leader. She's more than happy for me to cheat and spread around 'her masters love,' as she calls my semen. I won't lie, give her ten minutes with any woman around here and she'll likely have them begging me to make them my concubine." It was honestly quite fearsome, from what he knew of his girls, Leone and Sheele were actually a part of Kurome's little cult. Akame also to a degree though that was more due to her being Kurome's sister than anything.

For Leone, she was in there because it was interesting. Sheele on the otherhand was just roped into joining and now frequently wears purple dog ears. Which was interesting to say the least.

"That's really disturbing, you do know that right?"

"Oh god yes I do. I'm not going to stop her, because, well, I don't want to," and he couldn't bare to deal with the kicked puppy look she'd give him if he did. "And it's not like she just goes around converting everyone. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if she implanted some yearning to become mine in Lili and Ferry," he could only imagine what would happen if he left them alone any longer than he already had.

Little did he know, at that time, right then, Ferry was happily masturbating to his image. Her squelches reverberating through hers and Lili's dorm room leaving the miniature faunus to squeeze her thighs together leaking her own lust juices onto her bed. The tide only growing stronger the more unabashed and loud Ferry's orgasmic cries became. On the inside she was muttering how she really needed to teach Ferry a bit of subtlety. On the outside, yeah, she was also getting pretty aroused as well and began to massage her own slit but much more quietly and subdued the Ferry was.

Summer's expression soured, turning hostile as she pinched a piece of loose skin on Parc's belly, "tell me right now what you are intending to do to those girls?"

He hissed out a bit of pain and answered, "if they want to, I'm not going to stop them."

Her pinch held for moments longer before finally releasing and her palm flattened to nurse the newly reddened piece of skin. "I can't believe I'm going to say this but if they do, please be good to them."

"Don't worry, I will. Just like I'm going to be good to Ruby and Yang."

"Good they deserves someone go-" Summer's mind paused processing what Parc had just said eventually speaking out with unhidden spite, "I'm sorry, did you just say you were going to be good to Ruby and Yang as well?"


"As in, you want to turn my birth daughter, and adopted daughter into your girlfriends?"

"You already gave me permission with Ferry, so yeah, if they want." He of course was going to be a little manipulative to get his way. Though, nothing as bad as what he did with Kurome. Hopefully, he'd see when he got there.

"You are a sick man Parc. Going for a woman and her daughters."

He agreed wholeheartedly. He was absolutely sick in the head. Especially considering Raven was also on his list of to gets, so that was 2 women and their daughters. Which he was predicting would be an interesting time in the future.

"You don't know the half of it."



I... am still getting 'Simp' comments even now.

I'm guessing the people commenting this have never looked a woman in the eye let alone held a boob that didn't come in the shape of the mousepad.

Because apparently, being a halfway decent human being and actually caring for someone is being a 'simp.'

Also, for the wizards who keep commenting, 'meh, simp' hows about you actually look up the definition? Because as far as I know, Parc has not 'over catered' to his girls ridiculous emotions, nor has he let them take over his mind and let them control his every aspect of being.

Also, jesus christ get over yourself you simp(leton)'s, go out find yourself a girlfriend you lonely sack of potatos. You're wasting your time out here when you could be doing something halfway decent for yourself. Instead, you opt to come here tossing about a word you barely know the meaning behind bar having heard it used waaaaayyyy too many times. You can do better. For yourself. For others. You just need to motivation.

Another thing, what is with this overuse of 'simp' nowadays? is every story that so much has a male and female who so as remotely are in a relation ship 'simping'? because thats all I'm getting from these bandwagoners.

This rant was brought to you by a guy who's sadly never held a boob but at least knows that being a good person isn't being a simp.

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